

Taehyung stared admissibly at the at the large spacious room which was decorated in a shade of light grey paint and hints of a pale white colour, sunlight filtering through courtesy of the tall floor-to-wall window which stood to his right. A desk which wore the same pale white colour as the walls, stood lonely in front of him allowing his eyes to scan the desk noticing a MacBook computer sitting comfortably on top, beside it lay a black telephone and a grey organising cabinet designed specifically for an office desk. Shutting the door behind him, he began walking towards the desk, his shoes finding themselves being sat on a white rug instead of the laminate floor where they had previously been situated.

Letting his eyes roam around the room to scan more details he let out a sigh of exasperation and shut his dark brown eyes momentarily letting his mind come to the acceptance that this was his new office for the next few months, when a knock brought him back out of slight daze.

"Come in."

A brunette dressed in a pleated black midi dress walked through the doors and halted upon a few steps, allowing a vast amount of space to stand between them. Forming a polite smile, the female bowed in greeting before introducing herself, "Hello Mr Kim. I'm Kang Minji, your secretary." She informs as she takes a brief pause to allow Taehyung to digest the information before continuing, "If you need any assistance or have any questions, please do call me by dialling the first button as I'll be sat outside your office at the reception." He watches as she raises her hand to point behind her and then turns to face him once more.

Taehyung nods his head in understanding as he leans against the wooden desk, "pleasure to meet you," he speaks, "I'll keep that in mind seeming as I'll probably mess something up and need help," he lightly chuckles which causes Minji to flash a smile, "on that note, could you perhaps email me the firm's latest cases, please?" Minji quickly nods her head, "of course Mr Kim, I'll do that right now if there's not anything else you need?" Taehyung shakes his head and waves her off, "no that's all, thank you." Minji smiles once more before turning o her heels and rushing out of the room, closing the door behind her.

It had been two weeks since Taehyung had agreed to help out at Choi's firm. The elder had kept to his word and by the next day Taehyung had received a phone call asking to set up a meeting where he would be given more information in regards to his role and the firm. That had all taken place last week and he had signed the contract the very next day after the meeting, resulting in a very pleased Mr Choi who asked for Taehyung to join him for lunch, which of course, Taehyung agreed.

It was his first day officially working within the firm as an executive, already having been given a tour in the morning and introducing himself to employees, it was nearing 11am and Taehyung groaned realising how he had yet to examine the current open-cases to determine whether there were any issues which may need resolving. Nevertheless, Taehyung sat on his sleek, black leather chair and began inputting his log in details to enter his emails. You'd think he would've had some time where he was able to adjust to having migrated and settled into Korea after having being abroad for so long, but when your father is Kim Chulsoo, taking a break does not exist; it was all about working.

The door suddenly burst open when he was in the midst of replying to an email, tearing his eyes off his screen to inspect the perpetrator who was responsible of disturbing him when he was busy, his eyes landed on a very familiar pale skinned, short black-haired male walking lazily into the door.

"Your office is awfully bright," Yoongi complains as he examines the room and throws a look of disapproval at Taehyung, who lets out a scoff in return, "well hello to you too Yoongi," he says drily as he minimises his tab, making a mental note to return back to his email later.

Yoongi flings himself onto the white leather couch in the corner of the room, "I came to watch and laugh at you panic at most likely not knowing how to handle a business type environment," he explains as he props himself to sit comfortably on the couch, "but-" pausing he scans Taehyung for a second, "unfortunately, it seems you're not at that stage just yet." Grabbing a Biro pen, he successfully aims it at Yoongi causing the older to let out a dramatic wince of pain.

"Asshole." Yoongi mutters bitterly, Taehyung's face forms a look of disbelief, " I'm the asshole?" it was a rhetorical question but he hears Yoongi reply with a yes, "you're the one who came to laugh at my demise!"

"Bit dramatic that isn't it, Tae? You aren't dying."

"Not yet I'm not." Taehyung shoots back and Yoongi just hums in agreement, "okay, guess that's true." Silence embraces the atmosphere for a few seconds before Yoongi speaks again, "I actually came because, I had some interesting news that I think you'd like to hear." At that, Taehyung's attention is piqued and he raises his eyebrows in interest, "about?"


That was enough for Taehyung to focus his attention solely on Yoongi, who in return wore a look of satisfaction, clearly expecting Taehyung to react the way he had at the news of Jungkook.

