
chapter: three

For the past hour and a half, Taehyung found himself in three different situations. The first being him tuning out the meeting on the verge of sleep after having being victim to be forced to listen to two businessmen debate on what nominal value of shares the company should distribute. The second, was playing candy crush under the table and almost yelping loudly when he felt a sharp pinch to his side, followed by Seokjin whispering to get off his phone and pay attention.

The last situation involved a certain frustrated dark haired man, situated opposite him across the long table. He found himself sharing subtle glances over to the man who remained composed when their eyes locked briefly, not seeming fazed when Taehyung caught him staring. Jungkook although seeming to look tranquillised, was anything but that. Taehyung watched as the male's features were formed to resemble a scowl and knitted his eyebrows tighter as he let out a shaky breath, seeming to calm himself down. At that Taehyung laughed inwardly knowing he was the cause for the elder's anger.

After having introduced himself, Jungkook's face fall at the realisation of just who Taehyung was, the younger walked past him paying no attention to questions which presumably had formed inside of his head, and began to fall into light conversations with business partners who all wore the same facial expression; confusion and shock. Most had came to the common conclusion that Taehyung was a female married off to some rich foreigner, so therefore it was no surprise to Taehyung when he found them all throwing multiple bizarre and personal questions at him to which he just brushed off by changing the conversation. The meeting had begun just a few minutes after that and now, it was nearing its end.

"If no one has anything else to add, that will be all. Thank you for attending."

At that, Taehyung sprung to his feet, ready to sprint out the room and announce to his father how he would never attend a business meeting ever again and maybe it would just be better he genuinely did get married off to some lousy rich man and leeched off of him instead of having to manage a multimillionaire company. However, Seokjn's hand wrapped around tightly around his wrist keeping him grounded. "Wait here, I have to go talk to Mr Choi for a minute." He didn't let Taehyung respond before sauntering over in the opposite direction to greet a bald headed man, who he presumed was Mr Choi.

Letting out a breath of annoyance, he began pocketing through his blazer to find his phone and pull up candy crush again when a voice suddenly spoke up.


At the sound of the name his head snapped upwards, his eyes finding themselves on Jungkook who leaned against the table, blazer removed leaving him dressed with only his white shirt which seemed to be a little too tight around his chest, the sleeves rolled up to his elbows giving off an aura of dominance.

"Jeon." He said coldly, looking away and picking up a green file that was placed on the table which if he recalls correctly Seokjin had been holding earlier when they were exiting the car, most likely holding importance and tsk'd to himself at the thought of his brother for almost having left it.

Jungkook let out a scoff, "I see you're just as annoying as everyone else in your family."

"And I see you're just as stuck up, manner-less and self-centred as everyone else in your family." He tells and hears Jungkook laugh drily.


"Aren't I just?"

"It's funny watching you act like you have knowledge in matters regarding business when we both know, you probably could care less." Jungkook wasn't wrong but Taehyung would never admit that. In fact, he began to grow irritated at his assumption of him.

"And what makes you think I know nothing, Jeon?"

He doesn't reply. Instead, he scans Taehyung from head to toe and rolls his dark chestnut coloured orbs.

"Here I was, thinking you were married off to some wealthy man and instead you're nothing but just some stupid little kid thinking the business world is his playground."

Taehyung now angered steps closer towards Jungkook, ignoring the side-looks he was getting from the other individuals in the room holding looks of wary wondering why a Kim and Jeon were seeming to converse with one another.

"Why? You scared I'm going to come ruin you and your precious little father?" Jungkook's tightens his jaw causing him to flash a smirk, "and you believed those childish rumours about me? Wow." he lets out a breath for exaggeration, "here I thought that maybe you weren't as hollow in that head of yours. But, seems I was wrong."

This time the male lets out another laugh, but not one of sarcasm, "you think I'm scared of you?" pushing himself off the table, he takes a step towards Taehyung and Taehyung tries hard not to think about how close they're both stood, the scent of citrus, vanilla and a hint of aftershave engulfed him due to close proximity.

"Please," Jungkook pauses and shakes his head looking at Taehyung, "don't be silly Kim, you're no threat to me." he continues to hold his stare, "in fact, I find it rather offensive that you think silly little you could even hold any power against me." A chuckle escaping his cherry red lips.

Taehyung restrained himself from punching him directly in the face to wipe off the smirk on his lips. How dare he belittle him? Yes, Taehyung hadn't been working in the industry but that didn't mean he knew nothing about playing dirty; he was a Kim by blood after all. Jungkook was foolish to believe Taehyung was soft and non-threatening, in fact Taehyung was the worst of the Kim brothers and he intended to show the naive Jeon just who he was dealing with.

