
Uncle Uncle

Joshstell's Pov//

Hello good day to all …I am Joshstell Yton .The only heir to the Richest Conglomerate in the Philippines ,the Yton Group of Companies .I am thirty years old but actually I am three hundred years old and counting.I am actually a vampire. actually our whole Family .We are all not related by blood .My Grandfather Marcus just gathered us up while he was a Doctor way back World War Two,we were all dying ! Then him the only Doctor and Vampire cured us all while on the verge of dying .Or to be exact made us all Vampires,For us to all to live .Anyways I am now at our hotel and I saw a trio and the other girl was poured an ice tea.

Young lady number one "Sorry a Poor woman like you do not deserve Anthony ,he is a Promising Actor and the Son of the Mayor here .You a mere Scholar and a daughter of a maid needs to shut the hell up and just scram .No man would love a Poor Woman and an Airhead like you !".

Young man"I am sorry but you are too Poor ,I cannot stay with you anymore .".Young lady number two"But you said you love me as I am ".Ughhh as I listen to them its as if I am watching a teen love triangle cliche' drama.So as I go closely to mediatate I saw her the young lady that was poured an Ice tea.She is so beautiful and the other one is incomparable .So I fell in love right away …. I am not kidding I felt I found the one .Without saying anything I swoop her off her feet and carried her and kissed her and everyone was in shock including her .She looked at me shocked cannot say anything .What? I am Handsome am I? Hahaha.I took her to the Penthouse and said "Baby do you wanna be mine?,Do you want revenge on those two?".She looked at me and nodded she cried and cried and said "Will you love me ?,Uncle ?".Although I do not like the Uncle hahahah but well I mean to be Precise I am nor a Grandpa .I am too old to be a Granpa too .I gaved her a peck on her Rosy lips and said"I already do baby ,I have fallen for you deeply I don't know how and why but I just love you,will you believe me baby?".She bursted onto tears and hugged me and said "But I just came from a break up and I might turn you into a Re bound Uncle ,I don't want to hurt you ".How the fuck did that bastard hurt her this much ? How the hell that he waste someone as Genuine like her ? ,I swear If I could kill him I would .But I would be in jail so no.She kissed me and said "Okay I will be yours but Uncle what is your name ?". Hahahaha I bursted into laughter she is way too cute ."Joshtell yton ".Her eyes widened and said"The Joshtell Yton the only heir to the Yton Group of Companies". Me"Yes ,my baby the one and only".She got on her feet and about to leave and said"I am not worthy of you ,I am Poor ,I am stupid ,I am not Pretty I….".I kissed her hungrily and aggressively and said "You are already mine you said ,do not leave me ,I already Cannot live without you baby ".I know I know love at first sight its unbelievable yet;What can I do that is how I felt about my baby I love her period.She cried again awwww baby you are such a baby .Her"Uncle but I am only twenty no permanent job and an Orphan my mother passed away ,I live with my bestfriend before she betrayed me and stole Anthony my Ex.I do not have no home ,no family I am useless that is why everyone leaving me .I cannot burden you .Your familly will not like me for you I am penniless".She hates herself too much I will Pamper her now and Protect her.Me"so baby what's your name ?"Her"I am Chana".

Me"My baby chana I love you ,If what it takes to be with you is to leave my family I would ".Yes I will do that because I love her so much .Anyways it is time to get her revenge ,it is time to show that scumbag what he wasted.Tomorrow at our new Product launch for our new bag line chana .Yes I will make her the Queen of my life .

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