It had also been a little over two weeks since the younger had last seen the said man. Two weeks since he had threatened Jungkook after he had taunted Taehyung and belittled him. Taehyung had filled Yoongi in on the encounter when he had seen him two days after and asked him to try to find some dirt, or anything, that may possibly help Taehyung truly carry out his threat. He wasn't one that was all talk, no bite and he intended to show Jungkook exactly that.

"What about him?" He asks intently and Yoongi then pulls out a piece of folded paper that he had stored away inside his blazer pocket, holding it out for Taehyung. "Jeon's planning to open up his own electronics store, or company, or" Yoongi tries to think of a better word to describe it but gives up, "whatever you want to call it," Taehyung strides over to where Yoongi sat in order to investigate the folded paper, "seems like he's opening one up without older Jeon's help," he sits and takes the paper Yoongi held out and carries on listening to the information Yoongi had came to provide, "if that's true. It'll be Jungkook's first time opening and owning something that is specifically and solely his own."

His first time owning a company that hadn't been dictated by his father? Taehyung thinks to himself; interesting. It would've taken a lot of determination, skill and persuasion-from Jungkook's part, to have been granted permission to be able to carry out works and preparations for something this important.

Taehyung allows the information sink in and then smiles to himself as he turns to face Yoongi who sat there patiently looking at the younger with curiosity, "say" Taehyung speaks out loud, "wouldn't it be horrible if on the opening day there was sudden news and speculation of slush funding?" Yoongi's eyes widen and mouth hangs slightly open.

"Shit, Tae," Yoongi breathes out astounded, "that'd fuck little Jeon up big time !" A laugh threatens to escape his mouth at Yoongi's words, "but that won't be easy," Yoongi tells, as if to bring Taehyung to reality, "I know," is all Taehyung replies and Yoongi shoots him an impressed look as he whistles, "have I ever told you how thankful I am that I'm not on your bad side?" He jokes and laughter erupts between them both, "shut up, idiot," and Yoongi shakes his head, "no for real. I mean it," his eyes fixate themselves onto Taehyung's, "you're pure evil, Kim." He brushes Yoongi off and unfolds the paper held tightly in his hands.

"Planning instructions and details about the company." Yoongi comments beside him. Taehyung reads the information on the A4 paper, it held brief instructions in relation to planning and when it should be complete-three months from now- and material in regards to who owned the company and the founder. Right after it, read the words, ' Jeon Jungkook .' He smirks to himself; this was going to be fun.

After fifteen minutes, Yoongi announces that he has a meeting at lunch and heads out leaving Taehyung once again, alone and weighed with the stress of completing not only just the case investigation but now skilfully planning the downfall of Jeon Jungkook.


The next time Taehyung has the displeasure of seeing Jungkook is at a business party which he had been forced to attend by Namjoon.

He complained the entire through the entire journey in the backseat of their Bentley to which his brother snapped and told him, "you need to learn how to build contacts and relationships. Networking is important for all, regardless of how powerful you are." Taehyung just rolled his eyes, placed his head against the cold window and shut his eyes to try and calm himself down. Ten minutes later, their driver informed the two brothers that they had arrived at their destination and this meant that there was no way Taehyung could get out now. Accepting his fate, that he would most likely be bored and end up exploring the grand mansion standing outside than 'network' and 'build relationships' as his brother had previously stated.

"Now, stay beside me and don't cause any trouble like last time." Namjoon says sternly as if he were speaking to a five-year old child and Taehyung bit his tongue to prevent himself from replying with a sarcastic and rude remark which would only just anger Namjoon, who seemed to be exhausted already and to cause his brother to lecture him. "Understood?" Taehyung just nods in response and Namjoon, who was already tired from a long day at Kim Enterprise, accepted that as a response and began to head to the entrance with Taehyung tailing behind him.

Once inside the mansion and placed standing awkwardly in the ballroom, Taehyung allowed himself to take in the expensive and magnificent decor. The grand room was clad in cream and peach interior, a crystal chandelier hanging snugly in the middle of the elegant room, the small-cut crystals which were decorated within the white marble tiled floors, glistened when the light of the chandelier reflected upon it. Taehyung noted the large quantity of individuals dressed in expensive suits and dresses standing and conversing with one another, momentarily pausing their conversation to stare and speak about Namjoon and Taehyung who had just entered.

