
A quite mysterious life

(Visualize with A narrator!) In this cheerful season warm emotions fill the air in every corner of Kyoto. The bright blue sky and gentle clouds create a scene for a day. Streets below are alive, with crowds, various vehicles passing and kids playing together in the park. Seniors groove to Zumba tunes while workers gather in a café to focus on their tasks. In this climate life flourishes around bringing joy to peoples hearts as they bask in the perfect weather. On such a tranquil day it's hard to imagine anything, by its charm. Amidst all this happiness some individuals may carry on with their troubles without showing a smile or any sign of delight – almost as if theres no reason to do so all.


A Masked Love, Chapter 1 - The day of Job hunting shall strike

Beneath the skies our attention is drawn to a figure clad in a white suit paired with a matching black necktie. His black trousers complement his attire. He casually holds a briefcase in his hand. Despite the weather his demeanor is notably different. The dressed gentlemans face remains stoic devoid of any emotion. Even his glasses fail to add any hint of liveliness, to his aura. This individual happens to be our Mysterious Agent, Satoshi Ren representing the Administration of Purge. The protagonist of our tale that will wear the mask as they embark on their journey, through this Story.

As Satoshi strolls along, he takes in his surroundings by casting his eyes around every nook and cranny. He spots kids having fun at the playground seniors grooving to Zumba tunes and employees in a Café house working on their laptops. His azure eyes serve as his compass, during this exploration. Despite the thoughts swirling in his mind he refrains from uttering a word or displaying any hint of emotion, on his face. However upon reaching a structure after some time he halts in his tracks. Standing before it he gazes upward in awe of its towering presence. Following his contemplation he shuts his eyes momentarily takes a breath then reopens them to proceed towards the buildings entrance.

Satoshi stood tall at the entrance, his expressionless face is mainted as usual as he glanced at the sign that proudly declared "Now Hiring!" After taking note of the message he checked his wristwatch. Saw that it was 12;40 PM. Without hesitation he proceeded into the building. Made his way, to the elevator with other people behind him.

The elevator was packed with people, and Satoshi found himself at the back, gently shifting back until he was snug against the wall. It was a quiet ride, with no noise to be heard. As they ascended, Satoshi glanced around the elevator, taking in every corner. When they finally reached the 15th floor, everyone filed out, with Satoshi stepping out last.

As he walked towards the interview office, he suddenly noticed a large glass window beside him, around 5 feet in height. Looking through it, he observed the side of the building and couldn't help but be captivated by the view for a brief moment.

"Hm.. It is the year 2029, and the month of November. the day is Thursday, specifically it is November 6 and this is the day he finds work, the day he tries to change his place in Life's harmony. It sounds too much, now that I think about it… (He's just talking about himself) Too much. ?

He sighed briefly to the observation, breaking away from the grand view he was facing.

How is this going to go? I have been through numerous operations and missions during which I, my life, and the lives of many others were at risk… and I somehow managed to get home every time and even complete the mission. So why do I feel like this time is going to be different? And It is just a job interview. How bad could it possibly go wrong?" Satoshi said to himself.

Reaching his destination, Satoshi approached the office entrance. A sign reading "For Hire!" caught his attention. With anticipation, he approached, and cautiously opening the glass door, stepped inside, eager to initiate his pursuit of employment at the company.

Upon entering, Satoshi noticed a woman slumbering at a table. Her posture resembled that of a weary student, head nestled upon her arms, resting on the table. Her hair was tangled, and she uttered incoherent murmurs. The table was covered in papers, with additional ones strewn on the floor beneath, indicating that they had slipped out when she drifted into unconsciousness.

As Satoshi laid eyes on her, he approached the woman slowly. He halted his approach when he reached the front of her table. Upon closer inspection, he noticed that she seemed comfortable sleeping, as she was even drooling slightly with a faint smile. Seeing this, he tilted his head in confusion, unsure of how to wake her up without being disrespectful. Satoshi stood there quietly for a few moments, contemplating. Finally, after a moment, a man passed by the front of the interviewing office. He noticed Satoshi standing there as if observing something. When the man saw him, his expression suddenly changed to irritation.

"What's this? A handsome guy just standing here? If this is it, then I'm disappointed..." he muttered before approaching the opened door of the interviewing office and peeking inside. As he peeked, he saw the woman sleeping soundly while Satoshi stood there, looking at her and waiting. As a responsible worker, this did not sit well with the man, and his expression turned even more irritated (in a comedic way), and he suddenly spoke loudly.

Cecilia's slumber was abruptly shattered by a loud yell. She shot up, exclaiming "What the heck?!" with a comical expression of shock and confusion. Her eyes widened into enormous, white-iris circles, and her mouth quivered with surprise. With lightning-fast reflexes, she rearranged the papers around her within a mere three seconds while quietly squealing.

"YOU AGAIN, MS. CECILIA! I OFTEN I OFTEN FIND YOU LIKE THIS!" said Cecilia's office manager.

Cecilia: "IM SORRY IM SORRY IM SORRY!" (she said while continuously bowing, indicating her apology)

"I'VE TRIED MY BEST TO STAY CALM EVERY TIME I SEE YOU LIKE THIS, BUT YOU KEEP REPEATING IT, SO I CAN'T HANDLE IT ANYMORE. YOU'RE ALWAYS NOT DOING YOUR WORK PROPERLY! AND LOOK AT MR. HERE" (looking at Satoshi) "ARE YOU ALWAYS GONNA BE LIKE THIS--- OH" The office manager's statement was interrupted when he noticed Satoshi looking at him seriously and sternly. He saw the intimidating and piercing blue eyes of Satoshi. He felt the seriousness in Satoshi's eyes, as if saying "Stop it" directly to Cecilia's office manager.

As soon as the manager met Satoshi's eyes, his attitude changed. He shut his eyes, put on a smile like nothing had gone wrong, and said, "Oh, I'm sorry if I interrupted you. I'll leave right now. Goodbye with a chuckle." Feeling nervous and scared after seeing Satoshi, the manager walked away from the interview room slowly, sweating.

When the office manager departed, Satoshi turned his gaze to Cecilia. She was industriously retrieving the strewn papers. Satoshi moved to help, but to his surprise, Cecilia had already gathered them all. With agile motions, she rose and swiftly walked to her desk situated before her chair. There, she bowed respectfully to Satoshi.

Cecilia: "I APOLOGIZE FOR EARLIER! I'm Cecilia Harukawa from the Office Hiring management! It's a pleasure to introduce myself and to meet you!" Cecilia exclaimed nervously, her voice slightly trembling due to her nerves.

Upon hearing Cecilia's introduction, Satoshi reciprocated with a slow and formal bow, placing his right hand on his abdomen as a gesture of respect.

"Good afternoon to you. It is a pleasure to meet you. My name is Satoshi Ren," Satoshi responded. During the introductions, they inadvertently bowed to each other. As Cecilia smiled in response to Satoshi's introduction, she straightened up from her bow, her eyes fixated forward. But as she did, their eyes collided. Cecilia's gaze met Satoshi's piercing blue eyes, her own glimmering with a hint of recognition. A silent connection formed as they acknowledged each other's presence, and they gradually rose from their respectful Greetings.

To be continued..!

This is exciting lol XD

Yuazucreators' thoughts