

Victor wiped darkness from his eyes as he rolled out of bed and onto, the hard metal floor!? What the hell he didn't have a metal floor in his house, and it was pure white, turning over he saw the whole room was white. Getting up he saw he was in a blue,oily, scratched jumpsuit with a tag that read 4,204,910,501 now that was a high number in fact that would be a couple hundred million more than half the human population or it could be that whatever agency that had captured him was trying to freak him out, either way that didn't matter, he needed to find out the size of his cell and everything that was in it. Victor did this by walking in one direction as long as he could until he eventually hit a wall, that proved to be hard considering he had been walking for as he counted two hundred fifty seconds and he hadn't seen any indication of there being a wall in front of him. As his internal timer hit three hundred the world around spun and contracted and as all power left from his body he saw a woman in a nurse uniform appear in his vision then everything was gone.