Before Taehyung could snort at their reactions, two unfamiliar males seeming to be in their late forties made their way over to greet Namjoon who then whispered, "be nice," to Taehyung who furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

"Ah, Kim Namjoon and Kim Taehyung. What a pleasure to finally meet you." One spoke excitedly as he took Namjoon's and Taehyung's hand in his to shake. Taehyung, who knew nothing of this man, remained mute and flashed a forced tight smile instead.

"Nice to meet you Mr Lee" Namjoon says to the man who now Taehyung knows as being Mr Lee and no other details, Namjoon places his hand out to the other man who had been staring at Taehyung for the past few seconds, "and you Mr Soo." Taehyung frowned when he realised he had no clue who either of the two men were, but stood there listening to the three speaking amongst themselves about a business deal- typical -, beginning to get bored Taehyung excuses himself, "sorry I'm quite thirsty so I think I'll go grab myself a drink," the two men nod in understanding and Taehyung ignores the glare Namjoon shoots him as he walks past him.

Taehyung had indeed grabbed himself a glass of champagne, but instead of returning back to Namjoon, he wandered upstairs, exploring the mansion.

Upstairs it was quiet, which was to be expected since everyone was downstairs chattering away about politics and business deals, Taehyung basked in the silence that surrounded him. He noticed glass doors leading outside to what seemed to be a balcony and intrigued as he was, he strolled over and peeked his head to confirm that he had been right, it was a balcony and found himself leaning against the black railings, his back facing the doors and sipping on his champagne.

The sun was beginning to set as it neared 8pm, the hues of orange and gold stretched wide, the tangerine shade bold and demanding attention and the gold flickering in the sky as if it was a burning fire, began to merge and become one with the once clear blue sky. The slight breeze of the wind kissing his skin and ruffling his now honey coloured hair ever so slightly, he allowed himself to enjoy the beautiful scene unfolding before him.

"Kim?" A deep voice spoke a few minutes later causing him to turn his head to the direction of the door to put a face to the owner of the voice.

Staring back at him in amusement was Jeon Jungkook, who stood by the doors. He adorned a black suit, the blazer being silk and underneath with two buttons undone he wore a maroon shirt which seemed almost sheer in the light. His raven black hair parted allowing his forehead to proudly be on show. He stepped forward and tilted his head at Taehyung when he noticed the younger noticeably checking him out.


Neither of them spoke, and Taehyung turned around once again to face the blazing sky and took another sip of his drink, hoping that if he ignored Jungkook's present, the other would take the hint and leave. It had been three weeks since he had last seen the elder and Taehyung pondered whether if it was possible for someone to become more attractive in such a short period of time. However, instead of leaving, Taehyung felt Jungkook's presence behind him, much closer than before but still didn't utter a word knowing that he had closed the gap to stand behind him, in hopes of gaining a reaction from Taehyung, which he refused to give into. Even if it meant his nose had to inhale the same musky vanilla scent he had smelt when he stood close to Jeon.

"You know," Jungkook's voice is soft as he speaks, "you're more of a sight than the scene that's being played in the sky," Taehyung knits his eyebrows together at the elder's choice of words, 'did he just compliment me?' he thinks to himself, "shame I can't say the same for you, Jeon," a chuckle is heard behind him as he listens to Jungkook laugh, his confusion is put to an abrupt halt when he feels Jungkook's body press up against his back and tenses. "How would you know I'm not? You're not even looking at me," at the sudden weight on his back from Jungkook's body, he ignores his remark and spins around only for his breath to hitch when his face is only inches away from Jungkooks.

Bringing his free hand up, he pushes one of Jungkook's shoulder in attempt to free himself and escape from the intimate proximity. He had no idea what game Jeon was trying to play with him and he had no time to indulge in playing along to rile the other up. "Move, Jeon." He grits out, but the other makes no effort as to listen, a smirk sitting playfully on his cherry red lips and Taehyung felt annoyance build up inside of him, "move or else I recreate the last party fiasco and throw my champagne over you." At that, Jungkook seems to tear his gaze away from him and to his hand which held the glass with remaining liquid contents and before Taehyung could understand what was happening, he felt Jungkook shove his hand which resulted in his glass being released from his grasp and falling to the floor. The liquid content now dripping on the floor with the broken glass.

