
He who Never Yields

The world bowed to Kai once more as his popularity was now global not local, kings from different countries also bowed to him for prayers and healing. Kai was an immortal being who can do all God's work but was not aware. Kai felt like it was time to tell the truth to the entire world about his bad deeds at Wharton forest, no one knew what killed all people and the animals only he knows. Time was flying but his deeds were starting to haunt him as his mental state was worsening. Kai asked the entire town to come to the city hall had they known why were they were asked to come they would have not come." I stand before you today to confess to you all my fellow followers as I carry a big burden upon my shoulders, I never intended to because I was only trying to protect myself. It was I who killed all the people and animals in the forest nor did I know that they meant no harm." David responded "What do you mean you killed them?" the city hall was in chaos as people felt betrayed and scared of their God. "I get that you killed my wife but how could you kill a 6 year old boy, my son for that I won't reason I want you dead" David still talking vexed than everyone.

David was the head officer that no one could ever think of going against his words and he scented Kai to death. Kai was hanged but woke after an hour passed from his death, some locals were against it as they said you cannot kill God as they are immortals who cannot be killed by man. David later changed the execution to beheading. Martha begged David to change the ruling but he responded "you want me to save a guy who killed my entire family? Tell me Martha why should I do that? " . Martha could not answer "that's what I thought now get out of my way" David leaving. Kai had told everyone that he did not mean to kill anyone and all animals but was protecting himself. David carried the execution by beheading Kai, a lot of people were hurt by his work but victims were happy. Kai was buried thanks to his good deeds they did not throw him into the forest. Martha cried for days at his grave, weeks passed and years passed the world had now forgotten about Kai.

Martha perceived that something was wrong with her as she was not aging but people around her aged and died. Martha was forced to leave the town but she then came back after 190 years yet she was still the same from 1739. The town had schools and the medical department improved as science advanced to the next level through the years. Throughout the years she learned everything about her and she was not human as Kai but was not powerful as Kai too. Martha could fly and had a body that was not penetrable to knives or any stainless steel objects and pullets. She came back to the town she thought it was her hometown to seek for answers. It was 1929 and the town had changed compared to 1739, a lot of people moved in. She came back as a Physician and she excelled through the years and her skills were out of this world. Martha wanted to visit Kai's grave but they built a bank on top of it, that brought Martha to tears when thinks of the wonders he did for the world.

The existence of Kai and Martha meant that they were more or worse than them out there, indeed they were. The planet of Kryptonians started to shake and they have been doing some research and found that earth was a peaceful and good place to reside as it had no radiation. That's what the fearless, strong and patronizing leader Ragnar thought. 229 years ago he and his son discussed a serious matter that involved the future of all the Kryptonians. "Father I think that I should go to earth and explore it to see if it is safe for my people", said the son of Ragnar Canon. "No! You can't go let me send one of my strong soldiers to go not you, what will I do if something happens to you. You know that you are the future of my people, what will they do without you." He said worryingly.

Canon was so hard headed even his father couldn't convince him and he went to earth anyway. Canon landed on earth safe and sound but he was not so familiar with the environment, the people and decided to live in the forest. That's when the rumors in Elizabeth started. Canon was no other than the boy the people called God known as Kai. A lot happened over the years, back at home Ragnar was getting disquieted as two centuries passed still there was no response from his son. Ragnar sent his best four soldiers who were 3 middle aged men and 1 girl. They used a teleport machine with coordinates to Elizabeth as they did not want to get unwanted attention on their arrival, the soldiers made it to Elizabeth and found that the town is worse than they imagined as they were way advanced in technology and science-based.

Theo was not just an ordinary soldier she was a stunning, cold blooded assassin yet she could also sense the presence of another Kryptonians, Theo sensed the energy of a Kryptonian then she rushed and reported that Canon is alive to Ragnar as soon as she got the energy. Theo and her partners went there then found out that the energy was coming from a girl, a Kryptonian that they never saw before. Theo approached "Hello would mind if I take a seat?" Martha respond with a yes. Theo continued with trying to start a conservation "you know am not good at beating around the bush, well we are looking for someone named Canon and we believe you know him". "What makes you think that I know this Canon guy?" Martha responded anxiously, as she was new in the town.

Theo is a girl who never takes no for an answer she dragged her outside, Martha did not want her identity to be known she then flew away with Theo to the Forest. "Damn it!! How could you hold me like that?" I don't know why you trying to hide what you because you like him and us" Theo after she was vigorously grabbed by Martha. "Do you know me? I think I know who you are looking however I will talk after you tell me my identity" Martha responded. "Look here little girl I don't care about you nor who you are, I want answers its either you tell me or lose your head in this instant" Theo was agitated by Martha for not giving her what she needs. Martha couldn't resist by confess as the look on Theo's eyes were of a killer. Martha told her that Canon was beheaded 190 years ago for killing innocent people. "What!! There is no way a mere human could kill Canon, who killed him I want his head or should I just kill them?" Theo furiously responded to Martha confession about the dead of Canon. Theo asked Martha what she was doing when he was being killed, by then Martha had no idea of her identity. Martha was dragged to Krypton by soldiers as she was the witness and knew the truth about what happened to Canon.

When they arrived Ragnar asked where Canon is but no one responded yet they brought a girl. Ragnar asked "who is this? And where is my son? "Theo responded "sir Canon was beheaded by the humans and we brought a witness". Ragnar was as exasperated as Canon was soon going to be the next leader for the Kryptonians as he is stronger than him because he is half titan and Kryptonian. Ragnar still does not believe that his was dead because not even Kryptonians could kill him. "I want all of them dead and bring me the head of the person who killed my son", Ragnar ordered 50 soldiers to kill everyone in Elizabeth however something substantial happened after the Kryptonians left to Krypton. The entire world was shaking but locals took it as natural disaster and the bank of Elizabeth collapsed, people took it as if it was an earthquake but it was the awakening of Canon known as Kai.

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