
Chapter two

"What kind of deal could I make with you? My family has nothing of value and your family is of high staitus and money why would your father agree with a marriage between us. Even if your brother is unfavored." Roger said with a frown while sitting down. 

"Don't worry this deal is good for both of us. You get a good amount of money to help boost your family and I get rid of my trash brother and his mother. Two in one for us." Archibald said with a sly smirk as he slipped his tea. Pausing at that Roger gave Archibald a once over and thought about it. Knowing that agreeing to whatever this man has cooked up will get him on the bad side of the Pier family. After a moment of silence Roger took a deep breath before looking at Archibald.

"What do you have planned?" He asked. With a smile Archibald sat his tea cup down and leaned forward.

"Just do as I say and you will have a lot of money coming to you with the help of your dear daughter."


Two days later

"Did you hear that Regina snuck out of her home two days ago even though she is sixteen and they say it's because she wanted to try and seduce Alaric the maid born son of the Pier family."

"What?! Oh my how scandalous. Where did you hear this from?"

"Well that night Regina go in a fight with her friend Isabelle and I a close friends with her so obviously I heard from her."

"Oh my then it must be true. Where was this place they were at though?" 

"It's said all of this happened at Sir Mark Torin's family home." 

"Oh my! Wait isn't Isabelle engaged? Why was she out with them in the first place?" 

"Oh I wasn't supposed to say that!"


"Isabelle why did you leave the house! Even if you are fifteen you are still engaged you must conduct yourself like a married woman and stay home!" 

"But father I have nothing to do and I'm bored. Must I stay home all the time?" Isabelle said as she sat on a small sofa pouting.

"You know I'm tired of telling you the same thing all the time. I shall get in touch with your fiance and you will be wed by the month before your coming of age banquet." Isabelle at this time had a face of shock and rushed to her feet.

"Father no! I've done nothing wrong!" She cried before rushing to his side and grabbing his hand. Her mother who was just sitting there quietly at the time quickly turned her head to her husband is horror after his statement. 

"Dear please don't do this she still has a month and a half before her sixteen banquet." She said her eyes starting to water. Pausing he looked at his daughter and wife before his concubine walked in with her son and daughter both that have better prospects in marriage and bringing money and connections. 

"No my decision of final. Jake send a letter to her fiance asking to have the wedding soon and make sure to put that it's because she has been running the streets." He said before walking away from both mother and daughter who were crying on the floor.

Her mother soon wiped her tears and slapped Isabelle. 

"How many time have I told you to act appropriately, because my life and favor rest in your hands! I told you this time and time again! Now look we are both ruined because of you. I was so close to breaking your engagement and finding a better husband." He said before rushing after her husband to make him change his mind. Leaving Isabelle on the floor crying alone as the maids avoided approaching her.


"Send for Regina." Roger said while looking over the written plans showing the details that Archibald told him to do in his office. When Regina walked in you could see the puffy eyes on her face showing how stressed she has been.

"Regina I'm sure you heard the rumors about you and the Pires son Alaric." He started but before he could continue she busted out crying.

"Father I wasn't trying to seduce him! I only went out to play with my friends but I think Isabelle spread that around since we got into a fight about this exact conversation. She was telling me to seduce the Prince and I was saying that I didn't want to be a concubine and now this is happening. I wish I never went out then this wouldn't be happening." She said sobbing. Looking at her crying and porcessing what she just said, he decided to change what he was going to say and let her stay angry at that girl instead of him for now.

"Dear if you had listened to me when I told you to stop going out now that you are of age you wouldn't be in this mess. It's making you seem like a whore and ruining your reputation. You need to stay inside and don't go out otherwise it will get worst." Pausing and looking at his crying daughter he took a deep breath before continuing and laying out the rest of the trap.

"We will be visiting the Piers tomorrow to figure out how to fix this situation on both side." He said which had Regina's head flying up.

"Father no! They are going to think we are about to get engaged!" She cryed while clenching her first into her pink house dress.

"Dear what I say is final." Was all he said before waving her out of his office. Once more looking at the plans he read the next step before closing it.

Have them locked in a room for thirty minutes and be found by a bunch of servants after making a big scene. Tomorrow is going to be a big day for the Winifred and Pier family. 

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