
The Miracle Healer

When the sea breeze from the New World reached the coasts of Asia and Europe, an endless celebration erupted on the high seas. It was a celebration of homecoming, but also a celebration of slaughter and plunder.

The cannonfire echoed and subsided, as the steel warships from the Holy Empire emerged victorious from the naval battle. The orc captain, riding on a blood-red parrot, landed on the crow's nest of the defeated vessel. He raised his curved spear and sang the pirate's anthem:

"We are pirates, fierce and bold! In one hand, a bottle, in the other, gold! We are pirates, skilled and grand! Beautiful ladies, come into my hand!"

The captain's singing left much to be desired, but it had the crew dancing with joy. Suddenly, the sea was filled with merry shanties that dispersed the post-battle gun smoke and sent their condolences to the fallen comrades.

At that moment, a human quartermaster rushed out of the ship's cabin, holding a mana crystal in his hand. He exclaimed, "Captain! We're about to strike it rich! This entire ship is filled with living mana crystals from the New World!"

"What?" The crew collectively gasped, and then erupted in even more enthusiastic cheers. Mana crystals were already valuable, but living mana crystals from the New World were even more precious. They saw gold coins and fine wine in their future.

The orc captain was overjoyed and leaped back to his own ship from the crow's nest, causing the crew, who had just regained their footing, to tumble once more. But this time, their smiles disappeared. They watched in concern as the heart of their beloved first mate was failing, and their cheers turned to distress.

The first mate was a small gnome, but in the eyes of everyone, he was a giant in spirit. He had personally designed the unstoppable steel warship they now sailed. Normally, he would strut around the deck with his wrench in hand, but now, this giant was lying lifeless on the ground, and no amount of medical attention could stop the profuse bleeding.

Feeling the first mate's life slipping away rapidly, the orc captain was frantic. He roared, "Stop the bleeding, and hurry!"

The tauren ship medic wore a bitter expression as he responded, "Captain, unless we remove the bullet... but we've run out of life potions, and the first mate won't last much longer."

"No! You must save Torr!" The orc captain sprayed spit as he spoke, and though he wiped it away, his hand came back smeared with blood.

The request made the orc captain wear a pained expression. His crew consisted of various races and professions, but unfortunately, there wasn't a single priest, paladin, or shaman among them. He couldn't help but stamp his foot in frustration, the futility of their newfound wealth without their first mate weighing heavily on their hearts.

In this moment of despair, the quartermaster suddenly remembered something. He stumbled and rushed back into the ship's cabin, reaching the dim and damp brig where they held their prisoners. He shouted, "Is there anyone here who is a priest?"

"I am," came a calm response from the darkness. The quartermaster was elated and rushed to unlock the cell. He found a dirty young man inside, barely more than an apprentice priest, but his eyes still shone with determination.

The situation was dire, so the quartermaster had to confirm once more, "Can you perform healing magic? If you can save our first mate, I promise your safety!"

The other prisoners, huddled together in the dark, perked up at the news. The young man slowly stood up, "I need my staff and holy book. I know where they are."

The quartermaster followed his lead, opening a storage room, and indeed, he found the staff and book. There was also a shattered hearthstone, a comforting sight for the young man who, like all exiles, carried one from his homeland. He couldn't help but feel a kinship with the young human he had just met in this vast, unknown world.

However, he had no time for small talk now. He was sent back to the orc captain with the young priest in tow. The orc captain was ecstatic and exclaimed, "Quick, save him!"

The young human remained composed, staff and book in hand. With a subtle thought, a gentle holy light radiated from his staff, touching the nearly lifeless first mate. Though faint, the light improved the first mate's condition, bringing tears of relief to the crew's eyes. It wasn't a miracle, but it was enough to keep their beloved Torr alive.

The orc captain, now in high spirits, picked up the young priest and laughed heartily, "Young priest, from today, you are the most respected guest of our Parrot Pirate Crew!"

The crew members all laughed heartily, and their eyes toward the young man were filled with warmth. He had saved a life and, in the process, activated the Hearthstone System in this unknown world, completing his initial quest.