He brought arms to lay atop Jungkook's shoulder blades and the man's eyes widened at the sudden action but Taehyung brushed off some loose thread, tilting his head and holding his glare through the fluttering of his long eyelashes, "silly little Jeon." His voice was soft and taunting but as he leaned in closer to close the gap between them both, his lips hovered over Jungkook's ear and he felt the older tense up, he then spoke quietly enough that only both of them were able to hear. "I'd watch your back Jeon, you don't know what you've just gotten yourself into." He says sternly and then turns his back on him, not bothering to witness Jungkook's reaction and walking over to Seokjin who was still chattering away with Mr Choi.

Seokjin notices Taehyung walking towards him and points at the younger, "ah, just the person we were talking about!" He informs and puts his arm around Taehyung who in return flashes a look of puzzlement at his brother but finds Mr Choi holding out his hand to shake in which he obliges.

"All good things I hope." Taehyung jokes and Mr Choi lets out a slight laugh, "your brother was just telling me about how you just graduated with a law degree from Cambridge University." He announces sounding impressed and Taehyung hands over the file he had been holding to Seokjin as he replies, "yes, it was actually a great experience, I quite enjoy law."

Mr Choi nods his head in agreement, "I actually own a chain of law firms and was in need of someone to manage one of the departments temporarily until I find a suitable person to take over" he explains and Taehyung began to understand the situation and what was being asked of him, "I mean, I don't mind helping out." Seokjin gives him a look of approval. "I'm sure it would help me gain more experience not only within Korean law but how to manage a team for when I eventually work for Kim industries."

Taehyung knew Mr Choi and his father were good acquaintances, he heard his name and law firms briefly when eavesdropping in on conversations between his father and brothers, so he knew he would be delighted to know his son was taking an interest within business related matters and upholding good business relationships, two things his father had always wanted Taehyung to prioritise.

"I'm so happy to hear that. I'll have my secretary call you later this week so you can come over and we can speak more about this?" Taehyung nods his head in approval and not being long, the conversation drew to its end with the promise of a phone call.

"Well," Seokjin is the first to speak as they walk out the room, "I think that went pleasantly well. I'm sure father will be ecstatic to know you're finally getting involved." He hums in agreement and presses the button for the lift, tapping his feet on the marble floor waiting for the lift.

"What were you talking about to Jeon back there?" The lift doors open and they both step inside, pressing the button to the lower ground floor.

"Nothing really, he just came over to ask for my hand in marriage."

Seokjin smacks the back of his head, "tell me!I'm curious!" He groans and Taehyung laughs loudly at his older brother.

"What else do you think a Jeon would say?" he snickers, "he told me how he's not scared of me and how I'm no threat to him so in retaliation, I told him to be careful because I'm going to ruin that bastard." Seokjin seemed slightly alarmed but then his shoulders fell and he coo'd loudly. "Aw, look at my baby brother getting his hands dirty and plotting Jeon Jungkook's death. I couldn't be more proud." The lift doors open and Taehyung grumbles to himself about how they should stop baby'ing him as their Bentley pulls up in front of them.

"So how exactly do you plan to take him down?"

Oh. He hadn't thought about that.

He begins to fasten his seat-belt around his waist, "I'm not sure. I'll think of something."

"Well whatever it is, it better be worse than the day Namjoon put him in hospital." Taehyung's eyes nearly bulged out of their sockets at that news.

"Namjoon hyung did what?!"

Seokjin rested his head against the black leather seat and looked up at the ceiling of the car, as if reminiscing the moment.

"Yeah, Namjoon and Jeon got into fights a lot during school since you know, they're the same age. Well, one time Jeon mentioned something about mom and Namjoon broke his arm out of anger and sent him to the ER." Taehyung let his mouth fall open at the news. "Best day ever!" Seokjin barks and claps his hands, "father literally promoted Namjoon within the company at the news and praised him. Safe to say, I was jealous." Both the brothers laugh among themselves at their father's happiness when it came to any pain a Jeon incurred.

