
The beginning

So I do apologize for the grammar and spelling mistakes and so let's start

                   Marinette POV. 

I was sleeping peacefully till I hear my mom yelling my name.

Marinette it's time to wake up yells Sabine from down stairs,but just then Luka poured water on her head.     

"Ahhhhh LUKA don't do that anymore no I need to change and get ready so go away Luka"  

"Okay bye." then Luka leaves the room and Marinette gets her stuff ready for college. Then she hears a knock on the door and opens it.  

"Hey Marinette how are you." She asked well as she walks in. 

"I'm doing grate but I Luka just had to dump water on my head to be exact cold water. Marinette says we'll still a bit upset. she was tired from packing the luggage for college. 

" well are you done we should get to college soon so we can unpack are stuff and see are roommates. I really hope me and Nino are roommates"

" ya I'm sure you will don't worry" Marinette says. " luka come down stairs so we can go to college." 

"Okay okay I'm coming let me just bring my stuff down"

Later they leave well I will show you what's happening with Adrian side of the story. Now let's see what's happening with him.

                           Adrien POV.

I was sleeping till I heard my alarm and I got up. I was exited for college. So I got ready I went downstairs and saw breakfast ready for me " thanks mom and dad for the breakfast." Well eating the food."

" your welcome sweetheart. Well Nino must be her soon but don't forget to bring Chloe with you." Emily said a bit sad that there growing up and whatever parents do."

"Ya don't worry about that I will remember that. I will tell her to head downstairs." Adrien said as he starts giving to Chloe's room. " hey Chloe time to head down stairs."

" okay I'm coming" Chloe said almost triping over her self. "Is Nino here yet adrien"

"Ya he is" he replied two Chloe and then they leave the house. 

That's it for now bye see ya all in the next chapter peace out.

Next chapter