"Would you look at that," Jungkook says playfully, "looks like we can't recreate the moment," and then laughs, Taehyung scowls at the comment, "what do you want, Jeon?" Jungkook replies in a heartbeat with a simple, "you." Taehyung pulls a face of disgust at the elder's words and Jungkook seems unfazed as he continues to stare Taehyung down. He tries his best to try to understand the situation and the scene unfolding before him, wondering was Jeon drunk? But, smelt no lingering pungent smell of alcohol. Having no idea what to do, Taehyung decides to play along.

"Well that's a shame," he flickers his eyes to fix themselves on Jungkook's, "I'm not really into men who go by the name of Jeon Jungkook," pausing he notices as Jungkook's smirk wearing off, "and not to mention, I'm certainly not interested in men who are self-centred, arrogant, have a superiority complex, thinks-" he's cut off from his insults when he feels Jungkook's hand being placed on his hip, "get your hands off me, unless you want a sexual harassment lawsuit on top of the pending injury to my wrist lawsuit." His hands remain where they are and Taehyung isn't sure why he hasn't tried to shove Jeon away now that both his hands are free, instead he stands there with Jeon's arm on his waist and his face inches away from his. If anyone were to walk past, they'd probably mistake the moment to be one of intimacy.

Jungkook hisses to himself, "you're quite interesting, Kim," it seems as if he's speaking to himself more so than he is actually speaking directly to Taehyung, "I don't know if it's because you never grew up with your brothers and I, but if it were them in this position," he glances down at the position between them both, "I'd be on my way to the emergency room," he was right. Namjoon and Seokjin would never have had allowed Jeon to stand comfortably in front of them, never-mind have his hand around their waist with their faces inches apart, yet still something in Taehyung refused to push the older away, perhaps it was his curiosity to see just how far Jeon would go but he didn't allow himself to think too much into it.

They stay like that for a minute, staring and inspecting one another's features as the sunset behind Taehyung, his back pressed against the railing. Taehyung now facing Jungkook, knew that Jeon had a scar on his left cheekbone and a beauty spot under his bottom lip, he also noticed how he had a few ear piercings, although there was no jewellery slotted inside. Letting out a sigh, Taehyung placed his hand on top of Jungkook's, gaining a questioning look and a raised brow from a puzzled Jungkook, but he let his fingers brush against Jungkook's knuckles before grabbing the man's hand and pulling it off his waist with ease. Once his arm had been successfully removed from his waist, he shoves Jeon hard enough so he was able to step away, his back no longer being pressed against the railing.

"This was fun and all," Taehyung says with sarcasm, "but you're quite boring," Jungkook scoffs and Taehyung notices how his tongue pokes the inside of his cheek before closing his mouth, "and-" he cocks his head to the grass field below them both, "seems like that's your boyfriend over there," Jungkook follows Taehyung's eyes and sure enough, there in the backyard on the field stood Jimin with his back to them, oblivious that his boyfriend was above him flirting with the same man his father had instructed him to gather valuable information on. Jimin seems to pull out what seems to be his phone and starts to ring someone, that someone being Jungkook as his phone ringtone blares through his pants pocket.

Jungkook decides to ignore the call but suddenly feels Taehyung grab him by his slacks and shove his hand into the pockets, desperately searching for his phone and then proceeding to hand it to Jungkook once he had located it.

"Don't be a bitch and pick up, Jeon." With that, Taehyung rushes out the door, but not before he hears the sound of the phone come to an abrupt stop and Jeon greet with a "yeah, babe?"

When Taehyung reaches downstairs and hastily rushes into the ballroom, scanning the room for Namjoon who he spots waving off a female with a plastered smile, "and where exactly did you disappear off to?" Namjoon asks as soon as Taehyung reaches near him eyeing him with disapproval.

"I had to go to the toilet and then ended up getting lost," he lies to Namjoon, leaving out anything to do with Jeon. If Namjoon didn't believe his lie, he didn't bother voicing it and instead brushed it off, "Min's here," he says casually and then points in the direction where Yoongi stood busily talking to a couple who seemed to be of similar age, their vision of Yoongi was cut off when two figures stood in front of Yoongi; Jeon Jungkook and Park Jimin. Namjoon stiffens beside him, "of course that bastard would be here too," Namjoon swears under his breath and Taehyung watches as Jungkook whispers something into Jimin's ear which results in the blond cracking out a laugh and hitting his boyfriend's chest-the same chest that was plastered to Taehyung's back just moments ago. He situates his eyes elsewhere, anywhere that wasn't in the direction of Jeon and aimlessly bore his eyes into the marble floor beneath him.

