
ch 33


My sister turned around at the call of her name. She had grown a lot in the summer, and guilt ran through my system before I beat it down.

I made a decision, as did my parents and I will live with it. I thought about the situation.

Ginny's eyes turned cold when she saw that it was me. I couldn't blame her. Regardless of my relationship with our parents, I didn't have to cut ties with my siblings either.

"Professor Black." Ginny's cold response came fast.

Molly's child, through and through.

"Here." I said, handing her a package.

She looked at it suspiciously but took it anyway. I didn't bother her anymore, and turned around immediately, back to the class that was about to start.

"Can you get something to Nott for me?" I asked my 'master'. Snape didn't flinch at the casual use of a rising Death Eater's name, nor did he act surprised.

"It depends." Snape said. His hands wrote on the blackboard with chalk, and never lifted at my question.

"A notebook." I clarified.

It was a very very modified version of the notebook most people would be using. This one wouldn't allow you access, unless you had the same blood and magic of the person who activated it.

It did run a small risk of someone intercepting the notebook before Nott could perform the ritual, but I had contingencies in place for that. Such as a self-destruct cluster that I could activate with my 'master notebook', it would feed off of that person's own magic to activate it. An ingenious cluster, if I do say so myself.

"Yes." Snape replied simply.

I threw two copies of the notebook on the desk. His quick eyes noticed it immediately. He looked at me and waited for me to elaborate. I didn't intentionally. It took a lot for me to keep my face straight as he rolled his eyes.

"Why are there two?" Snape asked.

I looked up to him with a fake smile. "I'm glad you asked, master." I said. I smiled wider when Snape flinched at the word 'master'.

"That one is for you." I finished.

"You aren't worried about the ...risk." Snape drawled out.

As if I didn't already consider it. I thought, a bit miffed about his lack of confidence in me.

"Prick your finger, and apply it to the symbol on the spine." I commanded. "It'll be useful to you, and I need you to show Nott how to do it. I won't send an instruction manual into Tom's hands."

Snape fished his wand from his sleeve and touched the tip of his finger. A red drop appeared on it and he wasted no time in obeying me.

I saw his hand still, and his body tense for a second as the runic cluster went to work. And then, faster than it came, he relaxed. He jerked his hand back off of the spine and shot me a dirty look.

I chuckled a little knowing that it was a little uncomfortable. The runic cluster not only registered your blood, but did a deep scan of your magic. The blood was just a distraction for the true protection.

It was easy to kidnap someone and use their blood to open it up, but to fake magic? Impossible. Well not impossible, but so difficult it was a non issue.

Snape opened the notebook and read the instruction manual on how to operate the notebook. His eyebrow rose, obviously impressed.

"Tell me that you have patented this, before handing these out." Snape said.

I almost fired a spell at him. "Of course I did, got the paperwork yesterday." I replied, indignant.

"Good. You have prepared pages for me already." Snape observed.

I almost called him captain obvious, almost. "Yes, take a guess who 'fiery bird' is." I snickered after saying it.

He gave me a look like he regretted agreeing to take me on as an apprentice. Then he started flipping through the pages that already had names on them. His was less than most people, mainly because nobody liked him and he was a recluse, but I didn't say that out loud.

"Dumbledore's is also warded?" Snape asked, ignoring me.

"Yes, and you can change the name just…"

"I read the instruction list, Black."

I smiled at him and left him alone, grading the papers in front of me. All of Snape's attention was on the notebook in front of him. He appeared to be dissecting it.

"What is the motivation behind this?" Snape asked. "Sure, it cuts flight time off for owls, but this is only the beginning isn't it? Why?"

Snape looked up to me then, the notebook forgotten.

I pondered telling him for a moment before deciding it wouldn't hurt to tell him.

"The muggle world has created something marvelous." I began. "They don't know it yet, and neither does the wizarding world. But the entire human species is about to be launched into what I am calling the 'Information Age'. They've created devices that can store data, and broadcast that data around the world, instantaneously. You have no idea how different the world will be in two decades. If our world doesn't keep up, it will be left behind." I explained to him, seriously.

Snape hung onto every word I spoke, obviously taking my explanation seriously. "This isn't anything like that." He responded.

"You're right, but it is an introduction. In ten years, these will be obsolete." I told him, holding up the notebooks. "I'll figure out a way to let us wizards use muggle electronics without our magic frying, but in the meantime we'll use these."

Snape didn't respond for a moment. The gears were turning in his head as he considered the possibilities. I knew he wasn't that in touch with the muggle world, but he probably knew more than the average wizard.

I didn't tell him that eventually, I would give media outlets preloaded pages on the notebooks. The Daily Prophet, The Quibbler, and others from around the world will beg for spots on the pages. Not only will I become insanely rich, but also have major influence over the news being spread around the country, and then the world.

Of course, this all hinged on the notebooks being successful. And I hadn't decided if I would start selling them before the war ended. I didn't want Voldy getting his hands on one and reverse engineering it to spy on me or my comrades. I ran that risk already since I gave one to Snape and Nott, but I wanted that risk as low as possible.

