

Players from both team were linned through the tunnel as they were preparing to enter the pitch , the captains of the both teams were leading their respective team .

Raphinha who was the tallest player in the group was standing behind looking stright at the opening of the tunnel . his eyes were focused at the pitch like a predator looking for a prey . his released an intimidating Aura that even caused the opponent team be very warry of him .


At another place far way from brazil at the city of stuttgart which was a popular city as it housed the two cars manufacturing gaints Mercedes--Benz and porsche's headquarters.

In a two story building house that was built like the middle ages times there was an old man with his wife and children as they were watching a football match though it was not a professional one but an academic one . his wife was very surprised as her husband always watched the big leagues and didn't like watching the small teams even in the top leagues . his two daughters were also watching it as they liked football very much .

Both of them were studying university so they liked to watch football at the weekends . there was also a ten year old boy who was sitting beside the old man as he was also looking at the TV screen with keen eyes .

He always dreamed to be professional player he now played for U11 youth players for STUTTGART .

MR CLEGG " he kid you have to watch this match closely as it will be very important for you . look at that tall boy with 9th kit his also a striker he plays at your position so look closely at his gameplay and try to learn ever thing you can from him "

KID " Father is he the player you talked about this whole time . I'm looking forward to see his performance . however father in my opinion I don't think he will do much in this match " he said while smiling .

Before the old man could answer back the commentator loud voice was heared as he said " Hello every one welcome to the match i hope your day was well . as you all know we are today here to play a league match between two big clubs wich have many talented players . we will start with the home team today which is SAU PAULO FC as they are in there home ground . the match is predicted that their percentage of winning is 75% over 100% which when you looked at it is pretty much . but all is all as the match will start soon and we will see who will win the both side or draw " he said while continuing .

" the formation that they will play on for today's match is 4--3--3 . there is only one new player in this team as the all remaining players were here in the past league "

This new player is called Raphinha alves and it's rumoured that he is a dengrous player that coach Gilberto will use this year as a clinical player . we all know how they suffered in the past league for not having a striker with a good finishing ability so we will see if he is the one who will solve the striker problem in his team " he said while folding another notepad and closing the previous one .

" on the other hand we have the away team which is FC PALMEIRAS whose their percentage of winning is Low and are predicted to loose this match , but this is football anything can happen in the pitch so we will not judge them before the game .

we will see what they can do to change the winning percentage as it will be on their shoulders if the loose their first opening game . there formation is 4--4--2 which is also a balanced formation . but they will be strong in the wings "

" now let's focus back on the match as the players of both team a marching to the pitch led by the referees "

After coming in to the pitch the player lined up with each other and in the middle of the two teams was the 3 referees of the match . After that the players started to shake hands after that the two captains remained with the referees as all the other players went to the different side of the pitch . The home team were given the right side of the pitch while the away team was give the left side of the pitch .

























It was 2:05 Pm and the game was kicked of . Raphinha played the ball with the his teammate IGOR.G who simply played a short pass with MARCØ . MARCØ made an instant long pass and turned over the ball to D.NERES . But before the long pass could reach him it was cut off by CABELÕ the defensive midfielder. he then played a short pass with JASPEŘ . JASPEŘ was been pressured hard by VICTOR the central midfielder so he didn't hold the ball any longer as he will loose it . so he turned around and passed the ball to his teamates MORENÔ . when morenô touched the ball he instantly became a target for Raphinha who was marking him . he was pressured hard as he Raphinha was physically stronger than him and also had a long legs he almost made a mistake by making a short pass which couldn't reach it's target his teammate CASTRO . When CASTRO saw the ball was not reaching him he quickly made an instant dash before Raphinha could react and punish them for their mistake . he cleared the ball towards the left side of the pitch . CARLO the sau paulo left back controlled the ball with his chest before dashing toward the left flank as he skipped past RONINHO's sliding tackle .he then made a low pass to D.NERES who instantly dashed towards the left corner . he was marked by BYORD.R he slowed his pace and looked like he was changing his direction

but he didn't do it as he instantly accelerated past BYORD.R but he was stoped when jasper the central midfielder of PALMEIRAS came forward with a clinical tackle . he cleared the ball toward the side lines as the third referee pointed his flag toward their goal meaning that the ball will be played to that direction . it was now the 10th minute of the game and none of the two teams had dominant possession of the ball the two teams were playing and open game .

