
chapter: one

The sun peeked through the white matte blinds of the hotel suite, finding itself reflecting on Jungkook's delicate face causing the young raven-haired man to stir in his sleep. A second passed before Jungkook let out a huff of annoyance and slowly opened one of his eyelids to skim his surroundings. That being, a hotel suite. Taking in the interior of the room, which for a five-star hotel, wasn't much. Basic white walls, accustomed with a large flat screen TV, a black leather couch and the typical over-the-top chandelier. Granted, the room did have more than just the basic interior but Jungkook didn't care much to pay them detail. All in all, it looked like any other five-star suite in Seoul.

Jungkook felt a warm body press up against him in bed as he brings himself to open his other eyelid to examine the person who was currently stark naked and only wearing a pair of white Calvin Klein briefs. The majority of their face tucked into the pillow.

"Morning." The voice suddenly grumbled, it was deep and raspy, clearly indicating that they had potentially only been awake as long as Jungkook had been.

"I didn't know you were awake." Jungkook said, voice laced with confusion as he watched his boyfriend pick his face off the pillow and rest it on Jungkook's bare chest, letting one of his hands to rest just below Jungkook's pectoral. Jungkook wrapped his arm around his boyfriend's body and hugged him closely and then began to play with the thick, long and beautiful blond hair with his free hand, his boyfriend letting out a breath of pleasure.

"Your phone kept going off. It was hard to ignore the third time it rang," he murmured into his chest and the warmth of his breath meeting Jungkook's chest. "Clearly, you didn't have any issue sleeping through it though."

"Sorry, Jimin," Jungkook sheepishly states as he presses a soft kiss on Jimin's crown and Jimin results in pressing more into his boyfriend. Before Jimin could speak he was interrupted with an electrical buzzing sound released from Jungkook's phone, "well, aren't you popular today, huh?" he mocks as Jungkook removes his hand from the top of Jimin's head where had previously been stroking his hair to grab his phone sat idly beside him on the bedside desk.

"Probably just my other boyfriend texting to see where I am." He jokes whilst entering his pass-code and feels Jimin smack his chest lightly which causes him to let out a laugh. Jungkook winces upon noticing where the three missed calls came from, one being his father and the remaining two from his assistant. Who, speaking of, was the owner of the recent notification that Jungkook had received seconds ago.

From: Secretary Lee:

You have a meeting today at 12pm, don't be late. The elders and your father will be present.

"Fuck," Jungkook hisses as he quickly sits up and Jimin removes his head off his chest, he begins to tug at his jet-black hair in frustration after having glanced at the time which was 10:55am, "fuck, fuck, fuck," he chants like it's a mantra when he heaves himself off the bed and makes his way to where he had discarded his clothes, on the cold marble floor and the black couch. "Babe, what's wrong?" he hears Jimin ask still sat on the bed with the covers wrapped tightly around him, watching Jungkook with worry.

"Forgot I had a meeting today at twelve," he tells as he starts to dress himself, "and that being, with my father present." Jimin's face scrunches up at the news of the last sentence and tries to calm down Jungkook's panicking, "well, lucky for you, you can skip your morning shower and probably make it there on time." he tells as he watches his panic-induced boyfriend fumble with his shirt's button and let out a breathy laugh, most likely remembering last night's escapades which ended with them showering together before heading to bed.

Once Jungkook finished washing his face and brushing his teeth with the complimentary toothbrush in the en suite bathroom, he rushes out to put on his shoes, Jimin now wearing the shirt he was wearing last night and sitting on the king-sized comfy bed which was decorated with black and white bed sheet cover, scrolling through his phone. His feet find their way to where he had left his black, suede Louboutin shoes and propped them inside. Jungkook walks back to the bed where his boyfriend sat and leans down to press a kiss onto his forehead.

