

The story is about the forlorn life of Genesis Eduardo, who was unintentionally sold by her father to Zachary Logan, a carefree multi billionaire. Who had her believe that her parent chose money over her and didn't care about her. Genesis Eduardo a once independent spinster, who cherished her independence to make her own decisions, gets married to a bloody handsome bastard multi billionaire. A man of very high status, proud and possessive, stripes her of all she cherished. Her parents, her friends, her work and most importantly her freedom to make decisions for herself. Unable to indure it any longer, Genesis seeks advise from her best friend on how to escape the possessive grip of her husband. Her friend advised her to do the last thing she wanted to do and that is to seduce her husband to get him to like her enough to trust her to leave his mansion without running away. What would happen to her when he unexpectedly falls madly in love with her but is unable to admit it even to himself, yet he captures her and threaten to retreat her movement until she falls in love with him.

Younglovebird · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Chapter One: No! I didn’t have any

Just like any normal girl, I have always had my dreams of a romantic relationship. Getting married in a grand and expensive way with my sweet loved husband by my side, placing kisses all over my face and spreading and spending lots of money on me while I dance to my best knowledge, showing my worth and his gratitude towards having someone like me but... Well sadly the opposite of my imaginations and dream is what am having... Don't get me wrong please, go ahead with your dreams of having a fancy and romantic life with your husband. This is my story not yours, who knows probably... just probably yours will come true, so keep dreaming big baby girl,that's the best part of living.

Standing in front of the large body size mirror, starring at my ten thousand silver stone, long silver off shoulder corset gown. Long enough that it covers my silver high heel, which I have no idea which country it was bought from because it's too pretty. My hair styled in a well designed ball like pattern, covered by my silver veil which was not exempted in being designed with silver stones. Damn! I look really pretty with this make up on eventhough I hardly have them on because am usually uncomfortable with them. She's good...the make up artist is damn good, a professional from Italy. I only found out when I heard her apprentice call her name. I had all sorts of expensive jewelry on, causing me to wonder how my mom could waste so much money on just jewellery...don't get me wrong, my parent are not poor neither are we rich, we are just on the lane of a comfortable family.

You might wonder what's the occasion that permits me to dress like a rich, loved spoit bride. Yes, I am a bride right now, a rich one, because am getting married multi billionaire. His handsome... I admit I would have called it a perfect wedding but the only part missing is the 'loved' or rather 'love'. Like I said before, all this reality is very much different from my imaginations...well that's because I barely know who am getting married to. My father told me about this man a two weeks ago, claiming that the man is his best friend's son, when in all my sixteen years of living with my parent, I have never seen or even heard my dad talk about a friend with the last name 'Logan'. Well... as an obedient and loyal daughter I am or claim to be I agreed to it after twelve days of my dad's insistence and threats of disowning me if I don't. Expecting that I will court the man for at least three months after my acceptance. But after my agreement to getting married to him...because why not after all he is a rich man and very handsome as well according to the photo my dad showed me. My dad got ME to meet him instead of the other way round which I obed as well. It was the first weird date I have ever experienced in the few of my dating life. All along my parent had been convincing me, I hadn't even seen the guy personally only through photos, so it was weird because he was even more hot and good looking in reality but damn! he was so arrogant or should I say he is.

"Who are you?" His voice sounded so f**king deep and intimidating that I almost choked to the drink I was about to have a sip on. He also have a british assent. After my effort of putting myself together I recalled what he just asked. Yo! he didn't even know the face of who he was going to marry, he never saw at least a picture of me or is he just being an asshole?

"Who am I? Are you kidding me?" I know I just out of a blue sat on the seat he reserved for me without any form of introduction especially when it's a VVIP reservation but screw all that it's a set up marriage after all. Am not meant to be all nice and blushy for the date, his the one who is expected to make more research on who he is planning to marry. I mean he shouldn't be that careless if he is indeed the son of a billionaire as my father described, I could be a thief or a woman only interested in his money and would immediately divorce him to get some share of his riches after getting married to him, who knows.

"I suppose your Genesis Eduardo" his deep voice came again clearing my thoughts from my mind. Sure, he was just being an asshole as I said.

"Were you expecting someone else? Or you just didn't know my face because you careless about the woman your getting married to..." I said flicking my hair... wait a minute, I didn't just do that, am I trying to act seductive or what? Ewwwww

"Mm more of that," He simply said making me to slightly wide my eyes with a shock expression pasted on my face but he couldn't see it because he barely looked at me as all his attention was on his phone

"Excuse you... that's your bad because there are people who plead to have a date with someone like m..." he cuts me off

"Shhhhh... Need to take this" He said as he placed the phone on his ear drifting his eyes to the glass window avoiding a glance at me. He didn't cut me off just to 'shush' me? I annoyingly chuckled with my mouth slightly open as I blinked couple of times to take in what he just did. Haven't this man ever been told that it is forbidden to 'shush' a woman or is he just too shameless and arrogant.

