
Chapter 5

The horses could be heard, charging towards the millennium palace village. As the people looked up from their homes to witness. Men riding in, with swords and armor on as the town, gasp and retreated back inside their homes. People from around spread rumors that the pharaoh had apparently died due to a health condition that was unknown. Others, speculated that it was someone who had murdered the pharaoh, a spy perhaps. However, back inside the palace walls, Mahad and mana walked the hallways. Mahad has a pep in his step as he walked with a mission, he had a fierce look pressed upon his face, as he was ready to tell the other priests his discovery. He then, made a left turn, as mana followed him and looked at him with worry. She was scared that, he would go into battle, and perhaps not live to tell about it. Her other worries, was that what if they knew Mahad was already into them. She was afraid that, someone would already stop Mahad from doing what he thought out to do.

He had busted inside the priests chambers, as Seto leaned against a wall with his eyes closed, as well as his rod within his hands. He then turned to Ishizu whom was looking at instructions on the desk, and then turned to Mahad as she saw him enter. He then glanced at Solomon who simply shook his head, at what he had heard and then nodded to the guards as they approached Mahad with their weapons. Mahad then was puzzled, as he then slowly backed away. Mana gripped his arm as she was frighten and didn't know what was going on. The priests simply tried not to speak to Mahad as they all had a face of disbelief and grief upon their faces, however, Ishizu had more of anger and disappointment.

Mahad then looked up as he didn't know what was happening, "what is the meaning of this!? Put your weapons down from me at once!" The guards didn't, as the continue to press Mahad with their weapons drawn and was ready to cut him down. Mahad then drew his steel blade from his holster as he then was ready to attack the guards as well. Ishizu then walked over and spoke firmly with a harsh tone. "It is better if you do not resist Mahad! We do not want to have to kill you!"

"Kill me!?" He stated firmly, but confused. "Why on earth would you wanna kill me! Answer me! I don't even know what this is about! Have you all gone brain dead!"

"It is not us whom have gone brain dead, Ma, maybe it's us whom have come to known the truth! About a certain someone being a traitor amongst us." Seto said as he stop leaning from the wall, and had walked a little closer to the commotion that was happening. Mahad then narrows his eyes at Seto as he was blocking Mana with his left arm and keeping his sword in his right hand. He was sweating and a little panicking for a moment because he didn't understand this at all. He was confused, about what they knew that he did not. It was questionable, as well as it was hard to make such a decision because he didn't wish to harm any of his fellow priests.

"Look whatever you all are talking about, I didn't do anything! This is me, we are talking about Atem's best friend, I wouldn't do anything to jeopardize that." Mahad had said with a little shout within his voice and stern and serious as possible. The other priests looked around at each other for a moment however, Seto wasn't having it. He then took out his skinny long blade and lunged at Mahad whom pushed Mana back as a reaction. She had fell down on the floor and grunted as she had scrapped her knee a little and gasped as her eyes widened. The other priests watched this, as Mahad had blocked Seto's attack and they both locked swords.

Seto narrowed his eyes and spoke with some attitude tone. "Best friends!? You say! What kind of friend are you Mahad! You allowed our king to die! Because you wanted to be so careless and didn't keep a close eye on him. My cousin taken away from me because of a careless mistake. Someone such as yourself who makes those mistakes doesn't deserve to live in the first place!" Seto had spoken harshly as he grunted and swung his blade around, as Mahad dodged it and attacked Seto whom had blocked his attack backwards. They then got closer again and pressed their blades against each other's.

"You fools! I'm not the enemy! Everything I've done, was to protect Atem. To protect this kingdom, there is another enemy without our mists, if you would stop attacking me for one second I could prove that I'm innocent!" Mahad had stated loudly, as the priests watched this battle and didn't intervene. Mana then spoke as well as she tried to agree with her master. "That's right! He's telling the truth. Please, don't do this! You all are making a mistake. Huh?" She felt a cold breeze come behind her, like death itself, had taken a form. She had turned her eyes slowly like as if her entire world was in slow motion. Ishizu has teleported behind her, and had drawn her Katana blade form it's holster. She then quickly grabbed Mana by her hair and put her within her arms as she put the blade to her throat.

