
Chapter Four

"Glad that the two of you joined our discussion, now do tell us why the two of you were alone in that warehouse?" Walter said while looking at me. At this time Regina ran to the middle of the room and fell to the floor while crying.

"Family head of the Pier family please help us! We didn't do anything ! As we walked around the maids with me shoved me into the warehouse. Then when I heard someone outside I called for help but when he was able to open the door he was pushed in by some guards. That's how we ended up in that situation." She quickly explained thinking that she will be able to get out of this just with their help. After her whole speech I just looked at her in contempt before rolling my eyes. Archibald started to chuckle and gave me a glance before speaking.

"You already know what's going on keep your woman in check brother." He said with a smirk. At that I frowned before looking at her again.

"Would you stand up and shut up we are in this mess because of you, you don't need to embarrassed me even more do you?" Was all I said while giving her a hard stare. She froze while looking at me before standing up and walking over to her father with her head down and tears streaming down her face. 

"Know back to the next steps, I know you want money how much?" Walter said while looking at Roger

"I would like five hundred gold" He said straight up which made Walter frown.

"Why would you need so much gold?" He asked

"Our business is in debt and I need to pay it off before I can actually start poring money into it. Besides with everything that's happening we will be able to use the eyes on us to get a larger customer base." Roger told him seriously.

"What do I get out of this deal?" Walter simply asked while taking a sip of tea.

"You get to get rid of your son and unwanted concubine." He said. Humming Walter just looked at Roger not saying anything.

"You can also take a portion of our earning's in the coming two years." Roger quickly said but Walter just frowned and looked at him.

"Ten years?" Smiling Walter nodded his head.

"Ten years to pay off the amount that I will be giving you. Now onto the wedding although we don't care for the children we need to keep up a good reputation so that people aren't talking about us. So the wedding will take place here and we will follow all the usual traditions. Do you have a dowry for her." Walter asked while nodding his head to Regina who finally stopped crying and only had a dead expression on her face. 

"We have one although small but that should be fine since people know that we are a poor merchant family and she is being rushed into a marriage." Roger said holding his chin. 

"Good and lastly the date of the wedding." Walter said

"Two weeks from now." Archibald cut in and said which made both Walter and Roger turn to look at him with a frown.

"Why so soon I was thinking like a month from now." Walter said

"Because if you wait too long people will forget why they are getting married and will question what we are doing which will hold us in a bad light." Archibald said all while still smiling and holing his eyes on Alaric who stayed quiet throughout the conversation as both him and his mother gave up. 

"My you are just like your father. So smart when it comes to things like this." Beatrice said while gently patting his shoulder with a proud smile on her face.

"Well then the wedding is two weeks from now then." Walter and Roger both agreed before nodding their head and giving each other a handshake in agreement. 


Back at the Winifred Family Home 

"I heard from Regina that you have something to do with all of the rumors going around about her! That she was tricked into coming to make their engagement official?!" In came a older looking lady with black hair, forest green eyes, and pale skin. You could tell that Regina is a carbon copy of her mother. This woman is the wife of Roger her name being Eleanor, she doesn't have a last name since she is from a common family.

"All of this ruined my marriage talks with my cousin and her son!" She yelled in anger. Instead of responding back to her Roger got up from his desk and slowly walked to her. When she say him moving she froze in place and got really quiet.

"I haven't touched you since I've been busy getting your daughter engaged and you use this time to find the courage to think I actually care for you?" He asked coldly as he came to a stop in front of her he raised his hand before slapping her heavily. The smack had her stumbling back and her cheek turning red as she held it before falling to the floor.

"I.. I'm sorry I forgot I was just so worked up." She said softly.

"I've been dealing with the girl running amok for years now and I'm ready for her to leave this household and you know what?" He asked as he walked up to her small form that is on the floor before raising his leg and slamming it into her side at which she cried out in pain.

"You can leave with her as well." He said with a smile at the though of getting a new and higher ranking woman. Looking at her is disgust he kicked her heavily a few more times before calling the guards to drag her out by her hair. With his back turned he walked to his desk smiling while she screamed in the background before it was silenced by the door shutting.


Inside the Pier small Villa

There is only silence after they returned to the villa. I stormed into the Main room and the first thing is I see Rose on the ground with her sister looking confused behind her. Instead of saying anything I just run up and straight up kick her in the side with all my strength. As she few back and fell to her side gasping in pain Lisa screams and runs up to her to see if she is ok.

"Alaric! Why did you do that to Rose?! I though you liked her!" My mother yelled while running up and holding my arm ignoring how inappropriate that is. Turing her out I glare at Rose before asking.

"How much?" Is all I said. Gasping for air to help with the pain in her side she slowly sat up with the help of her sister. 

" Twenty gold." She said softly then it was quiet. After a moment Lisa gasped as she realized what was going on and let go of her sister while looking at her in disbelief.

"You didn't.." She said covering her mouth. Alice looked between the three of us in confusion.

"What are the three of you talking about.

"Mother don't act stupid. This idiotic maid decided she wants to be beat on for the rest of her time with me by taking twenty gold in exchange for trapping me with... Regina" I spit her name out my mouth still angry at her because of what her father did. Her eyes turned to Rose with a look of disappointment.

"Dear, I don't know why you did that just know that even if my son Alaric is usually nice to you before he does have a temper and can't control himself sometimes. I hope you don't come to regret your decision." She said softly before looking at Alaric.

"Dear go get some rest the next few week are going to be stressful for you and we might be having to leave the family home once you are married." She said while gently nudging me to the direction of my room. Turning to Lisa and Rose I glare at Rose.

"Come sleep at the foot of my bed on the ground. I don't consider you a regular maid anymore." I said before stomping off to my room with Lisa and Rose in tow. Once in there Rose quickly sat at the foot of the bed without saying a word as Lisa ran around helping me undress. I got in the bed and lied down. As I dozed off I saw something in the corner of my eye.





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I tried to make this chapter shorter since the last one is so long.

Also when writing out Beatrice's name I say it like Beat rice to be able to spell it out correctly.

Want to see some everyday post about me and my cats? Check out my Instagram ' irianabra'

angel_aricreators' thoughts
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