Upon arriving home Seokjin waved him off stating he had to attend to some business matter with their father and walked down the direction of where their father's office was located. Taehyung on the other hand, had nowhere to go and situated himself on a table stool in the kitchen, feeding on some fruits he had found cut up and set inside a container in the fridge. Sighing to himself he texted Yoongi if he was free to which the milk skinned boy replied notifying him that he was indeed stuck at work, well that's just great- his only friend in Korea isn't even free. Taehyung did have plenty of other friends who he could easily contact and ask to hang out with but he hadn't spoken to most of them for nearly the past two years and it'd be awkward to abruptly ask them to meet him to 'chill'.

"I can see you're having a great time." His mother speaks sarcastically as she strolls into the kitchen with an empty white plate in her hand.

"Yeah, having the time of my life." His voice was monotonous as he raised his arms acting out as if he were at a party throwing his hands up in the air and then dropping them. His mother lets out a giggle as she stands across him picking out some fruits from the container as she analyses her son.

"Have I mentioned how much more handsome you've become since I last saw you?"

"Yes mom, you've mentioned it every time you've had the chance." He drawls, his mother brings her hands up and places them on each of his cheeks pulling them apart making him let out a whine of displeasure.

"This cute and still single?"


"I know," she raises her arm as if in surrender, "don't worry, I'm not going to nag you about finding someone like your father does." She says hastily and throws a blueberry into her mouth and Taehyung beams at her as she pumps her fist into the air in success when she throws another one and catches it in her mouth.

"I don't get why he doesn't nag Namjoon hyung for being single too, why me?" He mutters to himself but his mother manages to catch it, "that's because he's already to set to marry someone." She was right. It's not that Namjoon had been forced or arranged to marry another person, no- far from that.

When Namjoon was around eleven, he attended an event with their father overseas for a week in Japan where he met and befriended a young girl named Harue. The eleven-year-old professed his 'love' for the day he was to arrive back to Korea, but unfortunately, she declined his offer by reasoning that her father was strict and wouldn't allow it. Instead, she told Namjoon to keep in contact with her and she'd think about it sometime in the future, and surprisingly he did exactly that. They wrote to each other for a years and met up once every month. Eventually when both reached fifteen, Namjoon grew fed up of not being able to date Harue who he had grown attached to over the course of the years. In frustration he wrote to her father asking for his permission to date his daughter. Bold move, but that's what young love does to children.

Her father did indeed reply and explained to Namjoon how she was his only daughter and was cautious with whom she surrounded herself with, only wanting the best of the best for her and agreed that if by the time they both were of age to marry, he could happily have his daughter if she would take him. Years have passed and the two although not explicitly dating, are still madly in love with one another and manage some weird long distant relationship that's not a relationship but will be a relationship? Confusing. It hurt Taehyung's head to think about but also warmed him at how fond they both were of one another.

"How about Sana she seems to really like you-"

"Mom, Sana's a lesbian."


Taehyung snorted, "I know you want me to be happily in love like some sap, but trust me mom, I'm okay and happy the way I am." He reassures her as he knows his mother only has his best interest and worried about him since ever since Taehyung came out bisexual, five years ago over FaceTime, he hadn't dated a single person.

"I just," she sighs to herself and bites on her lip and Taehyung rushes over to her and leans his head against her shoulder, pressing his body against the counter.

"Relax mom, I promise I'm okay. I know I'm your little baby but I can handle myself and if I ever meet anyone, you'll be the first to know." At that his mother smiles brightly and begins to play with the strands of his hair. They stay like that for a minute or so, a comfortable silence taking over and both just enjoying each other's company.

Taehyung is the one to break the silence, "Mom?" She hums for him to continue, "why exactly do we hate the Jeons?" It was simply a question of out of curiosity but he felt his mother still and her breath hitch for a second before she collected herself.

"Because, your grandfather didn't like the late Mr Jeon."

"I know that, but why didn't he like him?" He knew he should stop prodding further when his mother seemed reluctant to answer for whatever the reason was, "I'm not sure, sweetie." Lie. Taehyung thinks to himself, she's lying; she does know. Everyone but him knew. Maybe not his brothers but his mother and father sure did and it led Taehyung to think whether Jungkook was aware or did his own parents leave him in the dark too.

"Why do you ask?"

"No reason, I just wondered since I saw Jungkook today." He waves it off as if it wasn't a big deal, which it really wasn't but his mother frowned at the mention of the elders name.

"Stay away from him, he's bad news. Their entire family are actually."

"Hmm, I know mom. Don't worry, I don't have any intention to dig my nose into their business." Removing his head from her shoulder he looks her in the eyes and she gives him a pleased smile, "good."