"Mana! No!!" Mahad yelled as his eyes pierced over to see that Mana was being held by Ishizu. His eyes twitched at her being in danger now, was Ishizu calming spoke. "Mahad, don't make me do this, you know I will cut her throat without even a second thought. You are, the enemy, the queen told us." Mahad's eyes widened as he heard her name being spoken. As if his heart got shattered into a million pieces. "T—the—the Queen, told you this......."Mahad had said quietly but also loud enough for them to hear him. "Yes, she did. She told us that it was you, whom had lead Atem to his death. How you kept putting your nose where it didn't belong. She said she tried to stop you, but you threaten her, which she went to Phineas one of the high royal courts and told him of this matter. She even found your spy master, whom he had already met his end. She claimed you used that to spy on her, so you could make sure she didn't leave her room that night, you murdered Atem in cold blood! She then order us to seize you and lock you away forever, or we can kill you where you stand..." Ishizu had said, as she kept the blade to Mana's neck.

Mahad, eyes felt like they were throbbing at the story he couldn't believe he had heard. He knew all along that it was the queen whom had killed the pharaoh. The minute he had the proof he couldn't even tell his fellow friends, because they're minds had already been tricked into believing her. Mahad eyes closed as he then felt his face grow dark and with rage. He couldn't believe this, and he couldn't believe that his fellow friends would even consider killing him. He felt his life flash before him, he saw Atem again as a little boy, and saw how he trained Mana. He saw how he was playing chest with Ishizu and she won every-time. He then saw Seto and himself training on the battle grounds, and saw Solomon the oldest of the priests, watching from the distance. He remembers back when war was fighting along side each other, and never against another.


The queen had played her cards right, as the battlefield was made in the palace priests room. Everyone's weapons had been drawn, except for Solomon whom remained quiet and was more so sad that it had come to this. Mahad felt betrayed by his own people, and for that, he couldn't resist this anymore. "...I'm sorry, Mana." Mahad had exclaimed with his head down but she couldn't see his face as she gently started to have a shimmering eyes expression. "I'm sorry, I will no longer be with you..... but when I do this.... I need you to go as far away from here as possible...... please find Atem, tell him of this matter... and tell him, I am sorry I have failed him, my friend."

Mana started to cry, as the gently tears from her eyes hit her cheeks as she tried breaking free of Ishizu's grips. It was to firm for her to break free as she screamed and cried because of Mahad. "Master! Noooo!!! Please! Don't do this!" Seto then smirked as he was ready to kill Mahad for his treason because he knew Mahad would be foolish enough to fight him head on. Mahad then closed his eyes once more and spoke to everyone inside the room. "You all know.... I'm not going to go, without a fight...... you all have completely been tricked and monstrously deceived. It's the queen, the queen is the one who's tricking you, my spy was the one who spied on her, and found she was with Phineas that night!! But since you idiots won't listen, and she's already gotten to you before me. " his powers start to charge up, as his eyes start to glow white like ghosts. The priests then charge up their weapons, as Seto steps back and charges up his blade ready to pierce Mahad in his chest.

"I guess... I'll have to fight until my last breathe. For Atem, for the kingdom, Atem wherever you are, forgive me. " Mahad exclaimed as his armor shrouded around him his cloak got longer and white, as he had armor gold plates on his arms, legs, pants and chest. His good turned into a helmet as Seto then armored up as well. His armor was in the form of a dragon, a blue dragon, that gave him some wings, as his sword got thicker and reminded long enough to not even be near Mahad to cut him. Mahad then turned to Ishizu and teleported behind her as he hit her as she slammed into the wall. Seto then teleported as Mahad did and he grabbed mana before Seto had sliced him. He then teleported in the gigantic throne room with mana and yelled at her.

"Go now!!!! I won't be able to hold them off much longer so get out of here! Do what I told you to do, and whatever you do, don't look back! "

"But—-but master..."

