
Roxanne Quinn

Hi readers enjoy this story go on a crazy college adventure with Roxanne Quinn Also the cover isn't mine so if you don't want me to use it please comment below

Rae_beauty · Urban
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38 Chs

Taking a break


I was walking into the school when I sighted Xavion and Roxanne he was wearing a necklace for her .It seemed expensive ,so she likes expensive things. They both went to the parking lot and I followed them.

"Xavion's taking her out"I said I went into my car and followed them.

Roxanne POV.

"Do you drink coffee " Xavion asked me

"Um... yes I guess "I said

"Alcohol ,do you take that"He asked.

"No I have low tolerance for alcohol"I said

"really "He said.

"Yeah"I said.

"ok so where do you want to go "He asked.

"I don't know "I replied.

"My house "He said.

"No "I said

"That was quick , it looks like you don't want to come to my house"He said

Yes I really didn't want to go to his house .

"Um... somehow " I said.

"Ok we're there "he said as stopped the car and I looked out side to see we were in the arcade.

"Arcade"I said

"Yeah come on"He said and went out of the car I came out of the car and we went into the arcade.

"So what do you want to do first "He asked me I looked around .

"How VR first "I said pointing at the VR booth .

"Ok "He said and went there we wore the VR goggles .


Third POV

They came back out from the arcade in the evening.

"OMG "Roxanne said looking at he phone .

"What "He said.

"It's six I need to go "She said

"Awwn "He said as he looked sad

"Stop that"She said and he laughed.

"Come on I'll drop you off "He said

"No , you've done enough already "She said

"I insist "He said

"No seriously , you still haven't told me how much you bought the necklace"She said.

" I tell you the price of the necklace and I take you home deal"He said

"Sure why not "He said

"Ok I bought it fifty thousand dollars "He said

"Fifty !"She yelled

"Hey stop making it a big deal I told you it was the cheapest didn't I "He said

"No no you have to return it"She said wanting to take it off but he stopped her.

"I can't return it ,the store says no refunds and besides if I were to return it I ought to have done it since"He said.

"Xavion I can't accept this , give it to your girlfriend "She said.

"The lady at the store also told me to do the same and I followed instructions"He said.

"Stop it I'm not your girlfriend "She said

"But you are , you're a girl and you're my friend so ...."He said and she thumbed his head.

"Thank you "She said smiling.

"It's okay anything for you and yes I know we're just friends "He said.

"Now come in let me drop you home"He said.

They went into the car and drove off , Kai on the other hand who had been watching them from far was angry.

"So they are dating "He said as he dropped the binoculars and drove out of the arcade. He drove to his condo , He put on the lights and walked to his room and took his bath.

Roxanne got down from the car and went inside. Her dad was waiting for her.

"Annie I've been calling you why haven't you been picking.

"Good evening dad"She said ignoring his question

"Annie I'm ready to talk "He said.

Roxanne looked at her dad and her phone beeped a notification popped on the screen

{𝐄𝐝𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐝 𝐊𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐚𝐜𝐜𝐞𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭}

Her expression changed she was really happy.

"I'll tell you about your mother"He said.

"Ok let me go freshen up"She said as she went to her room she jumped on the bed she was so happy he already accepted her friend request.

She took her bath and changed into her PJs tied her hair in a messy bun and went to the dining area ,her dad already set the table.

"Steak yummy"She said as she sat down.

"I know "He said as they sat down.

Roxanne POV

"Ok then let's eat shall we "He said and we ate after that we sat down in living room dad seemed nervous he looked like he didn't want to say anything I wanted to tell him not to say anything if he doesn't feel like but I couldn't I really wanted to hear what he had to say...

I want to know where my mom is.

"I really don't know where your mother is but I'll tell you everything I know about her..."Dad started.



I heard a knock on the door I was wearing only my pyjamas trousers I took a towel and cleaned my hair as I walked to the door .

"Who is it "I said

"Open the door Kai "I heard a very familiar voice.

I opened the door and saw my father standing Infront of the door.

"No securities "I said looking left and right .

"Kai we need to talk "He said.

"We've said everything in the therapy session haven't we "I said going inside leaving the door open.

Dad walked in and looked around I glared at him.

"What ,were you expecting me not to survive on my own"I said

"No, I know you can't survive on your own the only reason you're surviving now is because of my money..."He didn't complete his sentence I cut him off.

"Of course I would use your money but I'll pay you back as soon as I find my mom"He said

"Your mother can't even afford the this wrist watch on my wrist"He said and I clenched my fist.

"I would have beaten you up but I guess it's illegal"I said

"Son , you can't keep looking for her ,she has forgotten you ..."He said

"Enough stop lying I know you kicked her out I was there I was there you can't keep lying "I yelled and he was speechless

"So what do you have to say now , I saw you I saw you drag her out of the house calling her names, I will never forget that , you see why I will continue to hate you"I yelled.

"You have no idea what happened"He said

"Your mother is a cheat "He said.

"That does it leave "I said pushing him out.

"You want to see your mother fine I'll tell you where she is... "He said and I stopped.¹¹