
Those like me

I died. At the age of 16. They even left my body there. Pinned to that tree. The only odd thing was… that my dead body didn't rot, or tense up, in fact,

"HA!" it grew.

"WHA!? HUH? I'M… I'M ALIVE!?" I pulled the arrow out of my arm and broke the sword that was now rusty and realized that my hair had grown longer, along with my body. How is this possible? Shouldn't I be dead? Wait… so does this mean I came back to life? What's going on? I thought as I tried to wrap my head around the situation.

As I sat there thinking, two men started to approach the tree I was at. I crawled behind it and hid. "Man, it's been two years since we've raided the place. I want to go home already," One of the men said.

Wait… WHAT!!?? IT'S BEEN TWO YEARS!? I'VE BEEN THERE FOR TWO YEARS? So… then… I, really did die two years ago? But… if I really died, then how am I alive right now? No. there's no 'if'. I really died on this tree, but… just… why am I alive again? How did I even come back to life? No… that doesn't matter right now. My kingdom, the kingdom of Lorei was taken over by the kingdom of Seavis. I will get my kingdom back… no matter what I have to do, and no matter who I have to kill. I thought.

"Huh!? Wait a second… her body's gone!"

I climbed the tree from behind and hid on a branch above them.

"but… how… could she have… no… we were the only ones on patrol for the longest time, so there's no way someone would have taken the body. So… how?"

"What if… what if she's alive?"

"Don't spout nonsense. How would that even happen?"

I jumped down in front of them, grabbed one of their swords, and kicked him to the ground. I stabbed the other one in the throat and watched as he slid off the blade. I walked over to the other one and looked at him.

"H-HOW... HOW ARE YOU ALIVE!?" The man screamed in a terrified voice.

"You're scared huh!? Good. You should be." I said.

I'll kill everyone from that damn country. I thought as I stabbed him through the chest and then his head.

"I require some new attire aren't I? Luckily, one of them has a shawl with a hood," I said as I took it off him and put it on. Oh… wait. I'll also need some money, although I was a princess, this isn't my kingdom anymore. I thought as I looked through their pockets.

Woah! These guys are loaded! 1000 silver coins and 20 gold coins!? I hit the jackpot with these two! I thought as I took their money pouches.

Now, off to town for some clothes! And a much-needed makeover! I thought as I left. I got to town and was deep in thought. Since it's been two years, I should be about 18 years old right? Well, even if I am, what's that gonna change now? There's no throne for me to sit at. And although I say I want revenge, I'm not dumb enough to take on an entire kingdom on my own… I need allies. Where would I find them though? As I was thinking, I ended up in an alleyway.

"What are you doing here girlie!?" a thug walked up to me and asked. Actually, that felt like more of a demand to me.

Guess I should feign ignorance. I thought.

"Huh? Oh! I'm so sorry, I must have been too deep in thought to tell where I was! I'll be on my way then, sorry for the trouble!" ugh, it hurts to act like this. I thought.

"You're damn right it was trouble," he said as he pushed me to a wall and stabbed it with a knife close to my head.

"You know, now that I look at you… you're kinda cute," he said.

Um… that's great. You're not.

"Oh? Thanks, I guess? But I really should be going now,"

"Wait! No one said you could just leave girl,"

Is he serious?

"What do we do about all this lost time?"

You were literally just sitting there. If that's not a waste of time, I don't know what is. I thought to myself.

"I guess I could entertain you guys for a bit," I said as I punched him in the face and kicked him to the ground. That… was actually a lot harder to do than I thought it'd be. Never knew I'd have to get used to my own body. I thought as his friends got up and walked over to me.

Three more guys huh? I'm pretty sure I could take th-"UGH!" My eyes widened as I looked down to see a knife lodged into my stomach. He pulled the knife out and I began to bleed out and fell to the ground.

He… stabbed… me… I, I'm dying… I'll die… again. I thought as I closed my eyes.

"Let's get out of here. The broad was deadweight anyway," He said as they started walking away.

"Well, now she really is dead. There's no way a human could survive that." Another one said.

I opened my eyes and blinked. I could still see them walking. I got up and pulled the knife out of the wall, then followed them deeper into the alley. As it got darker, I grabbed one from behind and slit his throat. I stabbed the other one in his back and turned the guy who stabbed me around. I stared him in his face and stabbed him in the stomach. "So… how's it feel to die huh!?" I questioned as he coughed up blood.

"Y-You're… immortal…?" He said as he died

Immortal? Is that what this is? What… does that mean? I incurred.

At least I still have my money. Actually, might as well take theirs since they won't be using it. I left the alleyway with more money than I walked in with. I entered the town once again.

This shop looks nice! I thought as I entered.

"Hello there! Was there anything I could help... with... today...?" the shopkeeper asked, kind of nervously.