"Love you," he whispers softly into his ears as if anyone else were there to eavesdrop on the two lovers. Jimin fixes the collars of Jungkook's Dior blazer and smiles sweetly, "love you too." he says and stands up. "I guess I'll see you later?" Jungkook nods in confirmation and apologises one last time for leaving Jimin on his own and Jimin just brushes him off telling him to relax and that he'd just tell his driver to come pick him up from the hotel sometime later.

Taehyung lets out an exasperated sigh as he rolls his eyes and holds his phone closer to his ears, watching intently as the taxi driver settles his suitcases into the boot of his car.

"But Tae, I don't see why you don't want one of our drivers to at least take you to the hotel. It beats sitting in the backseat of some shitty taxi." His brother, Namjoon says through the phone and Taehyung was tired. Tired of his family insisting he were to come straight to their family house after landing in Seoul. He still recalls the day he told his father that he would like to have a week's worth of 'vacation' as he called it, when he arrives in Seoul from England before actually coming home and how his father outright refused; which Taehyung had expected. Taehyung somehow persuaded his father to allow him at least one night in Seoul to himself, where he would stay at a hotel and enjoy being back at home in Korea after having being being in England the last six years. One night where Taehyung could relax and forget about the sole reason he had been forced to come back, which was to help assist his father and brothers with the business.

"Hyung, please just drop it. I know you're worried- what, with me finally being back home after years, but I'd like to have one day where I'm away from anything related to the family." Taehyung realised how disrespectful and rude he may have sounded with the latter part of his sentence but he knew his brother wouldn't take it to heart. As a child, Taehyung had always tried to detach himself with any ties to his family but unfortunately realised, the hard way, just how impossible that was. Taehyung didn't hate his family, no, actually quite the opposite; he loves them. But being the son of Kim Chulsoo, Korea's most powerful business man as Forbes' had labelled him was exhausting and came with a heavy burden.

The taxi driver had finished packing Taehyung's belongings into the boot of his silver Skoda and sent a polite nod his way to indicate he was finished and was ready to take Taehyung to his destination. Taehyung flashed a polite smile as he pulled open the back door of the car and made himself comfortable on the black leather seats in the backseat.

"Alright," Namjoon mutters into his ear, "I'll drop it, only because I love you and can't wait to see you tomorrow." Taehyung smiles at that and lets out an airy laugh at how easy it was to get his brother to agree with him, much easier and less complicated than it was to convince his father and older brother, Seokjin.

"Thanks, I appreciate it," he says as he hands the driver a piece of paper with the address of the hotel Taehyung was to reside in for the night. "You know I love you too, so speak to you later?" He hears Namjoon hum in agreement and then is followed up with the sound of the phone being cut, he chucks his phone into his bag laying on the floor next to his feet and lets his shoulders fall in relief.

The journey from the airport to the hotel was short Taehyung mentally noted to himself when his eyes fell to the view of a large hotel with the name 'The Silla Royal Hotel' plastered at the top on a plaque in gold cursive writing.

"Would you like me to take out your suitcases, sir?" The middle-aged taxi driver asked and Taehyung immediately shook his head, "no thank you, I'll be fine taking them out myself." the man then reached forward to press a button and Taehyung heard a quiet click come from behind him.

"I've opened the boot for you, sir." Taehyung then thanks him and paying for the fare, making sure to give a tip to the driver who in response grinned at Taehyung and thanked him back.

Taking a step outside, Taehyung places his sunglasses which were placed on the top of his caramel coloured hair to sit on his nose and dim the morning sun; it was spring in Seoul and although it was still quite chilly, the sun had managed to find its way to sit prettily in the clear light blue sky embraced by some clouds. Heaving out the last of his suitcase and bag (Taehyung, only brought two as everything was already sent to his house a month prior), he shut the boot door and witnessed as the Skoda drove away from his view.

Taehyung had only walked three steps before he was shoved aggressively to the cold concrete floor, one of his suitcases tumbling down with him only resulting in the fall to feel much worse than what it would've felt if a eighteen kilo suitcase didn't crash into him while he was crumpled on the floor. He let out a shriek and followed up with a wince of pain when he felt his left wrist shoot pain through his arm and go numb. Somehow Taehyung had found himself back on both his legs, although both were in some pain due to the incident though not nearly as not as bad as his wrist.

