
Chapter 6

"Not a day goes by, where I don't think about him. Not a minute goes by where I don't hear the echoes of the sword. I am completely alone, now."

Inner monologue, Mana


As the great grandmother had sat there, and watched Atem's reaction towards what she said, she chuckled and closed her eyes peacefully. Her granddaughter then spoke with confusion as she didn't know how Atem would see his father if he had past away. "Hm? How will Atem see him if he's dead? Great grandpa" she simply chuckled at her granddaughters proclaims and then slowly started to get up. The woman who was next to her, slowly helped her up as she was using her cane to guide her around. She then slowly walked to Atem as she then motion him to follow her. He slowly gotten up as he glanced at the guy one more time. He seemed off, as well, as he didn't seem like he wanted to say anything or be here either.

He was mysterious, and mysterious for Atem was off, the reason being was because, after what he had encountered with Phineas and his own wife, he was also skeptical now. The man glanced back at Atem and raised an eyebrow at the king, as he then slowly scuffs his nose and then looks back down at nothing. As if he was thinking about something very hard, yet he didn't know what. Atem had started to follow the grandmother, as she guided him through the village of people. Everyone eyeing him, as they watched his every move they were surprised to see a royal king out in the middle of nowhere with this common people. They whispered amongst themselves as she then looked at Atem as he was skeptical yet again about it all.

"Don't mind them your majesty. They're just surprised to see someone such as yourself here."

" I see. You must not get a lot of visitors then, I'm taking" Yami said watching the people as they watched him.

"Not really a lot of "outsiders" my lord. Mainly that's because we fear them. She said as she kept walking with her cane. The girl next beside the great grandmother was listening in as she glanced over at Atem and Atem had returned the sudden stare. She then looked back forward and kept minding to herself. "Afraid?" Atem questioned as he didn't understand. "Afraid of what?" He finished off by asking. "Others, guards, wild animals. Anything, basically. We live in a isolated place to prevent such disasters, our place is more sacred than anything." They had finally reached an isolated area that was just outside of the village, but close enough to it. It was a small hidden passage way.

The great grandmother then nodded, as the girl with her long flowing hair, walked over towards the passage way, and pulled some type of device. The ground started to rumble a little more, as Atem watched in a amazement. The place started to form a cave that was coming up from the ground. They slowly stepped back as it took its form, and Atem stared at it with its markings on the cave entrance. The grandma turned to Atem and smiled as she walked closer towards it. "Welcome, to the place of the dead....." she said gently. Atem looked around at the entrance as the symbols started to glow as he got closer around them. The granddaughter, watched as she was just as amazed.

The girl then turned as she then slid out a torch that was on a stance, and walked over to the great grandmother whom slowly released her cane, and dropped it. She then approached the door slowly walking with a limp as everyone eyed her. She then, slowly put her hands up as she closed her eyes and started to speak. "Oh great ancient God's of the forest, hear my voice, and listen to your ancestors." As the symbols on the door grew even brighter.

"Hear me, hear me cry and pray to you. Please, open up your wisdom and allow us to enter your world. Hear me, hear me God's of the Nile!" As she opened her eyes the roar of the doors opened. They slowly cracked opened, everyone watched and gazed as the door opened itself. The woman beside the great grandmother, walked up slowly as her blonde hair swayed a little. She then, slowly spoke to her "it's beautiful" as she looked around.

They slowly walked inside, as everyone followed in as Atem approached it slowly as well. The entrance was dark, yet light flowed within deeper of the cavern. The lady took the torch as she walked down the pathway, that lead deeper within the cavern as everyone followed in. Atem was behind the little girl, as she was frighten and cold. Her great grandmama, gently held her hand, as the two walked together. Atem walking thinking to himself about all of this. He was going to be able to see his father?

He didn't understand, how this would even be possible as he begun to speak on it. "How is it that I will be able to communicate with the dead?" The girl immediately spoke, as she walked in front of everyone leading in the right direction. "Our people, always done a ritual that would allow us to communicate with our ancestors or families, my lord. It's a custom for people whom have died, to be able to come into the afterlife of the pool of sorrows." She explained as they reached a ledge.

She climbed over it, as she turned around to help the great grandmama get up there. She then, helped the little girl, as Atem climbed up after he grunting a little from his wounds still. He then, looked down, as they were far inside, the cavern and he continued walking. He listened to the lady, as she was walking with the light, as he spoke. "I see, so this is more like sacred grounds then, yes?"