"Now," she breathes out and pushes herself off the counter, "unlike you who has no friends and probably no plans-"


She swats him away, "I actually have some plans so you may continue eating your fruits and I'll see you later for dinner." Pecking Taehyung on the cheek and exiting the room, he was left again with nothing but his container of fruits to keep him company. Pushing his fruit container in bitterness and mumbling "stupid fruits" he gives up sitting alone and being left with his thoughts and gets the idea to search up Jungkook to gather any resourceful information needed for when he planned on getting his revenge on the male.

Entering the words 'Jeon Jungkook' into google and the first link directing him to Jungkook's Wikipedia page- boring. He then scrolled down, past useless news article and found one about his dating life.

'Jeon Jungkook proposed to his longtime childhood boyfriend Park Jimin?' The article title read and below was a picture of the said man and a pink haired pretty male holding his hand with what seemed to be a silver ring on his ring finger. Inspecting the photo for a second longer and Taehyung confirmed that it was the same blond who he had seen yesterday at the business party.

'Jeon Jungkook, the son and heir to Jeon Industries was spotted leaving a restaurant holding hands with his boyfriend Park Jimin, from Park Media- hands down the biggest media and company in Asia. However, Park seems to have a silver band on his ring finger, raising the question of whether the two finally decided to tie the knot. When asked, Jeon simply decided to ignore the question and Park just replied with a wink saying "not yet" and both soon entered Jeon's car and left the premises.

So what exactly is going on? If the two long term boyfriends are engaged, it's safe to say it would be one of the most extravagant weddings this year.'

Taehyung closes the tab and decides that no information was useful, the news articles were either all about a successful merger that Jungkook had managed or some speculated rumour about his private matters, ranging from his relationship with family and friends and even his possible fiancé. He decides to finally give in and text a friend of his, possibly one that he hadn't ignored for the past two years, to keep him entertained and he knew just the person.

To: Sana

You know, you're my favourite lesbian so can you pls help me out?

From: Sana

I was eating ass and you just interrupted. This better be good

From: Sana

also, I'm your only lesbian friend.

To: Sana

That's not true. A whole Daehyun exists!

If you're free, please come over to mine and entertain me. I might just die of boredom. I hate Korea.

From: Sana

Daehyun doesn't count because she refused to date me back in high school.

I'm free now that you ruined my ass time so I'll be over in an hour.

Grinning to himself and signing sighing in relief at the thought that he wasn't going to have to continue feeding himself fruits till he somehow died of over-eating he quickly types up a reply and goes to have a quick shower before her arrival.

To: Sana


see you soon!


"So I'm there, ketchup in my belly button-"

"Why do you have ketchup in your belly button?"

"What? Cant a man have ketchup in his belly button to dip his fries into without getting judged? It's the twenty first century for heavens sake!"

Jungkook continued to ignore the bickering between Hoseok and Jimin as he typed away on his laptop on the bed trying to finalise an email he had to send to an overseas client but was struggling due to the distraction of his best friend and boyfriend.

"Can you guys please take this conversation elsewhere?"

"Someone's cranky" Hoseok snorts and throws a look to Jimin, "suck his dick real quick cause I don't want to get kicked out the room. Not when I've just made myself comfortable on this couch." Jimin just burst out laughing at Hoseok's remark and the brunette raised his eyebrows as if to say he's not joking and Jimin's seized his laughter.

"I'm not doing that!"

"Why not?! Is it because Jungkook's dick is small. I mean I always lowkey thought it was but never voiced my opinion o-"

"Hoseok shut up." Jungkook snaps and Hoseok just rolls over on the couch ignoring Jungkook for the nth time.

"Anyway, so this guy, his dick game was strong and oh god," Hoseok moans, "he was so fucking beautiful. I would literally pay money just to stare at him!" Jimin giggles at that, "but when I woke up, I see he's not there!" Hoseok grumpily announces and then pouts to himself.

"I mean? Sir, I wanted to know how you liked your eggs cooked in the morning and was wondering if you could carry my child but he just left and I don't even have his number, or know anything about him. Except of course, how great he is in bed." Hoseok finishes and Jungkook rolls his eyes at his best friends story.

"Maybe you'll bump into him at the club again," Jimin pipes up trying to be his optimistic self, "I mean, the club pretty much is an exclusive place for rich people from Gangnam so chances are, he'll return."

"Or," Jungkook speaks, "he doesn't ever return cause Hoseok was awful in bed and doesn't want to risk the chance of having to experience that again." At that Hoseok throws Jimin's shoe at his direction which was scattered on the floor and Jungkook just about missed it by moving his body to his right.