"Shit." He heard a deep voice hiss alongside him. Shit indeed, he thought to himself before he glanced to his right to where the sound had erupted from and was met with a male who seemed to be of similar age to him, maybe older. The said male, quickly opened his mouth and let an apology fall from it and before Taehyung could speak or inspect the male in more detail he began to walk away.

"What the fuck?" Taehyung took a second to come to the realisation that the cuss came from his mouth as anger boiled inside of him. He understood that the other male may have barged into him by accident and he did apologise, though it didn't seem genuine, to just simply walk away and not check if Taehyung was fine, burned something inside of Taehyung's chest as it was only common courtesy to do so. Taehyung seemed to have caught his attention because the guy turned around and pointed at his own chest.

"Are you talking to me?" He questioned, seeming slightly taken back that someone was to even talk back to him, let alone curse at him.

"Yes, I'm talking to you," Taehyung seethes and takes a step forward, "at least have the decency to genuinely apologise and check if I'm okay."

That gains Taehyung a sarcastic scoff from the stranger, "I did apologise." He says matter-of-factly and Taehyung has to resist the urge to roll his eyes at the stranger and his pathetic 'apology'.

"My wrist," Taehyung pulls up his wrist and shoves it in front of the stranger's face, "you've injured my wrist." He lets his wrist fall back to his side and narrows his eyes at the male who seems to not be affected the slightest at Taehyung's injury which he had caused.

He pulls out his wallet and for a brief moment Taehyung seemed lost in confusion before a white business card was thrown at his feet, "that's my lawyer's number. Call him and say that it's about Jungkook and explain what happened. I'm sure he can sort something out." With that said, the man-Jungkook, guessing by how he had addressed himself- ran off and into a black sleeked Mercedes which had just arrived behind them.

Taehyung stood there on the pavement outside the hotel gaping at where the Jungkook had been standing previously, one suitcase on the floor, his bag sitting beside it and Taehyung resulted in using the breathing techniques he had been taught as a teenager when he was furious and wanted nothing more than to tear down whatever had been the cause of his anger. When he deemed he had successfully calmed himself down, he picked up his belongings from the floor and his hands hovered over the business card that the conceited stranger had thrown, wondering whether to discard it or to pick it up and preferably sue the man for personal injury damages just to prove to him just how wrong he was to pick a fight with a Kim. Deciding he might just take up the offer his brain had suggested and taunt the man, Taehyung rams the card into his coat pocket before making his way to the hotel doors where he was met by a staff member offering to take his bags, which he gladly allowed to take as his wrist was in no condition to carry his suitcase.

Subsequent to the accident that had occurred and after checking himself in, Taehyung was given an ice-pack by the hotel staff. The pain that had become bearable as he rested his head on the headrest of the bed in his room and shut his eyes for a few minutes, soaking in the quiet atmosphere and Taehyung began fishing for his phone in his bag and sent a text.

To: Yoongi:

wanna go clubbing and get wasted?

It wasn't too long before his phone pinged twice to alert him that Yoongi had responded.

From: Yoongi:

you just arrived in seoul like an hour ago and you already wanna get drunk?

From: Yoongi:

but sure, i'm up for it. missed your drunk antics.

A smile crept up his lips at the thought of seeing the elder. Min Yoongi was childhood friends with both his brothers and himself, although Seokjin and Taehyung were much closer to the introverted man. The Mins, much like the Kims were just as powerful, though it was nothing compared to the power his father held. However, both his father and Yoongi's were great business partners and friends, thus the likelihood of their sons bonding and becoming great friends wasn't too far off. Taehyung texted Yoongi back with the time to meet him at his hotel, opting for a time later in the evening where the younger could catch himself some sleep and told the older to pick a place since Taehyung didn't really have much experience with clubs in Seoul. Clubs and bars in London, yes, but Seoul? He had almost the same amount of knowledge any tourist visiting the city would've had.