Why'd she do that!? "Ah, yeah. I know this is a clothing store but would you happen to have a bath here?" I asked.

"Wait a second... you're... Princess Jenn... aren't you?" She asked.

How did she recognize me!? I thought.

"Um... I... I think you have the wrong person ma'am."

"No, I don't. There's no way I could ever forget such a wonderful face when I see it. Thank goodness you were alive! When the townspeople heard that the royal family was slaughtered, everyone wondered if you were able to escape."

"Thanks for your concern, but I wasn't able to."

"What!? But you're here right now..."

I lifted the shawl and showed her my body.

"Oh my God! You... You're an immortal too!"

"Ye... Wait... What!? Too!?" I questioned.

"Perhaps, it'd be better if we spoke in a more private area. Follow me princess!" the shopkeeper said as she showed me the way.

She drew a bath, and I got in and instantly felt refreshed. Wow, it's been like forever since I've had a bath… it's been two years since I've even felt water, let alone felt clean. This is a good place to get my thoughts organized. I thought.

Well, let's think about what I know. So, what I do know, is that I died when I was sixteen, and came back to life at age eighteen. The kingdom of Seavis took over our kingdom and killed all its royalty. Although it's been two years, it doesn't look like much has changed, but I have noticed that some are against the kingdom of Seavis. Now that I think about it, I was on that tree for so long that they should realize that I'm not there anymore. It's not just that… why am I immortal? Why am I the one that's alive right now? What even is an immortal!? Those aren't supposed to exist outside of stories told to children… so… why am I immortal? I kept thinking. As I got out of the bath, I saw the shopkeeper.

"So, Ms. Shopkeep, what did you mean by 'too'?" I asked.

"Hm... I guess I should start with how I died first huh? Well, I'm not originally from this kingdom. I'm from a small village called Ethya. If you're wondering why it doesn't sound familiar, it's because it's been decimated. It's nonexistent anymore. A group of bandits ran through and killed everyone and everything in sight. In the end, they burned the village to the ground, not leaving a trace behind. I was burned to death, along with my parents and siblings... I was 20 when I died. Now I'm way older, and for the first time, meeting another immortal... I'm not alone anymore." She said.

Wait a second! Ethya actually existed!? It wasn't a myth!? We were taught that it was a place of legend. That it was a made-up place for folklore. Well, do I even have the right to think like that anymore? My very existence, in and of itself, should be a myth. I thought.

"Your expression says everything princess. So you've heard about my village before huh? What did you hear?" She asked.

"We learned a bit about it. That Ethya was a village full of great mages and weapon smiths. And that, according to the legend, it disappeared off the face of the earth." I said.

"Hm, the former is all true. My village was a village of magic and weapons. It was home to some of the strongest mages in history... But... We got done in by a band of bandits... More like an army of them. They raided us. No matter how many we killed, more always followed. It was impossible to win. As we fought, more and more of us died... Till I was the last one left. I tried to fight them, but they got the better of me. You could only fight so many people by yourself. I got stabbed through the chest and thrown to the ground. I was still alive, but barely holding on to consciousness. They pillaged my village and then burned it. You know what it feels like? To burn to death. To feel the fire burn off your skin and melt off your muscle!? To see your already dead friends and loved ones burn to the bone as you slowly join them. How about facing the fact that... No... You're immortal too. And I take it, you've died more than once huh? The one thing I hate though... Is when I came back to life, my skin had burns on it even though I was burned to the bone, when my skin and everything else came back I still had burn marks on me. It's like a curse. I didn't understand why I had them, and I still don't. No matter how many times I die, no matter how many different ways... These marks don't disappear."

I couldn't think of anything to say. Too many thoughts were going through my mind. She was a warrior, her home got raided just like my kingdom did two years ago. She lost everything, she's lived a lot longer than I have and she's seen a lot more than me. The fact that I've met another immortal is amazing...

Wait a second... I thought as I looked at my wounds. The ones I got from the alleyway are gone... But the ones I got from my first death are still there. So that's it huh? I get it now. I thought.

"I know why you still have burn marks. Or at least, I think I do. Listen real quick. So, I died two years ago, and the wounds from my death are still there. But I also died not too long ago by being stabbed in the stomach, but look... The wound is gone! You wouldn't even be able to tell that I was stabbed." I said.

"Yeah? And your point is!? I don't get what that has to do with my burn marks." She retorted.

"It means that those who become immortal never get to erase the pain and suffering of their first death... As if we were brought back solely for revenge." I said as I got out of the bath and asked to see some armor.

"Armor? Yeah. We have some. What would you like?" she asked.

"Something light enough for me to move in, but heavy enough to protect me."

"I think we have just the thing for you. Come try it on!"

As I tried it on, it reminded me of my mom and everyone else I grew up with. Then the only thing that remained in my mind was finding more people like me, so we could get back at the one who made us like this.