
Chapter 13

"Mother, Father. We need to talk about something." Said Senata. "It's Luna..." Her sentence trailed off.

"What about her?" Father said. They both looked worried.

"She is remembering." Senata said.

"What?" They said in unison. They looked over at me.

"So y-you know who I am ?" Mom said to me.

"What kind of question is that, Mom?" I replied. It looked as if she was about to cry.

"My baby! You've come back to us." She said, allowing the tears in her eyes to fall with a smile as she pulled me into a hug. Soon Senata and Father joined in the hug too.

"Are we missing something?" Auntie Illia said while handing Mother a handkerchief.

"Yes! There is a lot you need to know, but first Luna, darling... Go have a checkup with Rose." Father said while stroking my cheek.

"Okay, Father!" I said while smiling. "We'll be off! Bye Auntie! Bye Uncle. Father and Mother." I said while grabbing Senata's hand and running to the door. Once we were out of the throne room, I got the courage to ask Senata "Hey, Sena... What caused me to lose my memory?" I said as I let go of her hand.

She stopped in her tracks "Let's go to our room. I'll tell you there. The maids aren't to know of what happened that night."

When I looked back at her, she looked sad and scared at the same time.

"O-okay, let's go." I said as we headed to our room. Thankfully there was no one in there.

"So what do you want to know?" Senata said, gesturing to the ledge in front of the window.

"Everything that happened to me 'that night.'" I said.

"It started 8 months ago. On the day you found me in Terra. Because there is no magic there, your stone picked up on my magic, and due to us being twins," she started, "you knew that I was your sister right away, and you brought me home a week later. When we arrived to the castle, there was a ball held in honor of my return."

I looked to my sister and I saw her face darken.

"It was great, but... Someone attacked. She called me her 'prize...'" She started to tear up, but she was trying to collect herself. I could see it was hard to recall what happened that night.

"Why did she call you that?" I asked, growing resentful of the unknown woman.

"That's because I was... She took me. She took me from you, Eclipse, Mother and even Father. She was the reason that our parents didn't see one of their daughters grow up, Luna! I was her prize!" She said, with tears threatening to fall from her eyes."

"What did she do?" I asked.

"After she attacked, you told Father to take me away, and you stayed back to fight her." She said. "Everyone was almost at the Southern Gate with the towns folk when I saw a bright light come from the room, and ran back to you..." I looked up when she cut herself off. "When I got to you, Rose was cradling you... Pleading for you to wake up. I-I thought I lost you for-forever." As she finished her sentence, I heard a sob escape her lips.

"Y-you were ice cold-" I couldn't take the sight of her crying, so I pulled her into a hug, but as soon as I touched her, we weren't in our room any more.

"What happened?!" I said. I was standing in the middle of a ball. "Senata, are you just going to stand here in the corner? It's your ball." I looked to where the voice came from, to see... My own face looking back at me. I looked in awe at what was in front of me.

"Oh! Luna! You scared me." Senata says, and we giggled. This must be her memory of that night, I think to myself.

"Princesses, care if I steal this dance?" Father said as he approached with both arms outstretched to each of us.

"Of course, kind sir. " I joked as Father took our hands and he pulled us to the dace floor. As the three of us danced, I heard someone call out in a harsh tone, "How come I wasn't invited?"

To Be Continued …

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