I just took a page out of my past muggle life. I would link the people together, and then let them do all the work after that. I would influence in the background, while living a life I loved. If I got tired of directing the world in the direction I wanted. Then I would either sell it or make someone else run it.

Truly, my motivation wasn't the power or the money. I just wanted to create as much equal opportunity as possible, for muggles, muggleborn, half-blood, pure-blood, it didn't matter. I just wanted the people to understand each other.

While there was a lot of strife in my past life that may have been caused by the information age. Statistically, the world's wealth rose and poverty declined significantly. Was it eliminated? No, but did things increase by a large margin? Yes.

Snape was about to start when the bell rang, and students began trickling into the classroom. His lectures were not as complete as they normally were for the rest of the day, and I couldn't help but grin at how flustered I got him.

I awoke to the smell of breakfast and coffee. A part of me panicked, because of the sun peeking through the blinds in my room before I realized that it was christmas break, and I didn't need to be at the school today.

I could tell that Fleur woke up to my movements, as she normally did. I didn't leave the warmth of her body today. Instead my arm tightened around her and brought her closer. She moaned slightly, not sexually, like one would do when they just woke up.

She was already a very cuddly person when she slept, and when I pulled her closer, she shifted to where she was basically laying on top of me. I chuckled a little bit because of it.

"Goodmorning, love." I greeted.

"Mmmm." Fleur said intelligently.

"Merry Christmas." I said after a moment of thought.

I thought the prospect of gifts would rouse her more, but instead she started a fake snore that rumbled through my chest. I audibly laughed then before wiggling underneath her. She whined in response and sat up on top of me, straddling my waist.

Her hands stopped my shoulders from shaking, and then her head plopped back down on my chest. Her movements on top of me disturbed another, more primal, part of me and woke it up.

I stayed still, letting the blood flow to a certain part of my body. Eventually it grew enough for Fleur to notice. This was my trump card.

Fleur snapped to attention and positioned herself correctly to slide me straight in. She wasted no time, and needed no more attention from me to get her wet. I smiled as she groaned.

Never fails.

"We're pregnant."

Coffee sprayed in the air, luckily Sirius faced away from Harry and I before letting it go. Harry's eyes widened and his jaw dropped.

The three of us were standing in the kitchen, as Fleur and Tonks talked at the table. Fleur was the one to drop the bomb on everyone, I just stood back and watched the reactions, loving it. Tonks hair turned a bright red, in response.

I wasn't sure why it was that specific color, maybe she was blushing. I just calmly drank my coffee, smiling.

"You're what?!" Sirius blurted out after his mouth was empty.

Kreacher mumbled something under his breath about his master being a 'fucking idiot' if I heard correctly.

"Fleur is pregnant." I repeated.


Obviously Sirius was in shock, he wasn't making any sense.

"Well you see, when two people love each other…" I joked.

"Shut up! You're serious?" Sirius asked.

I didn't get a chance to reply with the punny comeback. Instead Fleur blurted out. "No, you're Sirius. I'm just pregnant."

Harry, Tonks, and I started laughing at Sirius' expense. Eventually he joined in too. "This is good news right?"

"Of course it's great news." I answered. "Just a little unexpected is all."

"You're 16, how are you not freaking out." Sirius directed it towards me. His hands were supporting himself on the counter, he was acting as if a one night stand just broke the same news to him.

"What is there to freak out about? Too late for that now." I said. I was completely calm, mainly because I had about two months to adjust to the idea.

"How far along are you?" Tonks asked, steering the conversation a different direction.

"About 9 weeks, according to the medi-witch." Fleur answered her.

Sirius took me out of their conversation by appearing in my face. "This is great news!" Sirius exclaimed, wrapping me up in a hug.

"Thanks, Sirius. The next generation of house Black will start a little sooner than expected." I told him, trying to put it in perspective for everyone. "That is, if the little person can take the name of Black."

"Of course the little guy, uhh girl, thing, can! You're a full member of house Black!" Sirius confirmed what I knew he would say. I laughed a bit at him not knowing how to describe the unknown gender of my future child.

"July baby?" Harry chimed in, looking smug. "Congrats, mate."

"Thanks, we're excited about it." I responded. Sirius looked about ready to cry.

Who knew he was so emotional? I thought to myself. Then I remembered that he was most likely infertile because of his time in Azkaban. Long term exposure to Dementers had deep consequences. Although, if Bellatrix could potentially become pregnant with Voldemort's child, then it wasn't a guarantee.

"You're so young, are you sure?" Sirius asked.

My head snapped to him quickly. My eyes told him to shut the fuck up and not continue that line of thought. He didn't catch the look and opened his mouth to continue.

"Because there are…"

"Sirius, shut up." I quickly told him. "And be happy."

