
Rogue Claws

Dash, a rogue kitten, found herself in an accident which resulted in a leg injury. She limps on, finding a large tom-cat called Scar. His intimidating physical attributes didn't match his personality as he agreed to help the small kit and together, they make a team that can't be stopped.

stronchh · Fantasy
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2 Chs


Dash pelted through the woods as fast as she could, chasing the small, feeble mouse that was right beneath her paws. It squeaked out in horror as she leapt forward and crushed the small creatures body.

"Finally!" She meowed out, taking a huge chomp into the rodent's meat. This was her first meal in days, and it felt amazing to be gnawing down onto something so juicy and tender.

Dash was a small kitten, with very fluffy black and white fur and bright blue eyes. Her small body was painfully skinny due to the lack of nourishment, however her mass amounts of fluff hid what was under her hairs.

As she finished eating her catch, she looked up and felt her pelt prickle. She was on a stone path, right next to a road. Dash never went near the human places, since they were dangerous and prey was scarce. A truck flew by, whipping her with wind and making her squeal with horror. She leapt to her paws and began to run back, but something smashed into her side. Her small body was thrown to one side and a crash came from the path. As she looked, a human lay on the floor, groaning. She felt her heart skip a beat.

A human, the most dangerous of predators, was right in front of her.

She leapt to her feet and scrambled away as quickly as she could, but hissed as a sharp pain rumbled through her back legs.


Hi! This is a new book I'm trying out. It's heavily inspired by Warrior Cats, and I'll be trying to update this book every friday! I want to average around 1,000 words per chapter, and make it as interesting as possible! I hope you guys are excited cause I sure am. I also have another contracted book published called My Brother Is a Zombie which I'll be updating every friday too, and it's got 20k words! Please support me ;v;

- stronchh <3