"More than that, your grace. This place is a burial ground for the God's themselves. It was said it was hand made by men, whom sacrifice themselves to save our people long ago." She said with a sadness in her eyes. Atem could tell she was having some pain, even telling the story. Atem didn't bother asking anymore questions, as he didn't wish to press the issue. Eventually they had reach a sanctuary that was within the cavern. It was light blue, and had a pool area that looked like water, it gleamed and shinned as it had pillars around it.

The great grandmama eventually stopped, as she slowly started to walk over to a rock and sit down. She was tired from the journey as her granddaughter sat down with her. The lady went close enough to the pool, as the hums of the pool could be heard almost like whispers. Atem approached it slowly, and saw that, the pool seem to have something within it. However it was hard to see, and be able to really see it. "Do not be afraid, your grace" the the young woman said gently, as she looked at Atem.

"I am not..." Atem said gently back as they both gazed upon another.

"Good, then we can finally get this shit cracking." A voice said, as they're footsteps grew closer to the rest of them. Everyone glanced back as it was the man that was inside the tent with them earlier. He had a staff strapped behind him on his shoulders. As well as combat boots and body guards on. He smirked as he got closer and Atem looked at him. The man then walked up to Atem as the girl watched and crossed her arms.

"I apologize if I seemed like I didn't speak. I just couldn't earlier, I needed to know if you was the real thing." He said explaining.

"Real thing?" Atem asked confused.

"Indeed, you see, mama claims you to be a chosen warrior, sent by the God's in our darkest hours. It is said that the chosen egyptian warrior would awaken the God's and fight against Anubis. The dark God himself." The man then turned as he looked at the pool and narrowed his eyes.

"I for one, am going to fight back as well, this is why I have been training, I have been fighting for our people for a long time, every since the war began. I do not like when, people take things from us that they didn't earn. I will kill anyone who attempts to stop me." He said angrily as he balled his fist.

Atem saw his determination and listened to his rant, as the girl simply rolled her eyes, as she chuckled approaching them. "Please forgive, Crow he's, he's just a hotheaded fool." She said. "I am not! You'll all be thanking me after this is over, just wait." He said as he walked away and went to the grandmama. The girl approached Atem, as she had a knife in her hand. "In order for us to get your ancestors, my lord we shall need the blood of a relative." She stated as she kept it in her grip.

"You mean you need my blood...." Atem said blankly, as he wasn't swayed one feeling or another.

"Yes my lord, only just a small taste so the pool can do its magic. We can use a finger, or even a gash, with your hand or arm. However, it is the only way for it to—"

"Do it then. I want to see him" Atem said with a narrow stare at the pool. He had such determination within his mind, that he didn't wish to waste more time thinking on it. He had questions for his father, things he was told when growing up that his father refused to tell him at the time. Nightmares he's been having consistently that results in his people being killed off, visions about his father that lead him out of that dark abyss when he fell to his death.

So many questions Atem wishes to be answered that he believed his father knew. The girl looked back at the great grandmama, as she simply nodded as she slowly approached Atem. They're hand touched gently on another as she glanced her beautiful bold eyes up towards him. He looked over at her, as he opened up his hand gently and stared at her. She took the knife and slowly cut his hand, as Atem wrenched only a little. She then walked him over to the pool where his blood dripped inside it.

The pool slowly started to turn red, as the entire pool turned that color. It grew brightly, as it was almost like whispers grew louder. "Now step into the pool your grace..." She said whispering to him within his ear. He turned around and looked at the girl and slowly looked back at the pool. He could hear the whispers repeatedly, as it was like a ritual, or a prayer. He slowly put his boot inside and then slowly his other one. As the water wasn't even cold, it was warm.

He glided himself in the center of the pool as he glazed around the pool and saw it began to rumble. He watched as the others did too, in amazement and worry as the water shunned so brightly, that it blinded everyone. Atem grunted, as he closed his eyes and putting his arm over it, as when he released he was in a white room. Nothing but whiteness around, as he was floating as well. He slowly heard an echoed of himself as he started speaking. "Where, where am I?" He asked to himself.

"My son...." a deep voice has exclaimed, gently, as the light gleamed more in a direction.

Atem grunted again as he turned in that direction to see what was making that noise. He then slowly his eyes widened as he saw a figure that was in the form of his father. "F—father, is that really you?" He asked as he floated over towards him. They stood within a distance of each other as Atem couldn't believe his eyes. "Atem, my you have turned into a fine, man your mother would be so proud." He stayed as his voice echoed as well.

"Would she?.... father, I have so many—"

"Questions?" He finished his sentence for him. "I know my son, but we do not have the time. This pool only lasts for a limited of time. And I cannot answer all that you have to ask." He said.