To say that Jungkook has had a fucking shitty day would be one pleasant way of putting it, he thinks to himself as he lets his father guide him back to his office after the intense meeting that Jungkook had just foregone. He had managed to attend the meeting in time, with only a minute to spare. He enters his father's office, a large room designated on the third floor of Jeon Enterprise's grand office building, the room screamed bland with the only colours being a warm chestnut colour and black. Perhaps Jungkook wasn't one to judge others for their offices being 'bland' when his own was white with the only splash of colour being a dark red office table, courtesy of Jimin who had complained that his boyfriend's office was boring and how he hated it. Not to mention Jimin had also bribed him into agreeing by teasing him that if he agreed then Jimin would let Jungkook bend him over the red polished table and how could Jungkook ever give up an offer like that.

Jungkook made himself comfortable on one of the armchairs in his father's office as he watched his father do the same but sit opposite. It was 4pm and all Jungkook wanted to do was go back to his apartment and sleep, but his father had ushered him aside and told him that he had some urgent private news that he needed to inform Jungkook of.

"As you may already know, the youngest of the Kims has supposedly arrived back in Korea," his father announces casually and Jungkook senses how his father faintly tenses up at the name of the family which Jungkook was brought up learning to loathe, which wasn't too difficult when he reached high school and had found himself in a physical fight with Kim Namjoon, the middle child of the family and the only one which was of Jungkook's age. He had also found himself in a few tiffs with the eldest, Seokjin but never one that was too heated that would end with a physical brawl. The youngest Kim was a mystery to not only Jungkook but everyone and anyone who didn't know the Kims personally. Some people speculated that the youngest was a female and she was married off to some rich foreigner to help expand the business, others disagreed and said it was a handsome young male who was quite the rebel and caused an awful amount of trouble and as a consequence, was sent abroad. Jungkook believed both theories, but didn't indulge in them too much as he didn't care to be quite frank.

However, when the news reached the ears of his father that apparently the younger Kim who had been in another country was returning to continue working along his father and brother, it sure did send his father spiralling downwards trying to figure out what menacing scheme Kim Chulsoo had up his sleeve.

Jungkook shakes away his thoughts and nods his head in acknowledgement and indicates his father to continue. "As soon as we find out more on them, I want you to find out whether that Kim will be a detriment to me or whether he's nothing but a pawn in this game and isn't of much use." His father takes out his box of cigarettes, propping it inside his mouth and cupping his hands in order to light it.

"How exactly do you intend for me to do that? I mean, no one knows anything about them, not even how they look."

His father shakes his head in disagreement, "that's where you're wrong." Jungkook's attention suddenly quirks up and he gawks at the elder Jeon who takes a puff of his cigarette and release it, clouding his surroundings with smoke and nicotine engulfed air. "I heard that they'll be attending some shareholder meetings and they might be attending the one scheduled for the day after tomorrow." Jungkook recalls how 'the one after tomorrow' translates to the meeting which was to be held in regards to Laum&Co, a department store which both the Jeons and Kims held considerable number of shares within.

"I want you to attend and find out more on the boy-" his father pauses and looks down at the cigarette in between his fingers "or, girl. Whatever or whoever they are."

Nodding his head, Jungkook finally speaks up, "of course." and his father smiles in approval and continues to smoke.

A few minutes pass by and Jungkook's mid-way texting Hoseok about how he won't be able to go out with him later tonight as they planned since he's too tired to function when the office phone goes off and his father reaches for it, Jungkook zoning out and paying no heed at their conversation and pays more attention to his text conversation with his friend who was sending numerous amounts of unnecessary angry emojis and some silly weapon emojis in response to the cancellation and Jungkook has to suppress the laughter that evokes him at the immature behaviour.

"Jungkook?" His head shoots up at the mention of his name and notices how his father was done talking on the phone, "would you care to tell me why you're supposedly going to be sued for injuring someone's arm?"