The commentator's voice was heared as he said " the ball went out the pitch and the sau paulo youth will make a thraw--in . The reall looks interesting in this first ten minutes as the two teams are trying hard to keep the position from one another and now player CARLO the Brazilian left back of sau paulo is playing the throw--in "

CARLO made instant throw in as he passed the ball to neres who intern made another short pass towards him . After controlling the ball with his feet two players instantly dashed towards him intending to make him feel pressured and loose the ball . but they were disappointed as when they were nearing him he saw that IGOR.G the central midfielder was wide open so he made a long pass towards him . After receiving the ball igor didn't dilly dally as he was being chased by CABELO so he dashed towards the right flank made a wide long pass towards the open Gabriel.

GABRIEL controlled the ball with his left foot then looked around he saw that the flank was wide open and also he can dash towards the box but he will have to face 2 players who were now running behind him . so he made a desicion and dashed towards the right flank after reaching near the corner flag he saw that one of the CB was running at his trying to block his crossing or passing to reach the box so he didn't dilly dally as he made a curling cross which passed at the top of the incoming defender . Raphinha who was waiting the ball to enter the box saw it coming he was really excited as he carefully positioned himself before the clueless defender who thought he could clear the ball when it reaches at his end . but Raphinha didn't wait the ball to come to he made a long jump and heads the ball straight inside the net as the goal keeper couldn't even follow the ball as the power behind it was great so he instantly turned around and looked at Morenô who was responsible for marking the opponent as CASTRO was away from the box trying to block the cross . he yelled at his saying " what are you doing man why didn't you mark him he was your responsibility what the f***k are you doing " he was really angry with his teammate.

MR Clegg who was watching the game with his family was smiling as he saw the boy he knew scoring he thought " man the boy is really dangerous if I were a defender and I was playing a gainst him I will have a great headache for sure " he then looked at his boy and said " hey kid you see it right that's the way a striker should play .

he heared the commentator voice again " A brilliant goal for sau paulo fc . a curling cross that came from the captain was headed straight to net from the edge of the six yard box by the new striker . The rumours were actually true as you can see the player is really phenomenal his finishing Ariel ability is on another level . and now the condition of PALMEIRAS is going to be worse as this kind of games if you want to win you must score early as possible to make your opponent's loose confidence "

Coach Gilberto was beaming with joy as he celebrated the goal . Raphinha ran towards the corner as he celebrated with his teammates.

After that the referee started the game again as the PALMEIRAS players kicked of the ball .

After that the game went on as the PALMEIRAS players become aggressive with their tackles receiving 2 yellow cards in just 20 minutes which made their coach unsatisfied as he bellowed " don't play like kids in a field play like professionals "

Sau paulo fc was the dominant side as the showed a great chemistry playing short passes which made the opponent players become frustrated and comiting more fouls .

In the 43rd minute of the game sau paulo fc got a great chance after left back Cesar made a terrible mistake by rewarding the ball to his opponent Marco . Marco then palyed a short pass with IGOR.G who then made a deep dash toward the oppents half but after running he comes at a stop as he realises his path been blocked by CABELO. CABELO makes his way through and come face to face with his opponent and follows his left leg with the ball but IGOR turns around and increases his pace leaving CABELO behind. After running for a while he sees another opponent making his way towards him he then plays the ball to Neres who's open . After collecting the ball Neres instantly accelerates skipping past his marking man TELINHO after entering the edge of the 18 yard box he notices that his team mate Raph been marked tightedly by the 2 centre backs so he dashes forward and after nearing the penalty spot he shoots the ball like a rocket . The shot made it's toward the goal but before it enters the net the keeper dives brilliantly touching the ball with his fingers and making it change it's direction from the net to the post but after the ball smashes in to the post it makes a rebound as the centre backs race forward to clear the ball but they seemed to forget about the tall predator who was lurking behind their backs . After Raphinha saw the ball coming back we was overjoyed as he looked around he saw the two centre backs running towards the ball