" I said Go! Dammit!!!" Mahad eyes pierced at her but deep down they had sorrow as he saw how broken she felt. She then jolted a little at him yelling at her, but she then her armor had appeared with her girly boots and hat as she started to turn and run away. The tears was flying from her face as she ran from outside the throne room and down the hallway heading towards outside. She then stopped as she heard a grunt and turned around as she ran. As Mahad and Seto started to sword battle. Seto had cut Mahad in his arm as the blood splashed on the wall. Mahad had lunged at Seto and cut his cheek, as the two fought in the throne room. Ishizu had jumped in as she used her extended weapon to slash Mahad's back. Mana had stopped mid way as she was watching like a ghost. Her eyes soulless and her body felt numb. She started to walk back to Mahad as Mahad had blocked Ishizu and Seto's attacks as he yelled at her again.

"No Mana!!! Just get the fuck outta here! Go now!!! Dammit! Don't come back here! Find him!!!" Mahad had exclaimed as her heart raced watching Mahad in the distance. Ishizu used her millennium necklace powers to shallow the place within light, to blind Mahad as he used the power of his magically staff to deflect it. Mana started to run again as more tears came from her face, she then made it outside the palace area but she could still see from a far the three of them battling. Echoes of the battle could be heard as the palace started to get holes in them from the priests weapons and powers. The horses and the men that was riding in the palace earlier had came down the main pathway and was heading towards the commotion inside the throne room. Mana had taken one of the tide up horses and saw in the distance the men approaching.

She then, quickly grabbed the horse and moved in behind a wall as they past through and her eyes had pierced at the one who was in the front. It was Phineas as he was riding on his black horse, with armor on and his long extend swords on his back. He also had something going on with his left arm. It had claws coming out of it, and his twin swords had eyesballs that was moving around, as the sword started to glow with shallow darkness around it. She couldn't really see his arms since he had on a shaw that covered his arms, and upper body, as well as he had on steel plated pants that he had dark boots with hooks on the back of them. He rode inside as his soldiers were behind him. Mahad was cut up badly, as well as Seto and Ishizu whom were all tired for a second as the battled.

"Let go of your pride, Mahad! You know you shall not win this fight." Ishizu said as she panted a little and watched Mahad as he stood up slowly with his back against the throne room entrance. He didn't speak as his face was bloody, and his hands was shaking. Seto then flew down as he charged up his weapon again and yelled at Mahad. "Why didn't you just come quietly! At least you wouldn't have to die!" Mahad then glanced over at Seto and put his staff up as he was ready to block his attack. "I will not betray my king... even if it means I have to die, knowing I never surrendered to the enemy...." Ishizu then slowly put her weapon down as she stared at Mahad with sadness more. She couldn't believe that she had to fight him, and that this entire ordeal was completely confusing. Mahad being a traitor didn't sound right to her, but the news and information did come from the queen herself.

"You all should know me..... you should know I would never do those things to Atem. I would die for Atem before I ever betray him....." Mahad had said as he stood tall even though he was wounded badly. Seto then kept his eyes narrowed at Mahad and then shook his head as he pointed his weapon at him. "Mahad.... You.... These words and what you say. They can't be true! The queen told us—"

"The Queen is a liar!" Mahad had yelled with a stern tone as he had cut off Seto and Seto watched him. " I know exactly what she's been doing, so let me tell you, the queen is——-" before he could finish Mahad's eyes had grown widened, pale, and lifeless. His pupils had grown so big, that it almost felt like he didn't have the back end color. Seto and Ishizu both gasp as they saw a blade go straight through Mahad as it had entered from his back. It was a long blade that had an eye on it, as it was sucking in his soul. Phineas has stepped in, as he then was behind Mahad with the blade inside him. "Come come, now, Mahad, is that anyway to talk about the queen....." he then ripped out the blade from Mahad as he felt to one knee.

He was gasping for air as he was choking on his own blood. He then glanced his head up, as it hurted to do so and saw Phineas, whom had walked around and stared at him with a smirk. "Y....you...." Mahad had said barely as he was holding his chest as the blood fished out. "Yes, it's me. Me, the New, King." Phineas had said with a smirk to Mahad that only Mahad could see. Mahad then realized in his dying moments that it was Phineas whom had killed the king that night, or had attempted too. He was after the throne the entire time, and wanted the kingdom to himself. His heart was always shallowed in darkness, and from the last time, when they had that meeting, Phineas even talked about the kingdom falling. However, Atem simply stated that it wouldn't because he would be here to defend it. To Mahad it was all starting to make sense now. As he was choking and couldn't speak anymore with his mouth completely bloody. Mana watched soullessy again, she couldn't bare watching this more and more as she saw Phineas stab Mahad and then had said something to him.


