

"Mummy it hurts."I cried out to my mom in pain.As I wrapped my arms around my stomach.it felt like pins and daggers were being pierced and stabbed inside of me.I couldn't breathe.

I had an IV bottle on my right hand as mom started at me in both agony and fear.She was confused and scared at the sight of me.

She had nothing to do for me and I could see it in her eyes.she wiped my tears as she held back hers.

"Sweet heart Becky,Everything is gonna be alright "she tried to console me.

I struggled to hold back my tears.After all I hated seeing my mom like this.it made my heart ache.

I knew I was gonna die sooner or later but I couldn't help it .it hurt so bad.

I tossed and turned on the bed.And without notice I let out a loud scream.Soon after I felt the rate of my heart beat slow down and my head felt a little bit drowsy and light, my eyes felt heavy and the Electrocardiograph (ECG) started beeping loudly like an alarm was set off .The doctors quickly rushed in,pushing my parents out. They watched me from a distance behind the window. The images of them where becoming blurry and the pain intensified.My mother held onto dad as she wailed in his chest.

"Bp" very slow dr. Okay then we are performing a CPR.I was loosing consciousness and not long the ESG made a ringing sound tiiiiiii..... I was gone. The doctor looked at my parents nodded his head side ways signalling to them that I couldn't make it.In my head i had mom let out a loud wail and then i could here no more .Time of death 10:45pm. I was now in total pitch black darkness, I couldn't see anything n9t even my hands or what I was wearing. I tried walking around despite the darkness but it seemed i was going no where. I was glad I had no more pain but I was afraid and I was tired.i then decided then to sit and i folded my knees and wrapped my arms arouund them and I buried my face and cried.i cried for what felt like forever and I don't know how long I had i cried for but soon after I shut my eyes in the darkness hoping to sleep.

I thought there is light in the darkness after one dies because we follow that path i referred to the stories I read.....sigh.....

Soon after I don't know how but I slept some how.

...Becky,Becky,Becky sweet heart please wake up.mom's here darling.

I had my moms voice.I quickly stood up and hastily looked around but all was still pitch black maybe am hearing things. When I looked around once more just in case I saw something ,amidst the darkness I saw a door ,half open emitting bright light from within.