"Why the fuck is that son of a bitch looking this way?" Namjoon growls and Taehyung snaps his head upwards and looks to the person responsible for his brother's sudden mood change, "he's asking for me to crack his skull open," Jungkook's eyes locked with Taehyung's and as soon as they did, Taehyung tore his eyes away to look at his brother, "you told me to behave but here you are getting riled up over Jeon looking in our direction," he lets out an airy laugh as he watches his brother in amusement and Namjoon doesn't comment.

"He's staring at you," Taehyung stills at his brother's words. He's staring at him? Of course, he was . He's trying to trigger him or maybe even Namjoon, now that his brother was here, knowing the middle Kim had a short temper when it came to Jungkook, Taehyung thought to himself. He refused to look at Jeon and instead continued to keep his attention on his brother. "Want me to go crack that skull open of his for you?" A giggle escapes his mouth at the serious tone laced in Namjoon's offer "thanks for the proposition, but I think I'll have to decline. I very much don't want to deal with hiding a dead body with you." His brother stops glaring at Jeon and fixes himself to face Taehyung, "I heard he taunted you at the shareholder meeting you attended a few weeks back with hyung?"

"He did," Taehyung states as a matter of fact, "but don't worry, I've already decided how I'll be getting my revenge on him," he reassures his brother who tugs at the bow-tie wrapped tightly around his neck, "good, make sure to get him real good. If not, my hands are still available." Taehyung gets cut off from replying when he notices Yoongi stand in front of them beaming at the two, "well if it isn't my two favourite Kims." Namjoon replies before Taehyung is able to, "and my favourite Min."

"I'm the only Min you're close to."

"Not true. I like your mother very much, she's a sweet lady." Namjoon jokes and Yoongi rolls his eyes mumbling a "shut up, dickhead" underneath his breath.

"I didn't know Tae was going to attend the party," he muses, "thought you don't like business shit?"

"I don't," Taehyung flashes a look towards Namjoon, " he forcefully brought me here," and Yoongi replies with an "ah, I see. That makes much more sense now," meanwhile Namjoon begins to lecture Taehyung once again about the importance of networking for the nth time and Taehyung sends a quick thanks to God when Namjoon gets a call from Japan, his smile now prominent and his eyes sparkling while reading the caller ID, "lover boy's got a call from his girlfriend I see," Yoongi teases but Namjoon ignores him and walks away to go find a secluded area where he could pick up the call and speak privately, leaving Taehyung and Yoongi.

"Sana's not here?" Yoongi pipes up and he shakes his head, "nah," Taehyung replies, "she's on some business trip with her father to Japan."

"Well, that's sad, I did enjoy her rambling about how good looking little Jeon is every time she bumped into him at a party," he sighs and stops a waiter which was passing by with a tray of wine, grabbing one and drinking it in one go which made Taehyung scrunch his nose at the sight. "I have a question about Jeon," Taehyung can't help but think back to what had occurred just fifteen minutes ago, Yoongi blinks at him as if to encourage him to continue.

"What's his relationship like with Park Jimin?" Taehyung shouldn't be enquiring about something as private and specific as Jeon's relationship as it may cause Yoongi to question why he wanted to know, and Taehyung for some reason, didn't explicitly want to share with Yoongi of Jeon's strange behaviour earlier. However, Taehyung couldn't help but speculate whether Jeon was a cheat. He despised the elder enough and adding 'cheater' and 'unfaithful bastard' to the list would only intensify his hatred, he wasn't one to care about love or class himself anywhere near being a romanticist, nor was he innocent himself when it came to morality, but Taehyung was always a strong believer in loyalty and that was the same for relationships. If you could commit to reap the benefits of a relationship, then you should commit to the struggles and temptations that may follow.

Thankfully, Yoongi paid no mind to Taehyung's sudden interest in Jeon's relationship with Park Jimin, "Jeon Jungkook and Park Jimin are your typical childhood friends to lovers romance novel," Yoongi discloses and glances at the two lovers, "or, should I say they were ?"

"What do you mean they were?"

