
Rivalry with your Hero

"The Thousand Year War" has come to a close, but the identity of its hero remains a mystery. Grace and her friends, who survived the war, idolize the unknown hero. Grace, in particular, is a huge fan. Upon the end of the war, Grace's rival, Hisin, returns, but little does she know that he is the very hero she admires. Despite her admiration, Grace can only hate Hisin at the moment, as her friend Sophia starts to develop feelings for him. This novel is told from multiple perspectives, including Grace and her friends, as well as Hisin, making the characters the protagonists.

LostinWriting · History
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8 Chs

Chapter 2 Hisin: The New Title Given

Rain sheeted the streets. The lanterns colored the puddles in a myriad of red and oranges dancing on the turbid surfaces.

A man walked out into the rain. The downpour ran over his hair and uniform, the wetness pulled his hair in a mess.

"Oh your highness you mustn't!"

"Relax Halaver, this is nothing. I'll do fine, I assure you."

His footsteps were light, but accompanied by the pelting rain into a carriage.

"Your highness, please wait for me to fetch an umbrella next time, it will relieve my heart."

"Thank you, Halaver."

"Your highness, It is a pleasure."

The carriage door slammed shut, drowning the world outside, to a steady tapping against his glass.

He did not care that he was wet, he had been wetter than this in his service.

"Mikah," the name of the boy; Grace loved.

It would be good then that he gives him the credit as the war hero. It would be his last act of kindness as her rival. For the man she loved...

The carriage jostled to a start.

He calmly takes out a case of cigars, already in the carriage.

The palace pulled away. The passing buildings and trees, and the lanterns hung on post fleeting by.

Cigar in hand, he flick his hand to light it, as he leaned against the seat, a fire flicker at the tip lighting by his movements alone as if embers had appeared by his very thoughts.

It was just him, the rain, the smell of tobacco, the jostling carriage and methodical clopping of the horses hooves.

He took a long drag on his cigar, savoring the rich flavor. He closed his eyes, as the smoke curled out of his lips. They twist and writhe contrasting the red cushions and dark mahogany, curling like a gray mask against his face.

There was something he hadn't told sophia. Today grace and his rivalry had died, at the very least on his side.

He did not even look for her, he had done enough for her. He opened his crimson eyes. This was it she was now a stranger to him, it did not matter how much she hated him, for she could never understand him.

It wasn't long before the carriage stopped, as he had bought an estate fairly close to the palace.

The rain was still beating down, some maids had handed him an umbrella as he made his way.

The occasional arch of lightning lit his face gravely, as he made his way long the winding paths, the long grass lawns and statues posing impressively.

He had recently just acquired these grounds, to make his residence in the capital more comfortable.

He finally reached the entrance to the estate, the door was pushed open for him by several servants, a butler welcomed him.

"Welcome back, your highness, the emperor's aid has arrived, he is waiting for your audience. He has been waiting for an hour as he knows you were at the ball."

"Bring me to my room, I will meet him later when I am more appropriately dressed."

"Yes, surely your highness, this way please."

It was not long before Hisin stood in front of the aid, his wet uniform changed to a handsome garb, gold trimmed and with intricate embroideries. The room was faintly lit, with only a bed of coal against the fire, crackling as the rain pelted the windows.

"I trust there is a reasons to appear so late, Mathias..."

"Yes, your highness, I want to address your new title as the archduke of Luxian. There is a small matter..."

"Is the proceedings not done already? I've gone over the documents multiple times, have I not?"

"Y-yes you have your highness, this is about your crediting that soldier boy, Mikah Holenstien I believe. Might this be too substantial a service for such a fellow?"

"Ah, but this is my choice Mathias, you don't have to worry no one would draw attention to it. I'm giving him credit from my own merit, not anyone else's. Instead you should celebrate him."

"Your highness, can I ask why you're giving him this credit? The world should know who really ended the thousand year long war!"

"It doesn't matter whether it is me or anyone else who gets it. If that is all you can go."

"Your highness, please…"

"Mathias. Are you done with your business?"

Only then did Mathias notice his glowing crimson eyes that stared down on him, from the darkness.


He almost fell backwards.

"I shall leave," Mathias nods despite himself and hurried off.

The door echoed shut after him.

The room was dimly lit, the thick curtains still drawn. Only the wisp of embers in the fireplace glowed orange against his face. The cabinets, the portraits and the items in the room drew long shadows in the night. Despite the curtains, the flashes of lightning still seem to drown the world in white.