
Kimmy got this my Goddess just relax

Ron snickers, "Rogue, the little pixie stalker is your classmate, hehehehe. My poor Poppy please be careful of this one, I think she suffers from hallucinations or something like it. Clearly if she had eyes that can actually see correctly she would have noticed that if there's anyone worth worshipping in this school right now it's me but of course you're my niece so you come as a close second." Everyone is flabbergasted by Ron's comments and can't help and think that they are in the presence of the king of the narcissists.

"Hey! Pretty boy what are you talking about? There's only one person worth worshipping by her fellow classmates and that's Rogue!" Kimmy sticks her tongue out like a little kid and turns around and completely ignores Ron while she looks at Mr.Jones with a smile on her face. " Good morning Mr.Jones. If everything is settled with her registration can we go to class?" Mr.Jones is really trying to keep a straight serious face so he just nods at Kimmy. "Rogue, you can follow Kimmy to your class. I will talk to you later." Ms. Holiday stands up and gives Rogue a hug. "I will see you later my darling. Ji will pick you up after school today. Have a lovely day sweetheart! Rogue's classmate please help her get settled in, okay?" Kimmy looks at the elder in front of her and thinks. now I know why she's so beautiful. I was right it's in her genes. " Yes, ma'am. Oh I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Kimmy Hyun. Are you Rogue's mom?" Kyung smiles sadly, "I'm Rogue's grandmother, Mrs.Holiday but you can call me auntie child." Kimmy giggles and bows respectfully, "Wow...you don't look like a grandmother. You are so young looking. Auntie we're gonna go now, we will see you later. " Rogue waved goodbye and happily went on her way to class. Kyung and Ron left shortly thereafter satisfied that Rogue was in good hands. They had worried that she would be scared or at least nervous about going to a new school but she was fine.

Kimmy was so excited. She was talking so fast Rogue barely had a chance to answer one question before she asked about something else. Rogue was enjoying the walk to the class and they were almost there when Kimmy suddenly stops and grabs her hand, "Rogue, I know we just met today but I hope we can be good friends. Don't be nervous I'm gonna introduce you to al my friends and try to help you to adjust to our school." "Thanks Kimmy. I really appreciate your help. Can you introduce me to the club presidents of the drama and music clubs. I want to try to join both clubs and want to know if they are ok with it." Kimmy's eyes glistened when she heard drama and music club, "Rogue are you an idol trainee? You can tell me, I'll keep it a secret." Rogue laughs, "Nope. I am just interested to join the club. I sing a little and play piano, violin, drums and guitar. I also think acting might be fun." Kimmy was already mentally planning Rogue's career as an actress and singer and just excitedly smiles, "No problem. When we go to lunch I can Introduce you to them. Okay let's get to class before our teacher comes looking for us."

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