"Injuring someone's wha-" he stops himself mid-sentence when it dawns on him of his earlier encounter outside the hotel where he had been in a rush to attend the meeting on time and accidentally bumped into a stranger. His mouth forms an oh in realisation. He couldn't fathom how someone had actually had the nerve to go out of their way and try to threaten him. Anger builds up inside of him at that thought as he tries his best to seem calm and collected, "don't worry about it, dad. It's nothing." He brushes off and it was nothing. He would simply schedule an appointment with the stranger, show up, introduce himself to ensure they knew just who they're dealing with and throw some money at them since that's all anyone ever cared about. Specifically, those who weren't as well off, deeming how this person actually was threatening to sue, it seems as if they must really be in need of money.

His father sent a sharp stare his way, making Jungkook slightly nervous at his father's abrupt mood change, "it better be nothing. I can't and won't let you taint the family name just because you got into a fight with someone like some hormonal teenager and didn't think to adequately sort the issue out." His tone is just as sharp as his stare intimidating Jungkook. Jungkook thinks to explain himself to his father but decides not to as to admit that it was most likely some desperate individual trying to leech off his money and benefit from it, that wouldn't work to Jungkook's favour and would give his father more reasons to belittle Jungkook

"Yes, of course. I apologise for it having escalated to this. I'll make sure next time it's sorted out." His father soon waves him off indicating that he's free to leave and after bidding his goodbye's, Jungkook finds himself in the lift grimacing bitterly reminiscing the accident.

"I can't believe you did that!" Yoongi laughs and takes a shot of his third vodka. Taehyung lost count of how much he had to drink could feel himself nearly on the brink of being drunk so he had stopped taking shots. He could just about make out Yoongi's gummy smile as the older wrapped his arm around Taehyung's shoulder, the club was pitch black with the only excuse for lights being the neon coloured florescent lights brimming from above them and the light from the dance floor. He had just relayed the story of the incident that happened earlier that morning, followed up with the additional news that he had called up the lawyer and threatened to sue Mr Jungkook.

"Wanna dance?" Taehyung shouts a little over the loud EDM music that had pretty much deafened him, he was bored of lounging around at the bar watching people aimlessly dance and whisper dirty words into their partner's ears.

Yoongi shook his head, "no." Taehyung pouted at that, tilting his head so his friend could see how upset he was at the rejection.

"That guy over there," Yoongi nudges him and Taehyung follows his eyes which fall onto a male figure dancing alone with a drink in his hand, "has been staring at you for the past five minutes. Go join him." Before Taehyung could decline that offer, Yoongi had pushed him off of him and Taehyung stumbled onto the dance floor where he saw the male figure begin to move over to him.

"Hey," the brunette says as he holds Taehyung's arm to steady him and Taehyung let his eyes roam the details of his features. To summarise, he was pretty. Curled brown hair sat on top of his head and he had a prominent nose which Taehyung had to resist touching out of curiosity, his lips tinted a dark pink colour and his eyes crinkled as he smiled, which speaking of was even more beautiful than he was. God, Taehyung should've stopped drinking after his fourth shot, he was being a sap. He let himself be guided to the dance floor and watched as the male flashed a smirk.

Taehyung had spent the past fifteen minutes grinding against the man, before he pulled him closer and his breath fanned against Taehyung's earlobe, "wanna get out of here?" Maybe it was the alcohol, or maybe it was his libido; maybe a mixture of both. But Taehyung found himself agreeing and being tugged away from the dance floor to the exit.

"I'm Hoseok, by the way." He introduced himself and that's when it hit Taehyung that he had been flirting and grinding up against a man he didn't even have the name of.

"I'm Taehyung." He responds as he lets himself be pulled outside and into some taxi, thinking to himself of how absurd today's events had turned out to being and that at the end of the night, Taehyung was about to get laid, perhaps agreeing to move back to Seoul wasn't as bad as he had imagined it to be; heck, it wasn't bad at all if it meant he would be getting fucked by someone as pretty as this man. He could get used to it.

Next chapter