"Then why! Why are these things happening to me!? And to my people!? I almost died, because of a traitor amongst us, and now the people are in fear, my priest have no idea I have been sleeping with a witch. I am lost father! I do not know what to do." Atem closed his eyes as for once he finally felt like a child all over again. He felt lost, confused, and completely alone. He never been so hurt, more than now, and he felt frustrated because he felt his people was in danger and he couldn't save them.

His father gently grinned, as he did he slowly floated towards his son and hugged him. Atem opened his eyes softly, as he had tears within them but they didn't drop down. He never felt his father hug him, not since he was a baby. It felt a warm gently touch embraced from his father, as his father closed his eyes and hugged his son. "Atem.....oh my dear boy, you do not give yourself more credit that you should." He stated.

"You are gifted with more power than you could ever imagine. I know I should've been honest with you long ago, but you weren't ready, like you are now. I need you to be strong, just like I need you too be that now and for your kingdom! You have the power and those nightmares are the future unless you stop it. The ancient God's granted you that power to see what would happen if you didn't intervene. " he claimed as he slowly pulled back away from Atem, as the two floated together.

"You must now, go and fulfill your destiny, and use the God's power to guide you."

"...God's....power?" Atem said gently, as his eyes gleamed at his father.

"Mhm. Take it, Atem, and use it to stop Phineas, Anzu and the ancient dark God Anubis. For if they succeed, the darkness shall swallow this world, and the modern world, and everyone will become his slaves." His father proclaimed as he slowly floated away from Atem. He then extended his arms out as he closed his eyes. Atem started to float up more, as more figures started to come in. They all surrounded Atem, and chanted an ancient ritual, as Atem looked at them.

His body started to shine, as the millennium puzzle formed around Atem. His eyes widened as he sighed with amazement yet again. He couldn't believe the puzzle was around him again, because Phineas had taken it from him before he fell. However, it started to shine as it blinded everyone as winds howled around Atem, as if he was in a tornado. The chanting grew louder and louder, as from outside of the pool, the winds affected the Crow, and the others.

The cavern brighten with the shine of the puzzle, as the great grandmama slowly gotten up from her sit. "It is time....." She said gently, as she started walking to the pool. The girl and the little girl looked sad, as they knew what that meant, as the man tried to not have those emotions. "Let's, just...get this over with..." he said sternly as he helped her down to the pool. "Great grandmama! Don't do this...please..." the little girl yelled as she hugged her and cried gently. Her grandmama pulled her back as she wiped her tears.

"It is my time my baby. You all know what you must do now. I am finally going to be... at peace." She stated as she gave the girl had cane. She then turned around and slowly picked up her dress, as she stepped inside the pool and spoke as she put her hands together. "I give you me, please make me your sacrifice for our king." The souls around her turned as they slowly wrapped around her more. The girl slowly walked forward as crow put his arm in front of her and shaked his head.

She glanced over at Crow and then slowly looked back at the pool as she held the little girls hand. As they watched, the souls slowly made the great grandmama disappear as she smiled at them before she disappeared completely as the beam of light arrowed down. It made a gigantic blast, as they all grunted and covered their eyes, as Atem's form started to take. His legs came first as he was in a light blue steel armor suit now. As he had bright white wings, and a shinning head gear on that had wing like design as he narrowed his eyes.

He blinked and then looked up, as he saw them staring at him. He looked at himself as he saw what he was wearing as the outfit slowly disappeared. He then heard a faint noise, as it was almost like a whisper of his father. "I always loved you, my son. Always. I shall be with you, when the time comes, believe, believe in yourself and your people..... Atem.....Atem..." the voice started to fade as Atem started to walk out the pool as he looked at his hand.

The cut was gone, as he then looked at them and realized someone was missing. "Where is—"

"Gone..." Crow said fastly, as he had his arms crossed and Atem looked down saw the little girl crying. Atem didn't understand as he closed his eyes for a moment and then turned back to the pool. "Gone?.... I—I don't understand..." he said. "She had to sacrifice herself, for you, your grace." The girl said, as she was holding the little girl, in her arms. "Why....." Atem questioned. "Because that is how the ritual goes... in order for you to receive what you need, someone of wisdom and someone who was suppose to lead you here is suppose to end their journey here." The girl explained.

"She knew it was her time, once her mission was completely. Grandmama should've died a long time ago, but the God's granted her a day of life until she met you." She stated.