"I mean," Yoongi articulates, "they're both fucked up. They fuck other people sometimes," Taehyung tries to wrap his head around the new information, "I don't know much about their sex lives. But, from what I've heard it seems like some sort of fucked up, complicated open relationship," Yoongi pauses, "although, it does seem like they love each other still. I'm not sure if that's some sort of act or if it's real. Don't really care to be quite frank." He ends and Taehyung stands there with new questions forming inside of his head, yet retains them for himself and finally looks over at Jungkook who was too immersed in a conversation to notice the pair of eyes staring intently as he laughs along with a brunette that seemed all too familiar to Taehyung but Taehyung brushed off, probably a common face.

Namjoon returns at that moment and Taehyung thinks it's best not to talk about Jeon any longer, especially not in front of his brother who already loathes Jeon and therefore, finds himself chattering away about random topics with Namjoon and Yoongi, occasionally greeting and speaking to other guests who seemed surprised at the news that a younger Kim did indeed exist.


"Shit," Jungkook hears Hoseok curse and turns to face his friend who looked alarmed and an emotion of worry filtered through Jungkook as he hurriedly asked, "what's wrong?" Jimin now seizing his laughter from the awful joke Hoseok had cracked a few seconds earlier, Hoseok instead looked as if he had seen a ghost, "that's the hot guy that I fucked that one night,you know?" he speaks as if to prompt the memory " the who ran away before I could ask him how he likes his stupid eggs!" Both Jimin and Jungkook now recalling back to the night Hoseok had rambled on about meeting a Greek sex god, turn to face the person who was the reason why they both had been dragged to the same club twice in the same week in hopes of seeing again.

Kim Taehyung.

There stood Kim fucking Taehyung looking just as breathtaking as he had the last five minutes he had done when Jungkook stole a glance over at his direction. The same Kim Taehyung who he had cornered earlier and confessed he found him beautiful, because for some bizarre reason Jungkook couldn't restrain himself. Ever since the meeting three weeks ago, the same day Jungkook accepted to himself he found the younger attractive, the same day Jungkook reported back to his frustrated and vexed father on who exactly the youngest Kim was who in return made Jungkook investigate the male, Jungkook couldn't help but feel a sense of fascination towards Kim Taehyung.

How it was possible to feel that towards someone he had only met three times, one of which the younger assaulted him with wine and another where he had threatened him, Jungkook couldn't form a logical answer to explain. That too, towards a Kim out of all things. But nevertheless, as Jungkook dug his nose into information about Kim Taehyung, he realised the younger stood out when compared to his brothers and even his very own father which raised a lot of questions Jungkook began yearning to have answered. Therefore, when Jungkook spotted the younger standing outside watching the sunset, it was almost as if everything, every pent up attraction, questions and curiosity submerged and he couldn't help but want to rile and tease the younger, he enjoyed Kim giving him attention and he very much enjoyed watching the male's ears and cheeks flush a crimson red when he became flustered at their close proximity.

Jungkook made a mental note to himself to never let himself become too loose and act on instinct as he wasn't a fool to not realise that a small fascination could easily become infatuation.

"Isn't that Kim Taehyung?" Jimin asks and Jungkook nods his head in disbelief, confirming Jimin's words and watching as Hoseok does a double take, Jungkook bites his bottom lip and tears off a piece of dry skin.

"That's Kim Taehyung?" Hoseok gasps and shakes his head, "you're telling me, I fucked- actually no," he breathes raking his fingers through his chestnut coloured hair, "I sexually pined over the youngest of Kim Enterprise?!" Jungkook at loss for words just watches Hoseok go through various emotions ranging from shock to pleasure, "is it bad that I want him to fuck me again? He looks so fucking hot just stood there," Jungkook mentally agrees with Hoseok.

"Good luck trying to get him in bed when Kim Namjoon and Min Yoongi are literally standing right there," Jimin muses and Hoseok's face drops upon realisation because, in a world where the Kim's and Jeon's despised one another; this included one where they hated anything significantly related to one another. Unfortunately, for Hoseok, the Jung's played a large and important role for the Jeons, ultimately making the Kims become their own enemy, along with the Mins. The family came as a pair and as did the Jeons and Jungs.

Yet here Jungkook was stood in the middle of a devastated Hoseok and his long-term boyfriend Jimin, staring back longingly at Taehyung laughing and showing off his smile, threatening to eliminate every air inside of Jungkook's lungs and seeming to almost forget just who he was and who Taehyung was as something settled in the pit of his stomach as he wondered, if Kim was really as good in bed as Hoseok made him out to be.