
Chapter 4

"Don't ever stop believing my son, you are the one true king. I promise I shall forever be with you always. " a voice could be heard within, Atem's dreams, as it silently stopped.


Through the deep dreams, two voices could be heard arguing within the distance.

"Shhh, your making to much noise, your gonna wake him up."

"No I'm not. You're the one who won't stop trying to touch him!"

"I'm cleaning his wounds dumbass. Why don't you go run that water like I've been telling you to do."

"You're always think your better than me with stuff huh?"

"I am! Let's not forget that I'm the one who found him."

"Shut the hell up, he's awakening "

"Mm-mmmuh.. where, where am I?" Atem asked as he found himself awakening on a small bed that was inside a tent. He was covered up from just the waistline down, with a thin white blanket that was a little warm. He had bandages on his arms, and around his forehead with some cuts around his body. He was looking up at the ceiling first before he then turned his head and saw two children that was staring at him. A little girl and a little boy, they both blinked for a moment as the little boy than ran out of the tent as the little girl approached Atem slowly. She then bowed as she got on her hands and knees and started to speak panicky for a moment.

"Your majesty! Forgive me ! I didn't mean to disturb you I swear upon the thousand sons. I—I didn't know you was going to wake up, your back in the Shinigami Village my lord."

Atem slowly got up sitting up as she was speaking, as he grunted in pain due to his injuries. He wasn't sure where he was even with the girl stating the village. He made a confused expression as he was trying to understand her. She looked upon him as he did so, as she felt that he wanted her to explain more, so she quickly made a frighten expression because she felt he was getting upset.

"Forgive me again! Your grace I do not mean to make you confused. Shinigami village is a small village just outside the outskirts of the desert plains my lord. For centuries our family has been living here, we aren't from around the Royal area where you are, but we mostly are the farmers for crops and other ascents. We found you, back at the cave, it's usually a cave for our ancient ancestors however, it is said that anyone who falls within the caves they shall have a flash of their most lovable family member speak to them."

She said, informatively as she possibly could. Atem watched as she explained and then looked down as he slouched a little as he sat.

"I see." He said with a blankly tone.

"Well, thank you, but there is no need for bowing, I am nothing but a wandering here. I appreciate your hospitality and for you and your family saving my life. I—I've had quite the week...."

He looked down for a moment in disgust. As the little girl looked upon him. She was concerned for him, she didn't know what he would say or do next. However, deep down she was happy and was glad to assist someone, because that's what she always wanted to do anyways. Just then, a noise from outside the tent could be heard as the little girl stood up slowly, with her run down dress attire she had on. It was kind of dirty, as well as she was bare footed. She had blonde hair, that was in a ponytail, and big blue eyes that was filled with kindness. She turned to the entrance of the tent and then back at Atem and smiled as she bowed lightly.

" It is no trouble at all, your grace. Our grandmama would want to know you've awaken. Please, rest your wounds will reopen if you move to much."  She said kindly towards him.

Atem didn't know what else to do, he looked around at his body for a moment and then scuffled a little at the fact that he wasn't entirely sure he had much of a choice. He nodded a little at the agreement, and sat back some on the bed. As he did so, the little boy ran back inside. He wasn't taller than the girl, he was shorter. As well as he had baggy pants on that was tan, and a tan ripped shirt that was long-Sleeve. He had short blonde hair that was ruffled up a little and had dirt on his face as if he came back from working. He stopped and stared at the pharaoh as his sister hit him on his head hard as he made a yelling sound as they started arguing a little.

"Ow!!! Hey what's your goddamn problem! That hurt!"

"It's rude to stare at royalty you knucklehead!"

"Oh! So I should tell him that you was staring at him while he was asleep! Or maybe I should tell him what you was doing with that towel bec—-"

She hits him again upside the head and then puts him in a headlock as Atem watches with his eyes widened a little. She looks up at Atem with a smile and seemly indicates.

"Don't mind him your grace, it was nothing of importance. I was nearly just cleaning your wounds as my grandmother asked. " She said nervously with chuckles.

