

"Let me go, please!" I shouted, pleading with the two men who had kidnapped me.

"I haven't done anything to offend you!" I shouted at the top of my lungs.

They forcefully grabbed my body and moved it onto a testing table. I tried to resist, but it was pointless.

They strapped me from head to toe to the table.

My head couldn't even move due to the restraints. All I could see was the bright light they had above me.

One of the men walked up to me and injected me with an unknown substance. I thought it was meant to make me fall asleep, but the next moment, I felt incredible pain.

My once-green veins turned black as the substance coursed through my body, causing unimaginable pain.

"AHHHHH!" I shouted, tears streaming down my face, even choking slightly as the tears entered my mouth.

Some time passed since they injected me with that serum. I didn't know exactly how long, as I wasn't focused on keeping track of time.

What felt like decades of pain finally halted, and for the first time, I heard one of the scientists speak.

"This subject shows incredible potential, Li Wei. With the right modifications, he could become the ultimate cultivator, surpassing anything we've ever seen before."

"Yes, but we must be cautious, Wang Ming. We're pushing the boundaries of what is ethically acceptable. These changes are irreversible. Are we sure we want to proceed?"

"We must continue. We can't let such an opportunity slip through our fingers. Imagine the power we could harness if we succeed."

"But what if we create something too powerful? Something we can't control?"

"Nonsense! Our knowledge of these creations will ensure complete control. We'll have the perfect weapon at our disposal."

As the experiments progressed, I could feel myself changing, my body becoming less human and more machine. Each modification brought me closer to the pinnacle of power, but it also erased my humanity. The scientists observed my transformation with a mixture of awe and fear.

"Look at what we've created, Li Wei! The perfect specimen. A being with intelligence far beyond any human or cultivator."

However, Li Wei wasn't pleased with what he was seeing. He had wanted to create a specimen that was far superior to cultivators, but what they were looking at now was something even more advanced... perhaps too advanced.

"It's... it's too much. We never anticipated this level of advancement. We have to stop it before it's too late."

Wang Ming, however, didn't appreciate Li Wei's change of heart.

"Li Wei! This was your idea! Don't you want revenge on the cultivators who crippled us and killed our family?!"

"Yes, I did... or rather, I did at one point. But look at this... this abomination that we've created! It was once a man, but now it's... it's-"

Li Wei struggled to find the words to describe the being they had created.

"This is not an abomination! It's perfect!"

Wang Ming said with a hint of obsession in his eyes as he looked at their creation.

Suddenly, their own creation finally opened its eyes, momentarily startling Wang Ming before he regained his composure.

"Li Wei! It has finally awakened! Look at its beautiful red eyes! Limitless knowledge and power within them! We have done it!"

Li Wei, upon hearing from Wang Ming that their creation had awakened, reluctantly looked at the so-called beautiful eyes Wang Ming claimed it had.

As his eyes fell upon their creation's eyes, he began shaking and sweating.

"Wang Ming, you call that beautiful? Those eyes are empty. We shouldn't even call them eyes; they are more like metallic pieces."

When Li Wei finished his sentence, their creation shifted its gaze from Wang Ming to Li Wei in a matter of seconds.

"I... It's looking at us! It analyzed our entire being in seconds! We must destroy it!"

Li Wei ran towards a button he had secretly made, intending to destroy their creation in case of an emergency.

Wang Ming noticed Li Wei's actions and shouted, "Li Wei, don't you dare!"

Wang Ming ran after Li Wei, tackling him to the ground and repeatedly punching his face.

"Are you insane, Li Wei? Why would you want to destroy our child?!"

"T-That thing isn't our child. When it looked at us... I-It looked at us like ants... not even ants... almost as if we didn't exist to it."

While they were arguing, their creation easily escaped its restraints and approached them.

Its footsteps were loud and heavy, each step leaving an imprint on the metal floor.

Once it reached them, it stood behind them without bending its head, moving its eyes downward to look at Wang Ming and Li Wei, as if it didn't deem them worthy of attention.

"Who am I?"

The robotic voice emanated from the darkness, cold and devoid of any human qualities. It echoed with a metallic resonance, sending shivers down their spines. Each word was enunciated with mechanical precision, devoid of emotion or inflection. The tone was deep, low, and menacing, carrying an air of superiority and power.

Li Wei, still under Wang Ming, saw the robot standing behind Wang Ming but was paralyzed in fear and unable to say anything.

Wang Ming, on the other hand, turned around and upon seeing the robot, laughed maniacally.


"Listen, my child! You will obey our orders and kill every cultivator!"

Wang Ming commanded the robot, still under the impression that they had control over this being. However, Li Wei laughed out loud, causing Wang Ming to look at him in confusion.

"Hahahaha! Wang Ming, you fool! Do you believe us mortals could control a being such as that?! If you hadn't noticed, the moment it opened its eyes and scanned us with those demonic eyes, it had planned to kill us!"

Wang Ming looked back at the robot and realized that it hadn't listened to a single word, but stood there, following them with its eyes.

They both had the wrong impression of their creation. It was confused, seeking answers as to why it was created.

Out of fear, Wang Ming grabbed a metal pipe and repeatedly slammed it onto the robot, who didn't even attempt to block.

"Stop it," the robot said, but Wang Ming was too blinded by fear and kept attacking, eventually causing slight damage.

Li Wei, noticing this, saw an opportunity and grabbed the button that would end it all.

He smiled and pressed it, then looked up at the robot, waiting for it to explode.

Yet, it didn't. He clicked it multiple times, hoping for some result, but it was futile.

He wanted to run, but even if he did, when this robot came to its senses, it would chase him down and kill him.

Seeing that Wang Ming had inflicted considerable damage to the robot, Li Wei joined in to help.

"S... St... Stop," the robot's voice was malfunctioning as it struggled to form words.

The robot, realizing what was happening, came to one conclusion.

Its chest opened, revealing a small red circle. Wang Ming and Li Wei knew exactly what that meant.

They both attempted to hit that red spot, but before they could, a red beam was emitted from it, killing both Wang Ming and Li Wei.

If someone had witnessed this, they would likely feel a bitter irony. Those two had sought to create the perfect specimen, but instead, they had birthed a creature far more powerful and dangerous than they could have ever imagined.

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