
The Meeting

Ava had always been comfortable in her own skin. As the CEO of a successful tech company, she had grown used to being in the spotlight and commanding attention. But as she stepped out of her car and onto the red carpet at the charity event, she felt a flutter of nerves. This was no ordinary event - it was hosted by the royal family of a neighboring country, and there were rumors that the prince himself would be attending.

Ava had always been fascinated by royalty, but she never expected to actually meet a prince. She made her way through the crowd, feeling slightly out of place in her designer gown, and tried to keep her nerves at bay. As she mingled with the other guests and sipped champagne, she couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation. Would she really meet a prince tonight?

As the night wore on, Ava started to feel disappointed. The prince had not made an appearance, and she was starting to think that the rumors were just that - rumors. She was about to head back to her car when she spotted him.

Alexander was standing across the room, talking to a group of guests. Ava couldn't take her eyes off him. He was even more handsome in person than in the pictures she had seen in the tabloids - tall, with piercing blue eyes and a charming smile. He seemed to have a natural ease and confidence, despite his royal status.

As she watched him, their eyes met. Ava felt a jolt of electricity shoot through her body, and for a moment, it was like they were the only two people in the room. She couldn't believe it - the prince was looking at her.

Feeling emboldened, Ava walked over to him. She wasn't sure what she was going to say, but she knew she couldn't let this opportunity pass her by. As she approached him, he turned to her and smiled.

"Hello there," he said, his accent smooth and cultured.

"Hi," Ava replied, feeling her heart race. "I'm Ava."

"I'm Alexander," he said, extending his hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you."

Ava took his hand and felt a surge of electricity. She couldn't believe she was holding hands with a prince. They chatted for a few minutes, exchanging pleasantries and talking about the event. Ava tried to keep her cool, but she couldn't shake the feeling that there was something special between them.

As the night drew to a close, Alexander asked Ava for her number. She couldn't believe it - the prince wanted to see her again. She gave him her number, feeling a rush of excitement and disbelief. As she walked away, she couldn't stop smiling.

The encounter with Alexander had left Ava feeling exhilarated and a little bit confused. She had never felt such a strong connection with someone before, especially someone so far out of her league. As she got into her car and drove away, she couldn't help but wonder - what could this mean for her future?

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