Atem smirked a little with his eyes closed and head down. He couldn't believe these two, as well as he found it cute that siblings did this. He realized they must've been siblings if they argued most of the time. He then looked up and stop as the two siblings did as well. He turned and saw that an old lady had slowly entered the tent. She was wearing a Shaw that was on her head, as well as an old ancient egyptian necklace. She was wearing all black, and that was a dress that had a rope for a belt around her stomach and waistline. She had wrinkles between her face and her hands as she sometimes shakes with her hands. The arthritis in her fingers sometimes prevented her from doing things. Her two grandchildren saw this and for that they helped her more inside the tent. She looked upon Atem with a bow lightly and started to speak as she realized she needed too. As she did, her tone was small and friendly, she wasn't at all frighten, as well as she spoke with wisdom when she had needed too.

"Ah, the young pharaoh, awakens. Hehe. It is a good thing, your grace. You've been out for quite some time".

She said as she walked over to a bench area that had medics on it.  Atem looked upon her as he eyes widen again and continue to follow her motions. He was questionable now, and was confused more for what she said.

"I'm sorry? Did you just say, out for some time?"

"Indeed, my lord."

"What do you mean? How—I mean, what...."

"Days. Days you've been asleep, inside this tent. Your wounds were so bad, my lord. When, we found you, you had collapsed in the hot sands. For days my grandchildren and I have been patching you up. Giving you herbs when you needed to drink them. Unfortunately, that didn't do the process much faster, but it allowed your body to become stable as well as your heart, your grace."

As she said informatively. She approached Atem with a wet rag and grab his cheeks as she wipe his face off from dirt and being hot. She then turned his face and got the blood from his neck, as well as his ears. Atem grunted a little as she did this, as he turned when she had turned his head, trying to be calm as she did so. Atem then opened his mouth gently and started asking again.

"... I—I can't believe I've been out for days, this, this is unbelievable. Well, regardless I am happy that you have saved me, however I really must be going. I fear my kingdom is in grave danger."

Atem spoke with a sense of urgency, as the great grandmother than looked upon him with calm collected eyes. As she stood back and the kids did so as well. She then sighed softly and then look at his bandages and wounds.

"Hehe, and how will you be saving them? Wounded and dead? You cannot save a kingdom without first saving yourself. A king knows when to rest and when to strike. You have never been so naïve before, do not let it start now, my lord."

Atem looked at her and then slowly stood up from the bed as the blanket dropped down. He balled his fist up some, and then spoke with vivid aggression as well as a timid tone.

"I do not need rest! I am perfectly fine. Ah!—"

Atem looked down realizing he was naked, and didn't have anything except for the bandages. The great grandmother however didn't, mind as she chuckled with his surprise face. The little girl blushed as she saw Atem's arousal and how big and thick it was. The little boy covered his sisters eyes and dragged her out the tent as she turned to fight back.

"Hey! I—I want listen to conversation. I want—I want see Atem!"

"Yeah right, the only thing you were staring at was his heavenly package!"

The grandmother watched as they did this and immediately Atem had grab the pillow as he put it over his area. His face was hot with embarrassment, and he was frozen still as he didn't know what to think or say. The grandmother than laughed a little and she turned around as she had grab a urial. She looked at Atem and then looked over at a chair that hand clothes. She the spoke to him.

"It is not much, but there are some clothes for you. Your other ones unfortunately, are to ripped up. I didn't think you wanted to put those back on. You seem to be able to stand up so that is good, as well as you seem to be able to move your limbs. So put your clothes on and come outside. We shall be waiting for you."

She turned and walked out the tent, as Atem still hot with embarrassment just simply nodded and looked over at the chair where the clothes was. He thought to himself 'could this day get any worse'. However for Atem I believe it could.