Everyone kind of sobered up at that and I looked to Fleur, hoping she hadn't heard. She had, but she was pretending to ignore it. Her smile was tight, and threatening to drop. Normally she wouldn't have been affected by such a suggestion, but her hormones were all over the place. I couldn't count how many times she bursted into tears for no reason.

Merlin, what will her parents say.

"Fleur is that you?"

I followed Fleur into the home she grew up in. Dread pooled in the pit of my stomach, but I put one foot in front of the other.

Can't wait for them to know I knocked up their daughter. My traitorous mind supplied.

"Yes, maman. Ron and I are here." Fleur yelled back.

I didn't take offense at her letting her mother know I was here. She probably just didn't want her to comment about her english boyfriend, save me from the trouble of knowing what my future mother-in-law thought about me.

"Good! I just finished dinner. Come sit down."

We did, and the dinner was amazing. At least I thought it was. Everything tasted like ash because of the coming conversation. Time slowed and sped up at the same time. Every moment felt like an eternity, but the time to tell them came quicker than expected.

We both decided that after presents were exchanged, and everyone was ready for the night to end, we would drop the bomb. Luckily, Fleur had volunteered to be the one to actually say it out loud.

Be a fucking man, Ron. I berated myself just as the moment approached.

Fleur patted my leg and moved to stand up, but I beat her to it. "Everyone, we have an announcement to make." I began.

Her father's eyes locked on to mine immediately and I could see that he was thinking one of two things. Fleur's pregnant, or we're getting married without his permission. I didn't let it stew for too long and just ripped the bandaid off.

"We're pregnant."

Fury blazed in her father's eyes as I confirmed his worst fear. I smiled at them all, but kept my eyes on her father. Distantly I heard Fleur's mother and Gabrielle congratulate us. I even think I responded.

But really I was having a staring match with her father. Now that the information was out there, my anxiety reduced significantly. What was he going to do about it?

He'll be happy about it, he'll love it. Because I will murder him if he makes Fleur upset. My mind told me.

What is going on with me right now. I immediately locked down on my occlumency, and chased away the emotions.

"Thanks maman." Fleur said and I turned my eyes away from her father. It was just in time to give Fleur's mother a one-armed hug.

"Aren't you a little young to be pregnant." Gabrielle, the teenager blurted out.

"I was wondering the same thing." Fleur's father agreed quickly. The bastard took the opportunity his daughter had given him.

Fleur's eyes narrowed in on them, promising pain. "We are both adults." Fleur responded quickly.

"Legally." Her father agreed.

I, of course, caught the 'legally, but not emotionally' jab he sent my direction. Fleur was about to defend me, and start a big fight in the house. I decided that I would deescalate the situation.

"I know I am a bit young, but that is only in age. We'll be fine with or without your approval, but we would both feel a lot better to have your support." I said, cutting out any argument.

We want your support, but will not beg for it. The ball is in your court. I thought, waiting for them to decide.

Everyone looked at me, including Fleur. I wrapped an arm around her and brought her close. She wrapped her arms around me, like a lifeline.

"You have our support, of course." Apolline said while shooting her husband a look. "It is just unexpected, considering the measures I know Fleur was taking."

Fleur's father schooled himself and smiled at his oldest daughter. "Your mother is right, you both have our support. I was in shock."

Good cover up. Believable enough for me to allow you to continue breathing.

I beat back the murderer in me, back to the furthest reaches of my mind. I couldn't murder Fleur's father ...unless I didn't get caught.

"It's understandable, we are still adjusting also." I told them both while smiling.

Appoline said something to Fleur but I didn't hear it. Instead I caught Monsieur Delacour's eyes and nodded my head in the direction of the hall. The man nodded back and I excused myself.

I heard him do the same after a moment. As soon as the door opened I moved through the house, with him hot on my heels. Even though I had only stayed in the house once, I reached the same balcony that we had talked on before quickly.

He got lost along the way, but he soon showed up. The glasses of firewhiskey in his hand told me the detour he had taken. He reluctantly handed me one of them.

I took it and pondered the possibility of him poisoning it. Then I remembered he was probably as afraid of his daughter as I was.

"I want to ask you for her hand in marriage." I told him more than asked him.

He nodded at me. "Yes, I assumed so."

"Truthfully, she already proposed to me." I corrected myself. "But tradition should be acknowledged."

Mr. Delacour snorted. "Of course she did. She took the decision out of my hands then." He said, taking another drink of his glass.

I did the same. "I'm certain that is exactly why she did it." I agreed with him. It was a masterful stroke of simple manipulation on Fleur's part.

"Fleur Black." He tried the name on his tongue. It did not roll off, but it's what we had to work with.

"At least you chose a respectable house." The man commented.

I nodded to him as I turned away and leaned over the edge of the railing. My eyes wandered the dark grounds of the manor, not finding anything.

"The family that has the best argument as the oldest and most influential in the country. Even if their population has dwindled." I said, half agreeing half reinforcing.

"Will the child be legitimate?" He asked.


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