11 Ch 10: Rest and dream

´´Eh?´´ I just woke up in a hospital bed with pain in all my body, my face as the focal point of pain.

´´Oh, you're finally awake´´ I heard a kinda feminine voice talking to me ´´Try staying in that position and don't move, the doctor said so´´ I think I remember that voice but I'm not so sure.

´´Who and where are you?´´ I asked that person.

´´I'm Khaski, the beast you met that at the entrance of this town, the one who fought alongside you on that cave, and I'm currently on a bed next to you´´ said to me.

´´Oh yea, now I remember´´ I said to the girl ´´So… how are you?´´ I asked kinda nervously.

´´As well as one can be´´ we have a weird ambient here.

´´Anyway thank you…´´ we said at the same time ´´I´ll go first and say thank you for helping us back then, personally, I wouldn't be able to keep a battle against those many enemies´´ complimenting her fighting skills might be a nice way to start a conversation.

´´Thanks… … … you said you wanted to be the king of this country right? how are you going to achieve it?´´ asked me and I answered the first question with a simple yea.

´´You know the witch myth? if you don't I'll sum it up in: this woman was born with really powerful magic capable of granting wishes, she then lives for a hundred years or two, depends on the version, and isolates herself on an island in the middle of the two continents´´ after I finished that she just responded with a dry ´´Yea I knew some of it´´ ´´Well that's how I'm going to be a king´´ I continued.

´´Isn't that just a myth, I mean you just called it a myth, and even if it exists. Are you sure she can grant your wish?´´ asked me still with a dry tone of voice.

´´It exists, I know it´´ I said confidently trying to avoid some information.

´´You sound so confident I'll just believe you´´ said with a little chuckle at the end ´´If you become a king. Do you even know how to be one?´´ asked me, and this really feels like an interrogation.

´´No. But that's why I'm doing this journey, I'm only book smart, my family is poor and I spent lots of time in the library, but I lack the experience in many things so I'm not that competent´´ I was revealing some secrete to this person I've never met in my whole life ´´That's the propose of this whole journey, meet different cultures so I can be a better king and understand every species living in this country´´

´´Can I go with you?´´ asked the dog beast, and I wasn't expecting that question ´´I want to find the one army commander who killed my father and most definitely caused the burnt down of this town, that's the thing I want to do the most´´ Khaski told me.

´´Before admitting new members I have to let you know that I'll need: the why and inform you it's 36 copper coins to travel to any city´´ I kinda joked about that but she gave me a totally serious answer.

´´People with ambition gain followers, doesn't matter if he is doing the bad thing, people will follow them, you stayed true to your words in that fight and that's why I want to go with you´´ surprised of the answer I just received the only thing I could say is just ´´I guess we have a new member´´


´´Why didn't Gen wanted us to enter right now? Did something just happen?´´ thought Stacia waiting outside of the room Lyubo and Khaski were, with Gen.


Info about the world:

Healing magic

It's one of the rarest magic types and the few people that have it work at hospitals provided by the Guild.



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