Soldiers could be heard training just out where the ramparts was. It was like an echo for the people, but they knew that they could've been training for the battles to come. It wasn't until Mahad whom had been up inside an office that was for the high priests to be around with another and discuss strategies. However, Ishizu was on guard duty, and Priest Seto was no where to be found. Mahad had been up for three full moons, trying to figure out where Atem could be. They've searched all through the caverns, desert lands, and inside other villages. Mahad was getting frustrated, confused, vivid, uptight, overwhelmed and completely hysterical. He tighten his fist up more as he was leaning over the table with the battle plans on the table. They were scattered over them, and they had "X" marks indicating that he must've already searched those areas.

Just then, the doors to the chamber had opened, but Mahad didn't care whom he entered. He was to busy staring at these images, not comprehend why he couldn't find his king. The sounds of clicking heels had approached as it was a woman whom had entered inside. Two guards was accompanying her. As she turned and shooed them away. She was wearing golden bracelets, necklaces and earrings. Her attire was see through, as well as he nipples were pierced. She had a dark red attire on, and had golden anklet bracelets that went around her legs. She didn't have any panties on, because those weren't given, as well as her attire was long sleeved, that dragged down a little. Her hair was curved and long, that was browned colored, and she had a golden headpiece that went around her head and was attached to her hair. She had heels on, that was red as well, and nails that had white polish on them, and her body gleamed and shinned a little. She walked over to Mahad as she saw how frustrated he was, she rolled her eyes and then began to open her mouth with her red lip stick.

"You are... working to hard if I do say so myself."

She said seductively, with a calm manner. Mahad had glanced his eyes up as he saw it was Anzu who had entered. He then stopped and stood up, as he bowed lightly, and spoke moldy.

"Forgive me, my lady. I didn't hear you enter, I was too busy—"

"Yes, involved in.... solving the mystery, I persume."

She said as she walked over to him more. Touching the table gently and running her soft gently hands on the tip of the table. Mahad watched her slowly and then spoke again.

" yes, My lady. Why wouldn't I be? Atem is your husband, and of course Atem is my king, but he is also my friend. "

He said that into her, as he turned his body facing her and she looked up at him with a settle eye glares. He then spoke again with a confused and questionable tone.

" My lady, I do have to say, I am a bit confused on how your handling this. You don't seem to all care about this. If anything you haven't sent a single scout to go searching. —-"

"One griefs in different ways, lord Mahad. Not all of us, go busting our asses off, just because we don't like beauty. We have a hard time each of us. However, you want me to send out finest men, out searching, why do that. You clearly have it going for you, I don't see the issue."

"I haven't gotten anywhere far though. Ishizu is to busy with the soldiers, and I haven't seen Seto in awhile. Perhaps he is still back in the espionage, but it's hard to tell. "

"You shouldn't worry yourself so much darling. You shall give yourself a heart attack. More so, if you keep digging to deep, you'll find yourself in a hole, you won't..... be able to get out of....."

She said this with a vivid tone, as well as touching Mahad cheek gently. Mahad didn't touch her back as he just stared at her eyes as she smirked a little and walked past him. She then walked over towards the door and the guards opened it for her. Her long slick red dragged dress revealed her ass as it was rounded and puffed. She glanced her eyes back over her shoulders at Mahad and winked gently as she walked away, clicking her heels as her two bodyguards followed. Mahad then sighed as he pounded the table down with his hands, and then closed his eyes tightly.

He wanted to think that Atem was alive and well, and he still felt that the Queen was hiding something. Not searching for her own husband wasn't going to fly with Mahad. It was as if she was trying to warn him about something, if she was targeting him but Mahad didn't have proof of this, and he needed too. He then glanced back down at the table with the images and search parties he sent out. He then spoke aloud and called in one of his spies that was a detective for him. He told him some informative and he told him he wanted him to watch the Queen closely. Make sure he knows her ever move and where she's going, and what she's doing. The scout nodded and bowed as he took off outside the chamber.

The scout watched from the distance as nightfall had come to pass over the Egyptian lands. The Queen then went outside her chambers and walked down the hallway as soldiers stood in formation. He watched silently making sure that he wasn't seen, sticking to the shadows and not on her so much he could be spotted. He then watched as she turned the corner as he then started to make his move. Anzu walked more as she then walked inside another room as she closed the door behind her gently and turned around as it was an open planning room. It had a fireplace, as well as a nice table that was decorated with ancient text. It had a gigantic tall chair that was leather red as well as wine on the table as someone was pouring themselves a glass. Anzu then sighed as she let her drag dangle a little as she spoke seductively again.

