
Road to demon god

The cover is not mine. It is a story of a reincarnator or transmigrator who find himself in the body of soon to be executed princess. But he/she didn't like the idea and tried to survive. Soon the road of survival turned her more than what she meant to be.

AnimefanfictionInd · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Chapter 2

The rattling noise of iron cuffs and chains could be heard across the corridor of the prison. Arnuria was being escorted by two guards. It has been thirteen days since Samm transmigrated to the body of princess Arnuria. She has her memories of how she was drugged and subdued without any fight. Honestly going towards her own execution, this feeling of lingering death is something that is completely new for Arnuria. She knew that being offered to hell hounds of the labyrinth means their would be no humans except for the guards near her to perform the soul exchange or soul transfer magic. For now all she can do is sense someone or apply the magics that won't be affected by magic suppressing cuffs. And those magics were pretty limited. Between her thoughts of it they have reached outside. Their is a horse cart waiting for her. Arnuria was relieved. Because their is a punishment in the kingdom of Fire that was given to the worst of the criminals where the criminal has to walk from the prison to the execution ground while people along the way try to harm them any means necessary. She has no memories of seeing such act. But she has certainly red about it in the law books.

"Get up!" The harsh voice broke her out of her thoughts and she climbed on the carriage. As soon as she broaded on, the carriage started to move. It took a secluded path. Arnuria was too focused now on preparing her magic. She won't wait till the end. As soon as she saw any civilians, she would apply it. It would be the first time her using it. But she is fairly positive that it will work. With all the exhaustion and pain, it has been very hard to shape her magic and conjur the spell without anyone noticing. But the old memories and experience of Arnuria definitely helped. Arnuria was a genius when it comes to magic and especially conjuring. Originally she has only the darkness affinity. Among the seven natural elements, darkness is the rarest. In the continent of Magicaliya there are seven countries named after seven elements which are light,fire,water,wind, earth, lightning and darkness. And even in kingdom of darkness, their are a few darkness elements user. But Arnuria has able to develop all other magic affinities except for light with her masterful conjuring. Now she can only hope that all her knowledge and experience would work. If she failed, then she would die again.

But to her dismay, there are no civilians or children on the road. She felt this fishy. The original Arnuria was worried about the church from very beginning. But it seems it is even more fishy than she originally thought.

The prison was situated in the outskirts of the kingdom of Fire. So it didn't took long before they reached one of the entrances of the great Akumu labyrinth. It was a place guarded by the knights who have higher magical knowledge and knows haki. Haki users are not rare in Magicaliya. But proficient Haki users were almost non existence.

Finally finding no other options, Arnuria chose to perform soul transfer magic on any animal now. Honestly it was only possible for her to do this undetected because of her suppressing cuffs. These cuffs were old models which not only meant to suppress her mana, but also prevent others from sensing, what she was doing with her mana. Arnuria laughed to herself in her mind. Charmy, the bi**h was too paranoid about restraining her with the new models which were her inventions. But then she snapped herself mentally.

She entered the execution ground. She spread her senses as far as possible. She sensed the hell hounds. There were thirteen of them including the Alpha, who has a larger presence. Despite the lingering threat, Arnuria was calm. This is not one of the characteristics of Arnuria, but Samm's . She knew panicking will do more harm than good. These hell hounds were usually captured to train the newbies in royal knight orders. And not to mention use as executioners in this case. She sensed vitality in future below the ground. Her current range was four hundred metres. And it was about three hundred and eighty meters away below. That means she won't be getting outside anytime soon. The vitality has no will of it's own. A perfect target. She was not happy about this. She will become a monster, if she did this. But she didn't want to die.

She looked towards the high platform, where the new king and queen were sitting. Especially the queen was looking at her like she was waiting eagerly to see the climax of a movie. If she survived, then she will definitely going to get back for this. She has her main concerns with survival so she discarded any thought and started her spell. The previously prepared spell, activated. It wasn't easy for her to reach something so far away. But she tried her best. But by the moment the spell anchored at her target, the execution has started. The iron gate of the cave opened. All the hell hounds rushed to the open ground. But Arnuria didn't moved from her place. She was too focused to move. First the Alpha came towards her slowly. Although all other hounds have surrounded her, they didn't dare to start eating. After coming near her he stopped a couple of feet away. Arnuria was too focused on her spell so she didn't notice. Her spell was almost complete. She can't afford to loose her focus now !

But the Alpha didn't wait. It beard it's fangs at her left shoulder and ripped apart her flesh. Arnuria screamed in agony as the blood spluttered. But with pure will she continued. Her efforts finally succeeded when her consciousness turned dark just before other hell hounds launched towards her.

Charmy looked towards the hell hounds. Only bones of the previous princess has remained. And no doubt they will be cleared soon. Arnuria was too much of a genius to left alive. She sighed in relief as one of the biggest thrones in the way of Church. The prince or now should she say the King didn't care as he wanted nothing else than to get in her skirts. So when he gave a slap to her butt, she only smiled at him and let him molest publically.


In the depths of the great Akumu labyrinth, an egg cracked and a black lizard like creatures with little light blue horns and golden eyes came out.