
Chapter.2 Royal Disaster

The walk back to the inner chamber of parliament was nerve wracking. Each step felt as if it would be my last. Rupert clung to me as if i was at risk of floating away. The doors swung open, a wave of politicians came tumbling out. Shouting "What is going on! Is that blood!" they call seemed in a panic, completely dumbfounded by the events that had transpired just behind these doors. The brat barked out orderes. "Make way for our prince, clear a path now!" Parliament shuffled around making way for us, they completely fell towards the militant authority carryed by my newest toy. Completely subservient to the weight of the authority carried by his voice. "Oh my." I smirked, "I can get used to this." My voice was enough to awaken them. "Wait, what the hell happened?" one cried out stepping out towards us. "I said make way, now! I am here to protect his majesty and as far as as I am concerned everyone is a suspect. Now, call forth the Noir Guard! And no one is to get near the prince! And no one touch the body!" Red curles bounced as he shouted my ears hurting from every world. Parliament never knew such fear, the ginger menace stared all of them down, as if begging them to defy him. Not one man lifted a tongue nor a chin waggled. In this room only one person was in charge, and it was not yours truely. "Your majesty." he spoke in a much friendlier but stern tone. "My name is Jared, I am a special agent of the crown. I am here to protect you." I looked at his confident expression, it made me laugh, "Haha, oh sorry, yes thank you, Jared, you say? No surname?" He looked at me same calm expression "No your majesty, I am member of no household." I smirked at him, "Oh just like a real sword, do I get an other one of i break you?" I toyed with him despite the situation, what was wrong with me? Was this how i responded to stress, just more whit and banter maybe that would make me feel safe. "Your Majesty, when I say im your sword, I mean I am your Sword. that is what the special agents of the crown are called." I was shocked at that, I have never heard of such a thing before, "Well I feel stupid, is this sort of thing new?" I looked at him, and his expression changed, he looked to be the one confused now. "Um, no, your majesty, The Swords have been a thing for hundreds of years. Our offical exsistance is kept out of offical history. So we are at times seen as a myth to commoners. And every royal family member has a disegranted Sword to protect them in times of great need. Something only the royal family are privileged to know about. I am surprised you do not know." If I felt dumb then, I sure as hell feel dumb now, for the love of god, how the hell did I not know that! Do they not tell me anything! Am I really that unimportant! "Oh my, well I sure do know now, brat." I said trying to hide the embarrassment in my voice.

Rupert interjected "Young master do not worry it makes sense you did not know! We have been at peace for two decades, I had not even seen a Sword before." Ruperts words made me feel no comfort, my pride had already taken a hit. "Oh so you knew Rupert? Makes sense you are pretty important." His face dropped, "No you miss understand young master! Your father told me!" I put a hand on his shoulder, "You have betrayed me Rupert." He protested "No i swear young master!" My childish fit was interrupted by brisk marching. It was the Noir Guard, dressed from head to toe in the darkest black, intimidating and radiating masculine energy. "YOUR MAJESTY!" the captain of the guard yelled "We will take care of this do not worry!" He adressed the murmuring crowd "PARLIAMENT IS NOW OUT OF SESSION UNTILL FURDER NOTICE!" He bashed the butt of his spear into the ground, making a loud gable like sound "You may retrieve your belingings and leave, we will be watching for suspicious behavior." Parliament compiled and made there way into the inner chamber grabbing there belongings in a rushed and fearful manner. We stayed in the hall and stood next to the captain. I looked at him, he was extremely tall, a tree with facial hair. My thoughts where completely interrupted by Jared's voice "Excuse me your majesty why did you not close parliament as soon as the exited?" I looked at him, biting my lip in frustration and slightly pouting. "Well, I can not, I have not the authority." Jared looked shocked "Oh my, what, why is that!" If i was embarrassed I was more so know "My job is purely meaningless, I am a stand in for the kings authority." I looked down at the ground "I am redundant." Jared extended his hand towards me and placed it on my head. "Your majesty, never think for a minute your worth is any less than a thousand fold that of gold." I was completely frozen, that was the nicest thing I had ever heard. Rupert grabbed Jared's hand and almost choked him for touching me. "No touching of the royal head or of the prince in general, know your place Sword!" Rupert shouted indignantly. "Rupert he ment no harm, stop it." I defended Jared, as my heart had softened to the idea of a ginger brat being by my side. Before i could say anything else, parliament came out of the chambers and we all began to march towards out of the building. What a strange creature this red headed brat was, had I even met anyone with curly hair before? Why was my butler so angry at hin for touching me? Why i was not angry, I did not know. So many things raced through my head, before I knew it, I was home the carriage ride had completely gone unnoticed by me. And now I stood infont of the massive mannor I called home. Well, time to show my new sword the place I will be keeping it.

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