"That could've seriously hurt me!"

"Yeah and it didn't so let me try again," and Jungkook drops his MacBook on the bed and rushes over to Hoseok who tries to grab another one of Jimin's shoe but fails and falls off the couch with a 'mpfh' and a loud scream.

"I think I broke a rib!"



"You tried to hurt me with a shoe!"

Hoseok brings himself off the floor with a loud groan and stands up to face Jungkook with a frown, "you hurt my feelings."


Hoseok turns his head to face a giggling Jimin who was amused at the whole scene, "sort your husband out before you're left a widow."

Jimin just shrugs instead, "go ahead. I was getting bored of him myself to be honest." At that Jungkook fakes being hurt and rushes over to Jimin threatening him, "say sorry before I tickle you and kill you off."

"I dare you to" before Jungkook's fingers could find themselves at Jimin's sides, Hoseok pulled them both apart.

"Please don't. Some of us are single and lonely and the mere thought or action of love hurts us." Jungkook just shoots him a look before picking Jimin up and dropping him on his lap to play with his soft hair.

"You know, I met the youngest Kim today." Suddenly Jungkook felt two pair of eyes stare at him in utter shock and disbelief and Jungkook could only relate and understand the same feeling because he had felt that the moment those words left Taehyung's mouth.

Hoseok flicks Jungkook, "tell us more, why are you just ending it at that?" Jungkook just shoved him backwards as he wasn't able to do much with Jimin sitting on his lap.

For the next ten minutes, Jungkook explains the whole escapades and encounters he had with Taehyung leading up to the moment earlier today, leaving out the part where the younger had threatened him.

"I was struggling to process the sudden new information and pretty much didn't pay attention to the meeting because my mind was trying to connect everything up, which still doesn't make sense! Why was he dressed up as a fucking waiter?" Jungkook's arms failing up in frustration when recalling the event at the party yesterday.

"So was he cute?"


"What? I don't care about the fact Jungkook wants to murder the mans first born. I want to know how he looks." Hoseok said while throwing his body onto Jungkook's king sized bed and staring intently at him in awaiting an answer.

"He is. Objectively speaking of course." Both Hoseok and Jimin faced Jungkook at the sudden confession and he tried to pay no heed to their look of astonishment.

"What?!" Hoseok asks in bewilderment and props himself to sit up properly on the bed with interest bubbling inside of him.

"I said, he is cute or whatever. I don't know? He is good looking though." He felt Jimin shift uncomfortably on his lap for a moment but ignored it. It wasn't uncommon for Jungkook and Jimin to speak of another's looks. No, in fact both of them did more than just compliment the appearances of strangers. Therefore he didn't understand Jimin's discomfort and felt quite bad for feeling satisfied at his reaction as his eyes landed on a faint hickey on Jimin's neck- one that didn't belong to Jungkook which still sat right beneath his collarbone.

Hoseok gasped at Jungkook's reply, "the fact that even you are admitting he's hot must mean he's so much better than what I'm expecting. I cant wait to meet him!" Excitement laced in his voice.

Jungkook thought back to the feeling of Taehyung's hands placed on his shoulders, the intoxicating smell of caramel and the feeling of the younger's breath fanning over his ear when he whispered his last final words to Jungkook- a threat- and when he walked off how his eyes fell to fixate themselves on Taehyung's ass that hung on display at the tightness of his black slacked pants. The way the younger looked when he flashed his smile which was formed in the shape of a rectangular box when he greeted his brother and another male and for a second, for a split second, Jungkook wondered if he'd ever be on the receiving end of that smile that belonged to the mystery that is known as Kim Taehyung.

"Babe?" Jimin calls softly, bringing Jungkook out of his thoughts, "you okay?" He glances worriedly at him and brings his hand to brush Jungkook's cheek and Jungkook's nuzzles his face against it.

"Yeah, just spaced out for a moment." He pinches Jimin's sides which results in him squirming at his touch, "I should probably go finish that email off." Jimin nods his head in understatement and removes himself off his lap, allowing Jungkook to return back to his bed where he had been before typing out the email and kicking an angry Hoseok off the bed who later gives up and settles with cuddling Jimin on the couch.

Hi, I hope you all enjoyed this chapter!! I hope this chapter gave a little insight to friendships and relationships of both Taehyung's and Jungkook's. I'd like to know what your opinions are so far, so please do drop any comments down below. I would really appreciate it. A few things may not make sense right now, but hopefully as the story continues, it'll all fall into place.

Till next time.

- naima

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