

"She's really pretty," Lei said.

Robot 935 smiled.

"She really does look just like a human!" Dad smiled. "Robot 935 your name is.." hm "I never thought about a name," Dad said

"How about Sunhi?" Lei said.

"Perfect, Robot 935 instead of being known as Robot 935 your now called Sunhi."

"Okay Dad," Sunhi said.

"Who is this?" Sunhi said looking at Lei.

"I'm Lei," he said.

"Now Lei, she is 16 same as you don't go getting any fancy ideas here me?" Dad scolded.

"Dad! She's a robot not an actual human!" Lei said turning slightly pink.

Dad laughed. Sunhi looked at Lei.

Lei turned pink again.

"Hm this is going be interesting," Dad said.

"yup." Lei said still pink.

Next chapter