5 Shopping

Every morning, Ryuuji goes out to jog. He might not be the most athletic, but he's still pretty fit. After Ryuuji returned, he found that Momo was now awake. So they went downstairs to eat breakfast.

After eating breakfast, Ryuuji discovered a problem: Momo doesn't have any clothes. "You should go ask mom to help you pick some clothes." He said.

"Yeah, you're right. It feels weird to wear male clothing." Momo said as she walked towards Miyuki. "I'm going to ask her right now!"

After coming talking with Miyuki far a while, Momo came back and said, "'Mother-in-law' told me to go shopping with you. It doesn't seem like she completely believe that we're dating yet..."

"But I have absolutely no knowledge about anything related to what women today think as fashionable..." Ryuuji said while shaking his head. Then, he suddenly had an idea. "I know! Let's take Yuki with us. She has more knowledge about things like this anyway." 'With this, I won't have to do anything! I can just sit back and relax while they shop!' He thought. Well he's gonna regret it though. You should never underestimate the mental strain you're gonna get when accompanying women when the shop. Even if you aren't doing anything and just following (Terrible experience when I accompanied my mom and my aunts when the shopped at one time. Never did it again though).

And so comes the 5 hour shopping spree.

Mental strain aside, Ryuuji actually had some fun. Especially when his cute little sister was trying out clothes and showing it to him. Yuki was always asking him if it looks good or not. Of course he said "Yes, it looks good on you." Honestly, it doesn't even matter as everything his sister wears is cute in his eyes anyway. And, unsurprisingly, Momo looks good in anything she tries on. As expected of a goddess! (AN: If someone reads this despite the inconsistent upload schedule, you might be able to see that even my writing style is inconsistent. Why? Because I don't even have a writing style!)

Unbeknownst to them, someone familiar to Ryuuji saw the scene of him shopping with a beauty (he doesn't notice Yuki because she's too small). This person is a friend of Ryuuji. He is above average in terms of height, short dirty-blonde hair, and wears circular glasses. His name Shuu Maiko (AN: I decided to make this a mixture of a bunch of anime worlds just now.)

"Is that Ryuuji?" Next to him is a dark-blue (AN: Black in the fandom),messy haired young man with a cross-shaped hair clip on the left side of his head, and just a bit shorter than Shuu. His name is Raku Ichijou. "Who's that next to him?" He asked.

To which Shuu responded with a spy grin "I don't know, but if someone from our class sees this, they're probably gonna be shocked. I mean, the Ryuuji that's only interested in Kurumi is actually going out on the weekend with a pretty girl just a few days after Kurumi transferred. Isn't this juicy?"

"We should probably tell him to watch out then." Raku said as he took a step forward.

"Nah, let's just observe for a bit more." Shuu said while holding his shoulder.

And so starts the merry adventure of two friends stalking their friend's "date."


"So from what we've observed, this isn't a date." Shuu said as he looked at Yuki. "This is probably just an outing of a family. I'm guessing that that girl is something of a distant relative of Ryuuji seeing as he doesn't have the same love-struck look that he has when looking at Kurumi." Shuu stated his hypothesis as he pushed his glasses upwards as light reflected on it as to not show his eyes. (AN: The Anime Glasses Move™ that all glasses wearing characters in anime usually have!)

"Is that so? Then shouldn't we warn them just in case someone in class sees them and misunderstands?" Raku never doubted Shuu's words as he somehow guesses things correctly. Well he's mostly right other that the fact that they're not relatives.

"Yeah, we probably should." As they walked towards Ryuuji and co., they heard someone exclaim next to them, "Hey guys, isn't that Ryuuji? That bastard, Kurumi only left for a few days and he already has another girl!"

"You're right! We should take a picture of this and show it to the class tomorrow!"

'Fuck, we should have made a move earlier and joined them to not cause misunderstandings.' Shuu thought. 'I'm just gonna bribe them to keep their mouths shut.'

"Hey, guys, can you keep shut about this? I'm pretty sure that they're not dating anyway. I'll give you a limited edition p*rn mag from xxxxxx xxxxxx." Shuu said.

As Shuu said that, they turned towards him and said "Shuu!? What are you doing here? And did you just say you'll give us a limited edition p*rn from xxxxxx xxxxxx!?"

"Yeah, I did so just keep this a secret, okay?"

"Deal." One of them said with a straight face.

As Shuu was making a deal with them, Raku already went to Ryuuji and said that they should be careful. To which Ryuuji responded with a nod as he said, "Yeah, we will. Anyway, wanna join us? It's kinda boring being the only guy here."

"You sure? Won't we be bothering you?"

"Well, not really. I'm just accompanying her to get some clothes anyway. And besides, Im actually not even doing anything here is the one actually picking her clothes." Ryuuji said while pointing at Momo and Yuki.

"Wait a minute. Let me ask Shuu." Raku said. However, just as he was about to turn around to go to Shuu, someone cut him off.

"No need, I'm already here. And of course we agree! This seems interesting, after all." Shuu said.

And so they shopped for a few more hours.

The shopping trip concluded with three boys carrying dozens of shopping bags. With clear regret (in the form of tears) on Shuu's eyes, he thought 'Why did I even agree to this?'

(AN: After I finished writing this I thought to myself 'Where did the get the money to buy those?' I mean, that's got to be expensive, right? So then I came up with a background for their family. Which is: Ryuuji's father, apart from being successful on his own, has a couple uncles (Father's brothers. Not THAT kind of uncle) that gave their inheritances to him because they don't have children of their own. As for Ryuusuke's job? I still haven't decided on it yet.)