"Mahad, won't stop his meddling. He is too far gone with his little "investigation". I'm afraid he will discover our plans, and then what? I'd have to kill him too."

"If that's what it comes too, I'll slit his throat myself. Should've done that to Atem while I had the chance...."

The person took his glass and put it to his lips, as he watched the fire in the fireplace burn. Anzu bit her lips softly as she walked over to him and she rubbed her hands down his chest as she whispered in his ears.

"Did I ever mention, I love when you play dirty, darling? It's such..... a turn on...."

He looked up at her as she started to undo her dragged top. As her bare pierced breasts were exposed. Her hair covered them up a little bit, but she wasn't trying to hide them anyways. Phineas, then turns and looks upon her and he stands up as she had to move out the way a little he scuffled, and spoke angrily as he splashed his wine glass down as it shattered. It was dripping the wine down the table as she jolted a little, and looked down at the spill. Her heart raced a little with nervousness and as well as she looked up at him, as her eyes grew settled. He then approached her more and slap her across her face with a backhand. As she fell to the ground and he spoke towards her with harsh words.

"You stupid bitch! Your actions will cause us to be exposed! You keep putting pressure on this operation our entire plan will never take affect. If I want the dark God Anubis to know me and give me his power. I need these plans to go accordingly. That means, that if anyone...anyone! Intervened with MY plans. I promise I'll carve out your heart and eat it."

She touched her cheek as she was on the ground, having a big red mark upon her face. She looked down and wanted to cry for a moment. He then closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose, as he then bent down and picked her up. She was scared and didn't look at him, her hair blocking her face as he then slowly brushed it away touching her gently now. She then felt her neck get grabbed tightly, as she gasped and holden into his hand with her left hand. She gets slammed into the wall as he speaks again.

"I will! Become pharaoh... and when I do... I want you fucking me, ever night. I want ... to hear you moaning in pleasure, I want... you to not be able to walk come the morn. "

He looks at her breasts and her body as he releases her neck and turns her around facing the wall. Her face pressed against the wall. She grunts a little in pain but doesn't fight back as he turned her around and he gets close to her ear. As he does, he slowly takes off her entire attire, as she is now bare except for her wearing her heels.

"Do you understand me....?"

"...y....yes my king..... I promise you. Fuck me.... Do with me as you will, my lord. I am—-forever yours."

She said as her face was pressed against the wall. Phineas had on best fitted attire. He had a muscular tone body, as well as he had on a drag that was covering his chest area. He was wearing golden belts, and had on ankle golden bracelets for his legs. However he had on pants instead but those were leather black as well as his vest. He then took off his vest and his pants leaving his jewelry on. However his arousal hardened, was skinny and had a pink tip. However it was long, as he then turned Anzu back around and lifted her up on the wall with his arms. She immediately gripped his shoulders as he stuck his cock inside her, and she gasped once she felt it inside.

The fire burned brightly, having their shadows on the wall, as he watched her gasp and she started to moan gripping the wall a little trying to catch her self. He fucked her, bouncing her up and down on the wall, her boobs, bouncing up and down, smacking a little on another. He then drives his tongue in her mouth, as she closes her eyes and embraces it, she puts her fingers then, both hands inside his curly hair, as he closed his eyes as they passionately kissed. He then takes her off of that wall and carries her to another location. It was a back room area, where a royal bed laid. He falls down on top of her, as he plods his cock inside her repeatedly making her wetter and wetter. The sounds of her moaning echoes through the room as she feels this pleasuring cock, as her pussy is filled with such throbbing pain.

"Ah! Ah!!!! Mmm— Yes! Yes!"