"So she was like a spirit and she knew everything that happened to me was going to happen all along......" Atem said finishing the girls proclaims. She nodded to Atem as Atem turned around and narrowed his eyes at the pool. He then stated aloud. "Thank you, I promise your sacrifice shall not go in vein.... I will save my people, and my kingdom. Anubis shall not win! This I swear." He said fiercely as he turned and walked off as the rest followed him.

The had exit the cavern as they walked away in a line, as the cave behind them disappeared. As they glanced back as the wind hitting each of them gently, flowing their hairs, as they watched as it went underground again. Atem started walking again, as they followed and went back to the village. The people all watched as they had approached as everyone was outside their homes and looked up at them. Atem, then yelled at he walked on top of a rock ledge.

"Listen to me... LISTEN!" he said as he stood up there tall, as the dark clouds started to come in. "This village shall not suffer any longer! This village and its people shall have food! And water! And clean clothes! Yes, the dark soldiers took away your homes, and your sacred grounds. But they cannot take away your freedom!" Atem exclaimed as the wind hit his skin and his backs. Everyone watched as Crow looked up upon Atem in a different light.

The girls watched as Atem made his speech as the people around nodded and looked around. "I may be a king... a pharaoh, your God if you believe such. But I am nothing more than a man! A man who wants what you want! I want our lives! Our lands! I want freedom!!!! So we shall fight! We shall train! We shall stand tall and when the hound dark knights here our cries they will see our swords and they will know what we can do!" He yelled towards the ground.

"I will take back my kingdom! I will take back my people! And I will avenge the fallen! I will make no ones sacrifice be undermined! We are strong! We will fight!!! We will become one! By the sweat of our brows.... by the courage of our hearts... by the hands that holds our swords... ladies... gentlemen.....for freedom." He said finishing his speech as he stared at everyone.

"For freedom." A man repeated "for freedom" the girls stated "For freedom!!!" Another man shouted as someone stood up tall next to Atem as he yelled "the pharaoh is our saviors boys that's all we need!!!!!! Yeah!!!!" As everyone shouted and yelled happily as Crow walked up and approached Atem. He had his battle training gear on, as Atem glanced towards him. The two stared at another as Crow then spoke. "I shall follow you until I die. I promise you, I am your lieutenant. I'm doing this for you, but also for all of them." He said firmly, as Atem nodded and the two shook hands firmly together.

The girls hugged as they saw Crow and Atem getting along, as the village grew with excitement. They were ready for a war, ready for a battle, as they started to chant freedom repeatedly. Just then they heard a horse cry, as a horse was riding in fast with someone collapsed on the saddle. Atem pierced his eyes at the entrance of the village, as Crow took out his blade, as Atem grabbed his hand. "Wait!" He exclaimed before he pulled it out all the way.

He then saw closely as it was Mana whom had been dirty and wounded badly, as she was exhausted. Atem rushes down as he ran past people and stopped the horse she was. He then yelled "someone get help!" He stated as he took Mana down from the horse. The girls rushed over as Crow did as well, and they all surrounded them. "Who's this?" Crow asked as he didn't understand. "It's Mana! My friend, by the God's what happened to her...." he asked softly, as he heard a small noise.

She grunted in pain as he was bloody, as well as banged up pretty badly. She must've been fighting off people to get here, as well as trying to run away. She had bruises around her body as well as her face. She slowly opened her eyes as she saw Atem and tried to smile but couldn't. "A—-Atem....." She said softly. "I'm here! Mana, what are you doing here..... how—" he said confused. She then started to cry through her pain and wounds, as she started to remember everything.

"Atem, Mahad...he's dead, everyone is dead, so many.... so many people..... the palace it's, it's doomed, so much blood....." she explained as she coughed and started to choke. Atem's eyes widened at the first thing she said. As he felt his body go cold and numb. Mahad had died as he balled his hands more and tried to calm down as Crow and the others watched. They felt small drops as it felt like it was about to rain. ".....who....Mana... who killed Mahad!!!??" He said firmly and angrily as he tried not to cry.

"...Ph—Phineas....I—I..saw..... blood..." She said finally passing out. As Atem tried to shake her awake. "Mana? Mana!??!! Nooo!!!!" He said yelling as the rain started to pour down out of no where. Atem stand in the ground with Mana as the rain came down and Crow and the others watched with concern. They closed their eyes gently, as Atem cried and felt pain, as they didn't know what to do. Atem couldn't believe it, as he breathe heavily in and out holding her in his arms.

The pain that he was feeling, went from sorrow to anger, to wanting to kill them all. He pierced his eyes forward, as the rage within him grew. He knew that when he returned, Phineas head would be his.

Next chapter