"Yes Andrew... Am in a quick meeting, will meet you in..." he stopped checking his watch which looked quite expensive but that's not what am into now or his looks anymore. He actually thinks, this... that my father claimed that it would be a lovely first date with him... is a meeting, a quick one in all. What an arrogant, proud fellow I have met today, interesting.

"Thirty minutes" he completed and dropped his phone on the table. Thirty minutes? I chuckled, great! At least I will finally get to leave this restaurant and this weird atmosphere.

"Let's make this quick... can we?" He finally looks at me, Staring at me with those intense pure grey eyes of his.

"Yeah sure. Quick enough for us to know that we..." I stopped pointed at him, as well as at me

"We can never get married. We can never live together."

"And why not?" He just keeps saying few words, and it is beginning to get on my nerves.

"Can't you see or are you blind? I don't care about this marriage of a thing and you certainly don't either."

"Why don't you?" Yet again, three words.

"Because I enjoy my independent life more than the one I just imagined having with you, we might as well kill ourself if we do that. I did better stay single sitting on my couch after work, filling my mouth with popcorn as I imagine the day I meet my perfect, loving Prince Charming than commit suicide getting married to someone as arrogant as you are..." he cuts me off

"Arrogant?" He asked looking annoyingly surprised

"Yes, arrogant handsome... arrogant" I replied annoyed by his simple replies like his being forced to sit here and speak to me or is he just a man of few words... Naaa a man as arrogant as he is can't be a man of few words, there must be plenty nasty words probably filled in that head of his.

"Have never been called that" he said looking so innocent and truthful... this man must be a hypocrite.

'If that's the case everyone around you are brave enough to have your sh*ts' that's what was inching me to say but I didn't want to be disrespectful so I simply said...

"I am proud to be the first"

"It has to happen" he said. I didn't understand what he meant so I asked,

"What?" I was purely confused

"The wedding" he said causing me to chuckle

"Don't you get it? We do not know each other"

"Then let's do that"

"Hm?" What is this man saying

"My name is Zachary Logan. I run my own companies, and you?" I was stunned, this guy seem to amuse me with every word that comes out of his mouth. Am I intended to know him better with just two sentences?

"Hi. Am Genesis Eduardo, and I work in a bank as a banker. It's incredibly nice meeting you." I said sarcastically. If he wants to act weird, I should as well play along with his madness.

"So can we get married now?" What the hell is wrong with this guy. What does he mean by 'now' or is it just a figure of speech?

"NOW? Like right now?" I said amazed

"I was thinking about probably within two days but if today is suitable for you... I can make it happen." Finally said something longer than all he has been saying but he still sounded even more insane.

"Jesus Christ... What is wrong with you..."

"Nothing" he replied pretending like he didn't notice that it was just a rhetorical question, making me to sigh deeply.

"Your making this difficult" I had to say

"I should be saying that to you"He said causing me to sigh again

"Just accept it. You have no choice either ways"His last sentence was more like a whisper only him could hear causing me not to hear it clearly

"What was that?" I asked

"Your father didn't explain everything to you? Now I have to do his homework for him" Yet again his last sentence was a whisper and I didn't hear it so I ignored him, his totally doing it intentionally to get on my nerves.

"Yeah he did. About you being his friend's son, I heard... and am still wondering how he made such a friend with a son like you"He raised his right brow to my response then diverted his eyes to something else ignoring what I said.

"Speak to your father. I will text him the date, time and venue. I will send him any amount needed for your preparation."he said, picking his phone from the table and putting it in his suite pocket as he uncrossing his leg.

"Go ahead, eat. I need a healthy wife" he said, slightly shifting his chair he stood up

"But I didn't agree to it..." I said but stopped as I watch him place his left hand on the table bringing his face a little close to mine, his beautiful grey eyes locked to mine, he gently sweeps the strand of my hair covering my face in between my ear making me to slightly pull my head backwards with a questioning look

"You already did baby girl" He said before he pulled away. 'Baby girl?' 'Already did?' Okey this guy is intentionally trying to drive me crazy

"What was that?" I asked looking utterly confused but instead of responding he smiled... No that's not a smile it's a smirk an evil one, his probably enjoying me being confused. Without saying a word he walked out on me living me absolutely confused.

Yeah! So that's how I got here, I only had two days to prepare and I definitely didn't get a romantic proposal of my man kneeling with his one leg and stretching out a beautifully designed ring in front of me after sweet talking his way to...

"Will you marry me?" I did rather prefer

"Will you make me the happiest man in the world and say YES! to marrying me" Even though it's cliche I think i will still prefer it, it will make me feel somewhat special. But no! I didn't have any.