He grunts inside her lifting her leg up, and fucking her from an angle. She leans up as she grips his ass cheeks, and makes him push inside her deeper, as she moans more, and he starts to moan himself. She then vastly turns positions with him, as she gets on top of him and then moves herself. Her hands feel on his body, as she then touches his already went cock and puts her lips down on it. She starts sucking his dick, as she rubs it and his balls. He watches her and he then moves her over a little so he can put his finger inside her pussy. He then grunts a little from the pleasure and then speaks seductively.

"Yes... that's right mmm yeah. I'm your king you dirty bitch. You shall forever be mines, I not even your dead husband deserved you....."

She moans as she feels his fingers inside her and then again changing positions to where he is on top again. He takes his right hand and grips her neck and starts chocking her as she gets fucked by his cock. The night goes on as they make love to another, as the fire burns through the fireplace. Inside scout then hears what had been said, before the passionate sex, as he had returned to Mahad with this information.

Mahad then becomes livid, as he throws the table around the chambers, and takes his blade and stabs the pictures that was on the table. He then screams from unbearable news, just then mana comes in as she is concerned for her master. She doesn't understand, what is happening as she sees Mahad pasting around the room as his was completely showing veins of anger.

"My lord! What is it? What's wrong... please, I'm frighten tell me."

She looks at him but keeps her distance as she doesn't want to get to close and be hurt. She watches and turns around as the scout had touched her shoulder gently. He was telling her that give him some time, as what he had told him was making him upset. Mahad then stops and looks out the window as the night sky was peaceful. He then glances over at Mana as she stands with the scout and Mahad says with narrows eyes staring at her.

"Grab your shit, Mana, tomorrow, Phineas dies..".


Atem had finished putting on the clothes that laid within the chair. He then turned, and looked at a small mirror that was inside the tent, as he checked out what he was wearing. Some leather boots, that went up to his knees, as well as leather light green pants that fitted him perfectly. A jacket that was draped from the back, and was cut short for a crop top that had buttons on the side that was as black attire. A small cotton shirt that was underneath his jacket, that was light green as well, his hair was still the same, but his earrings he had taken out, and didn't bother putting back in.

He looked at himself, as he realized he wasn't as banged up as he thought. He then turned to the entrance of the tent and went out of it. He saw other people outside the tent as well, it was almost like a market, but with homes as well. Children was running around, as well as men and women both old and young, around too. Atem looked around as people looked up and whispered to themselves. He then felt a small tug on his jacket as he turned around and saw it was the little girl. She smiled and then spoke gently.

"Right this way, your grace. She's waiting on you."

Atem looked up and saw a bigger tent that, had guards around it. It was on some stilts, as Atem walked with the little girl over to that area as she was holding his hand. He glanced by others whom were with their families, selling items, riding camels, and other things. The little girl let his hand go and then started to climb the ladder as Atem follows her. She runs and giggles and she ran inside the bigger tent. Atem breathes in and out slowly, as he approached it and opened it up. He saw the great grandmother sitting with her legs crossed as the young little boy sat with her.

He then saw two more people, someone in nothing but armor. He had spiked red hair, and pierced ears that was on the top and bottom. He had a choker on his neck, and he had belt buckle shoes, as well as blue jeans, and a vest that was brown. He was leaning on a table as he then looked over and saw Atem. Atem then saw another person who was a woman. She had long black hair, her eyes was cute and bold, she her soft pink lips, and she was wearing a white dress that was a little revealing.

It was covering her breasts but her vagina was a little exposed, she had golden bracelets on her ankles, bare footed, and had a Shaw on her mouth and covering her head. Her breasts was big and full, and her body was shining as well. She bowed as well as the great grandmother, as Atem entered. He then speaks with confusion.

"What's... going on here? You needed me for something."

He asked suddenly, the great grandmother, then nodded as she then opens her eyes and looks up at him. She then says to him softly in her calm voice.

"Would you like to see your father Atem....."

His eyes widens as he is frozen, the others look at him as the little girl smiles happily. The little boy staring as well and the man having his arms crossed. The other girl, looking with determination, as Atem couldn't believe, he was going to see his father, once again.

Next chapter