

"Honey hurry up, we are getting late!" he shouted as he close the boot of the car. Mrs sosala came carrying her daughter Grace into the car. she is made to sit at the back of the car, with tears map formed in her eyes, Grace sit on her knees facing the back window of the car, looking at all that she left behind. her tree house, her beautiful bedroom, her friends and every other things she loved.

she kept staring back until the house could be seen no more. The drive was too long and she fell asleep on the way, she woke up at a sight of, " WELCOME TO LIVINGSTONE!"

The town is filled with awesome things that excit the sight strangers who visit. Grace couldn't believe her eyes when she saw water falling from the Clif like milk polling from the cup, it's 'Victoria falls'. " Wow, this is amazing!" she stood on the sits, and barry face on the side window to view clearly.

All the way, Grace could not stop staring and smiling until finally they arrive at their mansion. As soon as she got off the car, she run into the yard in excitement.

Honey becareful, not to fall!" her dad shout.

"This is amazing papa!" She fell on the lawn, rolling and giggling.

Mr and Mrs Sosala standing at a distance smiling and finally give out a sigh of relief as they enter the house.

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