The Rouge-Like genre, a popular spin on gaming as a whole, it's typically associated as a glorified hand&slash boss rush with the addition of randomly generated enemies, glorious loot, and insane difficulty curves when you least expect it. The genre was originally devised from a arcade game made in the early 80s, spinning off the ever popular Table Top games of the time, it featured variable heroes trapped in endless mazes, with strength being earned through courage and artifacts gained by slaughtering enemies, looting chests, and sometimes just as a gift... ever since, it's been a growing genre, it's hard to make a rouge like, let alone one that will catch on, but a it's a challenge that many consider an art form. Nick...a bright, young, and relatively tame 17 year old boy has a hobby of collecting objects he shouldn't. Sometimes things even dangerous to him, stolen road signs, pieces of detonated explosives from old wars, key chains, homemade weapons, anything. Until, one day he touches the one thing he never should of touched. The flames are lit, now illuminating large skeletons animated like a film, the door slams shut behind him, and so he begins on his own journey through a Rouge-Like game with experience he can only call second hand at best and none at worst... will he survive?