".... ...y...you.....a....ass...h" Mahad tried to say something else, but Phineas ended his life by slicing Mahad's head clean off with one swipe. His head then fell to the ground as his body did, and the blood leaked out everywhere. The priests watched as Phineas did this, and was speechless, as they couldn't believe Mahad had died just now. Even Seto couldn't believe how Phineas could cut Mahad so easily and not even say something that was worth saying. Phineas by killing Mahad had collected his soul as he then turned around and looked at the other priests. "Well, glad I came here when I did...it is with a "heavy" heart that it had to come to this... but, I can assure you, with me in charge there won't be Any betrayals. " he said with a grin and a simple tone. He then walked over his heels clicking as he picked up Mahad's lifeless head as his eyes was still open and dead. He then smirked as he glanced back at his body and make a disgusting face. "Ew... someone get rid of that. Don't need my palace smelling like shit." He walked off as his guards followed him and so did the priests as they transformed back into their royal clothes. Ishizu then walked to Phineas as she spoke.


Phineas then stopped as he then walked towards her, and pushed her against a wall and took a blade to her throat. She was so surprised she didn't have time to react as she felt her head slam into the wall as she stared at Phineas blankly. "From now on you shall direct me as pharaoh or master Phineas. Anyone who doesn't shall die by my hands. Understand?" Phineas has stated towards her as Seto watched with no expression except he nodded to him in understanding. Ishizu then nodded with what little she could, as he smirked at her and released her. "Forgive me, my lord. " Ishizu said as she got released and bowed to him as he looked down upon her. "What is it!? Speak!" He demanded. "The sorcerer, Mana, we don't know where she is. What do we do?" Ishizu asked as she was bowing and questioned Phineas with this decision. ".....we find her, and we kill her." Ishizu glanced up at Phineas as he had said that lifelessly as well as firmly. Seto as well looked with a puzzled expression but wasn't so confused, as he was more sad than anything. He then stepped in and spoke something "my lord, I don't think she's even a threat, I mean after all I believe our king is dead so—"

"Do not address me you foolish imbecile!!!" Phineas had pierced his eyes at him as Seto eyes widened from the glare he was given. "I said, I want her dead. Anyone who questions it, shall die too."

"I will send out a scouting party at once then, sir." Seto said as he bowed lightly. Ishizu nodded as she stood up and didn't have anything to say to the matter. Phineas then walked off with his guards to pharaohs chambers as the two priests was left standing there.


Mana had rode off after she had saw Mahad's head be decapitated as she cried so much she could barely see where she was going. It was hard for her as she felt her heart sank more and more with the pass minutes. She repeatedly kept seeing Mahad's head fly off his body over and over and Phineas having that face of no mercy. It was heavy on her, so much that she stopped the horse and she collapsed on the ground. She felt like she couldn't go on, she couldn't move, she felt lifeless and more so, she felt alone. She remembered back when, Mahad, Atem and her were all kids, how those days were better because they played all day long when she wasn't getting teaches by Mahad. Her eyes closed as she felt the coldness hit here from the nightfall beginning. The sands had picked up as she felt huge howls of the wind being heard around her. Her dress blew widely as with her hair. She lay there as it did so and felt the wind hit her face like a slap. She then opened her eyes as she started to slowly get up.

As much as she wanted to give up she couldn't, she had a mission to do. She had to find Atem and do it quickly. She had figured that someone would most likely be after her now, and try and kill her. She had to stay on guard, however she prayed that Atem was doing better than the kingdom was. She had glanced up at the sky and saw dark clouds coming in, as well as darkness shallowing the palace. She knew that with Phineas in charge of things, the kingdom would soon be in flames and everyone there would die. She had to find Atem as quickly as possibly. She then walked back to her horse as she took out her cloak and put it over her self and her face to keep the sand from blowing in her eyes. She then got back on the horse and galloped down the sandy trails heading south to an unknown destination.

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