
Arrogant Nobles

"Alvin, let him be. Now that he is awake, let us return back to the castle walls. With your strength as a star ranked mage, we will be able to hold back the invaders till nightfall." Agnus, the handsome red haired warrior with the colossal greatsword said hurriedly, not even sparing the awakened prince a single glance.

Alvin, the handsome white haired man sighed and stood up, wordlessly agreeing with Agnus suggestion. The man who stood behind Alvin also followed him and was about to leave the luxurious palace.

At the moment, a loud and haughty tone echoed from beyond the doorway.

"Alexander! I heard that you sustained an injury. Is everything okay? I heard that the spear wound was a horrifying one."

As they turned towards the source of the sound, the three men in the room revealed a fleeting expression of displeasure. It was evident from the tone of the speaker's voice that he or she was feigning to be concerned. The speaker's tone was extremely sardonic.

Nate looked up and noticed that a well-dressed plump man had barged through the doors to the palace, a mocking laugh slipping through his unattractive lips.

"What are you doing here, Dill?" Alvin questioned coldly, and the temperature of the room dropped by several degrees. Nate could instantly tell that the kind white haired man and this ugly plump man were not best of friends.

"Haha . . . What do you mean by that? As a noble, am I not allowed to see my close friend in the prince's palace?" Dill responded in a manner that only a thug would employ.

"Keep your mouth shut, you coward." This time around, it was Agnus who responded to Dill's question, and his voice was even colder than Alvin's.

"According to the military law of the Assyria Kingdom,every noble is required to provide the kingdom with soldiers, supplies, and weapons whenever the kingdom is under siege."

"However, you not only disobeyed the kingdom's military law by failing to provide soldiers and weapons to General Kali's force, but you also withheld the supplies the soldiers were supposed to receive!" Agnus pointed out vehemently, and as he spoke, his voice became increasingly frigid.

"You are a despicable individual who in no way deserves the title of noble." Agnus concluded, a disgusted expression on his face. Right now, he was even more disgusted with this despicable noble than he was with the crown prince.

The ugliness of Dill's visage grew worse, and it became repulsive to observe. His obese frame shook with fury, and he desired nothing more than to pulverize Agnus into a pulp.

"You . . . You . . . bastard!" Dill cursed hatefully. He was too angry to get out a full sentence.

"How dare you address a noble in such a manner?! Are you looking to die?!" Dill asked furiously.

"You are just a lowly soldier! Have you no fear of death?" Dill continued to curse, his tone completely spiteful.

Agnus's eyes blazed with rage, and red flames could be seen dancing within them.

"Say one more word, and I will decapitate you." Agnus vowed in a frigid tone, his massive hand moving to the greatsword slung across his back.

Dill swallowed his next words and stared at Agnus, traces of fear appearing in his eyes. He looked incredibly furious at the moment, and it was uncertain if he would really decapitate a noble.

Nate who was still laying on the king sized bed appeared calm on the surface, but he was panicking greatly in his mind.

'This Agnus guy is too hot blooded! Just a small spat with this ugly noble and he already wants to behead him!'

'Also, did I just see some flicker of flames appear on Agnus huge sword?'

Just as Nate was contemplating if he really saw clearly or if he was still disoriented from the wound he received earlier, a voice even more arrogant than Dill's sounded from the doorway.

"Threatening to kill a noble Agnus, I'd love to see you try."

Agnus and Alvin's faces contorted in disgust as if they had just taken a bath with sewage water, and it was evident that they disliked the newcomer more than they disliked Dill.

On the contrary, Dill's plump face lit up brightly as if someone offered him a bag full of gold coins.

"Father!" Dill exclaimed joyfully.

A bald man who bore a lot of similarities to Dill appeared from the doorway, and he had an incredibly haughty expression on his face. Behind him, four obese, unattractive, but well-dressed men with extremely flattering expressions followed him closely, like dogs following their master.

"Viscount Bellamy." Agnus addressed the bald newcomer with gritted teeth, and the hand that had been gripping his greatsword reluctantly lowered to his side.

"You are incredibly bold for a mere soldier of the kingdom. You are not even a part of the king royal guards. How dare you act so arrogantly towards a noble?" the bald man now identified as Viscount Bellamy berated Agnus harshly.

Agnus remained quiet, but his eyes were glaring defiantly at Viscount Bellamy as he spoke.

"Yeah! How dare you insult the son of Viscount Bellamy?" One of the four men standing behind Viscount Bellamy boasted in an apparent attempt to flatter him.

"He should be punished accordingly!" a second person said in the same approving tone as the first.

"Send him to the Red Abyss! That's the least a lowly soldier like him deserves!"

The four men behind Viscount Bellamy all started suggesting methods of punishing Agnus, clearly trying to impress the bald viscount with their methods of punishment.

Agnus remained still, but the trembling shoulders did little to hide the rage he was feeling.

Just as Viscount Bellamy was about to speak, a deafening horn blared throughout the entire palace, and an armored soldier entered the room.

"Sir Alvin, Commander Agnus, the enemy has doubled the number of siege ladders and is rapidly scaling the wall!" the soldier informed in a urgent tone, subtly dissipating the tension that was in the room.

"Viscount Bellamy, the castle walls are currently being sieged by unknown enemies. Although he is not a star ranked warrior, Agnus is still one of the most powerful soldiers we have. How about you let his rude behavior slide for now?" Alvin, the handsome white haired man made a suggestion in a tone that did not sound like a suggestion.

Viscount Bellamy did not reply immediately, and he stared at the white haired man in silence. Alvin didn't back down from Bellamy's stare, and the two of them entered a staring contest.

This further escalated the tension in the room, as it appeared none of them would retreat, and only the sounds of soldiers roaring and weapons clashing could be heard in the opulent chamber.

After what seemed like an eternity, Bellamy snorted and motioned for Dill to follow him.

Dill nodded happily and then turned to stare viciously at the raging Agnus before exiting the luxurious bedroom with his father, the four ugly men who came with Bellamy following closely behind.

After the troublemakers left the bedroom, Alvin sighed and cast a glance at Agnus, who was silently shaking with fury.

"Come, Agnus, let's go defend the kingdom." Alvin said softly as he left the room, but not before casting a friendly glance at Nate, whose countenance still displayed signs of confusion.

Alvin and Agnus left the luxurious palace in less than a minute, leaving Nate alone with his musings.

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