
Rossi One: Kian's Little Sky

Author: Mary_Joye
Ongoing · 2.7K Views
  • 16 Chs
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What is Rossi One: Kian's Little Sky

Read ‘Rossi One: Kian's Little Sky’ Online for Free, written by the author Mary_Joye, This book is a Teen Novel, covering R18 Fiction, SWEETLOVE Light Novel, Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: Kian's heart raced as he beheld the girl's beauty, her delicate features stirring something profound within him. Her sma...


Kian's heart raced as he beheld the girl's beauty, her delicate features stirring something profound within him. Her small nose scrunched in her sleep, and her soft lips moved ever so slightly, painting the picture of an ethereal being. Was she an angel in disguise? With great care, he removed her jacket, ensuring his gaze remained respectful, and draped his hoodie over her. He also changed into a fresh T-shirt, all the while marveling at her innocent allure. "You're so precious and adorable, my little bambina," he whispered to her sleeping form, a smile gracing his lips. Noticing the bruise on her cheek, a fingerprint marring her skin, rage simmered within him. Whoever had harmed her would pay dearly. Yet, as he gazed at her, a deep connection took root, a vision of a shared future unfolding before him. When her beautiful blue eyes opened and met his, he felt an undeniable bond, a love at first sight that promised so much more. He longed to pursue her, to understand the pain behind those eyes and witness the beauty of her smile. He imagined it would be the most divine sight he'd ever behold. Her voice, a mere whisper, broke the silence. "W-who a-are you? W-where are y-you t-taking me?" It was the sound of heaven to Kian's ears. AUTHOR'S NOTE: Nearing its completion on Wattpad, if you want to read more, you can search my username on Wattpad, @Mary_Joye. i love y'all!

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