so he instantly made a mad dash increasing his pace like a sport car that was moving in 200 m/s . as the two defenders were running one of them morenô specifically slowed down down leaving for his teammate to clear the ball but he was instantly surprised when he saw a dark shadow moving past him he wanted to scream and warn his fellow teammate but it was already late when he saw the shadow stretching a leg before his teammate . CASTRO who was releaved after reaching the ball was preparing to clear the ball . he stretched his left leg backward before releasing it towerds the ball as he was nearing the ball he suddenly saw a long leg streaking past him and controlling the ball in the mid air he instantly became scared becouse his leg was now moving towards the other leg that controlled the ball and he couldn't change direction as it was already to late everything happened within a second as his leg made contact with opponents leg and that's when he saw Raphinha who was rolling to the ground holding his left foot . then he heared a loud whistle FRRRRRRRR and saw the referee running towards him pointing towards the penalty spot . and that was not the end of it as he saw the referee removing a yellow card from his pocket and came near him showing him the yellow card and then walking back to the penalty spot while writing something on the card . after that the goal keeper tried to make an argument with the referee saying it was a wring desicion but the referee didn't care about his bullshit and warned him to return to his goal . At the side lines coach Gilberto was smiling and at the same was nervous as he knew that in football everything will happen so he didn't want to celebrate early and make his players believe that they already won . that could be a disaster so he was on the contrary at his toes screaming to his players to continue forward .

After that Raphinha stood up and walked towards the edge of the box . The captain Gabriel came to him and asked him if he would take the penalty but Raphinha refused and instead chose to hand it to Neres. Neres took the ball placed it at the penalty spot and stood behind the ball waiting for the referee to bellow the whistle. After that the referee bellowed his whistle and Neres sent the keeper to the wrong direction . After scoring the goal he ran towards Raph while pointing at him after reaching him they hugged each other as he thanked him . after that the played for a while and went to the half-time. and the score was sau paulo fc leading 2 to 0 PALMEIRAS. After 30 minutes of talking and resting the players returned to the pitch. After serious of attacks from the both sides in the 55th minute fc PALMEIRAS got a clinical chance when Marcø of sau paulo fc misplaced a pass which in the end was collected by jasper and then passed to PAULINHO who was at edge of 15 yard box . After receiving the curling pass PAULINHO controlled with his left leg and made a fake pass pretending like he was passing to TELINHO but he made a 180 degree turning around and skipped past G.NOGA with incredible pace he then passed it to santos who was wide and free . santos collected the ball and he imidietly made a curling shoot tword's the goal. the ball that was moving fast made its way towards the top left corner of the net and it entered with out any obstraction. he went to the goal took the ball while celebrating with his teammates.

Raphinha stood at the middle of the pitch and restarted the game . The PALMEIRAS team got back their morale and strated to attack but the couldn't pass through the midfield and also the pressure from the sau paulo team was frightening as they were hunting the ball like crazy .

as the game progressed it was know the 75th minute of the game at sidelines coach Gilberto was screaming at his players and as the game progressed his nervousness was increasing . as he was watching the game closely he saw that his players getting a chance so he become very attentive to this chance . he saw his player IGOR dribbling past two players and dashing towards the edge of the box but he soon cornered from the two sides he looked around and saw that all his option were blocked of so he started to move back wards but before he could move he saw a tall hand that was waving at him he instantly noticed Raph he made a backward run and as the opponent players thought he instantly turned around and made a long range through pass . When Raphinha saw the ball that was coming at him in top speed he instantly bolted up and knocked the ball with his chest making thing very difficult for the defenders he then ran towards the ball at a top speed leaving behind the helpless defenders who couldn't even chase after him. he collected the ball and before he could dash he saw the goal keeper who was out of his goal probably thinking that he could clear the ball before Raph could reach it . he made a teribble mistake so Raph made a long shot that instantly entered the empty net while the goal keeper tried to save while jumping up to the air but only came back to the ground with empty hands . After his celebration the game continued and sau paulo fc became the dominant team after the goal .

The game was now nearing the end the it was the 90 + 2 min and coach Gilberto already made 3 substitutions . substituting Neres , IGOR and joão . it was now he last minutes and PALMEIRAS fc was passing the ball through the mild fild Cassano a player who came in a substitution intercepted the ball and instantly made a deep dash infiltrating the middle of the opponent he increased his pace instantly reaching the edge of the opponent's box but coming near the box he was cutted his path by three players but he didn't stop and made a curuling long through pass turning the ball towards the left flank to the captain Gabriel side . The captain collected the ball and dashed forward after he neared the corner made a curling cross . the ball was moving towerds the goal keeper sddenly changed it's direction and came infron of the goal . The defenders thought that their keeper will get the ball but it suddenly changed it's direction so they didn't anticipate such a possibility they thought that it was not too late to clear the ball but unfortunately it was late as a tall black shadow came before them and finished the ball with a powerful volley . After scoring his third goal Raphinha ran directly to the left corner near the cameras and did a beautiful break dance . After his break dance the game continued but after the fisrt pass was made the referee bellowed his whistle ending the match right away .


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