
The Purge (II)

Trembling with fear, the despicable nobles who had dared to commit heinous crimes against Assyria were mercilessly met by Alexander's menacing threat. Unless a miracle occurred, their fate was sealed, and they were destined to suffer the consequences without mercy.

The arrogant nobles, perched high on their pedestals, exerting their dominance over a weak and isolated kingdom, were finally met with a brutal reckoning. Assyria stood in the realm of insignificance, therefore the crown prince could murder each and everyone of them without batting an eyelid, and they would be utterly helpless in the face of their impending doom.

What followed next was a series of events that would be recorded as one of the darkest days in the Assyria Kingdom.

Out of the 117 nobles in Assyria who attended the royal court meeting, only 5 of them were spared. 112 deplorable nobles, tainted by their despicable crimes against Assyria, were mercilessly condemned to the abyss of regret, where they met their demise, paying the ultimate price for their heinous transgressions.

The once pristine floor of the royal court hall was now drenched in a merciless river of blood from the nobility, defiling the once heavenly ambiance that the artificial river had bestowed upon the royal court hall. The lifeless bodies of the nobles only intensified the gruesome spectacle, casting a macabre pall over the royal court hall.

In a ruthless act, Alexander mercilessly slaughtered 112 Assyrian nobles, showing no regard for their esteemed status.

He was merciless.

"Y-Your Royal Highness! Please spare us!" One of the five nobles that Alexander spared pleaded in fright, his body quivering with sheer horror at the unspeakable sights he had witnessed. His face, once plump, now appeared ghastly and drained of life, as if the weight of unspeakable horrors had aged him a decade within mere moments.

"Don't worry, the five of you are free to go. You have not committed any heinous crime against Assyria." Alexander pardoned in a voice devoid of any emotion.

"T-T-T-Thank y-you!" The five nobles, their hearts pounding with terror, screamed in unison and desperately sprinted towards the exit, their minds consumed by the realization that they had been granted mercy by the deranged crown prince.

They fled in terror, their short legs desperately propelling them forward, yet the suffocating dread they felt persisted, as if their every step only deepened the impending doom. After all, they had no idea if their release was nothing more than a twisted game orchestrated by the deranged crown prince.

Fortunately, the two people left in the royal court hall had no idea of giving chase to the five pitiful nobles. As a result, the nobles were able to make their escape successfully.

"Is this really the right way to bring the kingdom exponetial growth?" Duke Oliver asked the silent crown prince in a doubtful tone as he observed the lifeless bodies of the nobles strewn across the floor of the royal court hall.

After Duke Oliver agreed to become a subordinate of Alexander and made the blood pact, Alexander finally let his guard down and briefed him on the plans he had for Assyria.

Duke Oliver never anticipated that the incompetent Crown Prince Alexander would have such ingenious and original ideas in his mind. If Alexander's plans were properly executed, it would take them less than two years for Assyria to become a C-ranked kingdom!

Moreover, with the wealth that Alexander acquired from the space ring, his plans could be swiftly implemented in Assyria without delay.

Of course, majority of the plans that Alexander were just copied from what he remembered from the animes and movies he watched on earth. However, the ideas and plans seemed very innovative when considering how archaic the Assyria's civilization was.

"The only way for us to usher into a period of rapid and great development is to remove the tumors that are preventing its growth, which in Assyria's case are those deplorable nobles." Alexander replied indifferently, as if slaughtering more than a hundred nobles was something insignificant.

Ever since the battle at the castle walls, his way of thinking was affected greatly. This was a continent that was ruled by blood, violence and slaughter.

This was not Earth.

He had to become a killer, otherwise he would be the one being killed.

Duke Oliver noticed the indifferent expression on Alexander's face, and sighed internally. He could only obey the crown prince.

"Now, let us deal with the aftermath of this slaughter." Alexander stated icily, his mind already thinking of how to deal with the situation.

In an extremely decisive action, Alexander swiftly unleashed his wrath upon a vast multitude of nobles. With a keen awareness of the pandemonium and bedlam that would ensue from slaughtering such a colossal number of Assyrian nobles, he wasted no time in taking action, leaving no room for hesitation or respite.

To extinguish the flames of rebellion, he commanded the Assyrian military to ruthlessly massacre every guilty member of the noble families, leaving no survivors. Their heinous transgressions warranted nothing less than a brutal execution. Furthermore, their ill-gotten wealth and properties, acquired through their despicable reign of terror, were forcefully seized and confiscated.

Due to his firm grasp on the Assyrian military, Alexander was able to seize full control of the former Assyrian nobles' wealth in the least amount of time possible.

In addition, Alexander did not forget the deplorable nobles such as Viscount Bellamy and his ugly son Dill, as well as the sycophants that were with him. He ordered for them to be slaughtered, as well as the nobles who had refused to attend the royal court meeting and were guilty of perpetrating heinous crimes against Assyria.

In a chaotic frenzy, the nobles were violently banished from their opulent manors, ruthlessly massacred, and then stripped of their prized possessions. The members of the noble families who were guilty and put up resistance were forcefully subdued and arrested, deigned to partake in hard labour.

All these events happened in rapid successions, and in a mere blink of an eye, not even a full rotation of the sun, the once silent Assyria was plunged into a maelstrom of absolute pandemonium.

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