
chapter 3 Long Distance Racing

Tanya flew over the top of the gym, a certain screaming following up behind her. The glass panels of the skylights zipped beneath her. She held first place securely in her flight, cutting over the early obstacles that others had to run around. In her mind, she had already begun mapping out quick routes where she could line up easier turns. The straightest path wasn't necessarily the fastest for her, as harsh turns could kill her momentum.

Just behind her, Bakugo was bouncing from thunderous explosion to deafening detonation. He was struggling to grasp flight but refused to call his efforts. 'Angel bitch! I'm the best student in this fucking class! I won't let you show me up just by flying away!'

On the ground, Iida led the charge. His jets burst to life as he finally had room to pick up speed.

As he approached the edge of the gym, he placed a hand to the floor, putting himself into a drift while lowering the output on his engine. The moment his shoulder cleared the corner he lined himself up with the gate, his engines burst back to life, launching him out of sight of the other competitors. 'Given the layout of this race, it's unlikely I will get first. However, that is no excuse for anything less than third.'

In the pack, Sato began to outrun himself. His anxiety, his doubt, it all melted away as adrenaline flooded his brain and his pounding heart blocked out the sound of worry. He couldn't see any way to use his Quirk for a speed advantage. With his slow running speed, he had a lot of challenges ahead of him… namely the whole class.

At least he was outrunning Mineta, Midoriya, and Toru. Whatever that was worth.

He watched on in horror as the class bottlenecked at the field gate. Aizawa had only opened the smaller gate, the one wide enough for a single person at a time.

Several of the students have already bypassed the gate entirely. Tsuyu and Ojiro jumped over. Sero grappled to the top of the gym and swung over. In a feat that blew several people's minds, Momo created a pole to vault with. The last over the wall was Todoriki, leaving behind an ice ramp. It wasn't a problem for the ice user's cleated boots, but Kaminari was busy repeatedly slipping down.

Sato wasn't a thinking man when in action, rather letting his gut call the shots. This was not a normal race, but one that would require more than speed alone, and his gut was making a call.

It was Sugar Rush time!

His Quirk may not have boosted his speed, but it did boost his strength for a period of time. More sugar meant more time.

Sure, he could have tried to measure out the perceived time of the test and dose accordingly, but he had other plans.

He reached into his pocket, and pulled out a handful of tiny sugar packets; each one 10 grams, or 3 minutes. In an act others would deem unwise, he squeezed them between his thumb and index finger, ripped the edges off with his teeth, and dumped the contents into his awaiting mouth.

The world pulsed around him, things lost their clarity, and he could feel the walls of tunnel vision close in on him.

Kaminari dove out of the way as the hulking brute charged towards the ice slope. He carved holds into the slope with nothing but bare hands, clawing chunks of ice that were quickly discarded.

Sato dug a ladder, quickly bypassing the bottleneck. Even with jumping from the last group to the middle being impressive, it wouldn't last. He was still slow, and they were still much, much faster.

All the way in first, Tanya was busy trying to hold her lead. Bakugo's once sporadic explosions, that had wildly bounced him through the air, were becoming more rhythmic.

'His Quirk gets stronger the longer it's used. By the sound of his explosions, this is his first time flying.' Tanya began concocting a plan to maintain her value in the teacher's eyes.. 'We're not allowed to fight, but this doesn't mean we're not allowed to use underhanded tactics.' She thought, an adrenaline filled grin splitting her face.

She held her wings open, airbreaking to allow Bakugo to catch up. 'Every Quirk has its limits. I cannot allow him to pose a threat to me. Aizawa didn't care about the tests' values, he's looking for potential! If Bakugo beats me here, he shows he's a better flier. That's expulsion for me as my value diminishes. I must maintain aerial superiority over the class, and that means -'

"Angel Bitch!" Bakugo screamed in a mixture of anger and surprise, spinning out of control to avoid crashing into her.

'I need to expose his weakness.' Tanya smirked as she once again shot forwards, always staying just ahead of Bakugo.

"Get out of my way!" He roared as he bounced around, trying to get a line past her.

Everytime he jerked to try to get past her, she swung in front of him.

'Trying to force me to slow down!' He growled. 'This Angel Bitch has to be crazy!'

Iida sped by the support workshop, the roar of his engines echoed off the shutters. Above him, the sounds of combustion and vulgarity rang out.

'What are they doing up there?' He thought in an odd awe as his eyes flicked to the sky battle playing out, running all the while. 'It's very unhero-like.'

All the way in the back, Midoriya was giving it his all. He cradled his broken finger in hand as he ran as fast as his legs could take him. Even despite his best efforts, the rest of the class always seemed out of reach.

'I can't' He wailed internally, 'I can't give up now! Aizawa's looking to expel whoever bombs the most tests, and that's me!' He leaned into his run, trying to turn his slow jog into a mad dash… it wasn't doing much.

The reality dawned on Midoriya. 'All the training with All Might; it was endurance and strength training! We never worked on going fast! In the fifty meter dash I was the slowest in class. If this test isn't long enough, I'll be expelled for sure!'

He clenched a fist, the other hand held open, and forced his stride open. 'Out pacing them in the long run is the only bet I've got; I have to try!'

As the leading members of the class began passing the support workshops, the shutters rattled violently as they were thrown up. Rows of students armed with various oddly designed guns and gadgets stood at attention.

Mr. Maijima, the hero Power Loader, was beside them. "As is first day tradition; second year students show the first years the power of takedown weapons. Of course, live targets are the best for demonstration. Go ahead and fire at will." He gestured to the pack of new hero students running past his class.

The second year students took aim. An orchestra of weapons sounded off as a torrent of netting, bolas, adhesive grenades, and anything else they could come up with rained towards the students.

"Move!" Momo yelled as she generated a large wire ball. She hurled it into an incoming glob of pink goo, sticking to the ball and bouncing uselessly across the pavement.

Todoroki was further away from the firing line, so the ice wall he threw up alongside himself didn't give anyone else cover.

Ojiro and Tsuyu began wildly jumping to avoid the oncoming attacks. Tsuyu saw the wall of ice and dashed for it, support attacks whipping by her head. For her, losing some time to escape the barrage was better than running the gauntlet.

Ojiro wasn't so lucky; while at the peak of his jump, one of the support class students fired a net. Without a way to dodge, Ojiro scrambled as he thudded to the ground. He thrashed wildly, desperately trying to escape the netting as the hero students ran by.

"Any help?!" He pleaded in frustration to his classmate.

Ayoma blasted a bola into oblivion with his stomach laser. "Ah, mon ami, we are still competing to be in this class. This is no different than the entrance exam. Adieu!" He took all of five flamboyant steps before getting hit by a net himself. "HELP!"

'Should have seen that coming.' Ojiro thought in awe at the blonde with a built in laser.

Kirishima grunted as he was hit dead in the leg by an adhesive grenade, the bright pink goo stretched around his leg, rooting his foot to the floor. With a roar, his skin hardened like armor and he tore free from the gunk.

Sero didn't want anything to do with this madness. He skidded to a stop, letting Shoji rush past him, he could catch the incoming attacks with his many arms. Instead of trying to dodge and power through the projectile-scape, he aimed his elbow tape to the corner of the roof and grappled up to it.

With the swing of his legs, he spun around the outside edge and up into the air. The wind swept his hair as he seemingly flew just above the support workshop.

Sato was still trapped in the tunnel vision of his own creation, charging forward with everything he had. His head pounded to the beat of his heart as it chanted 'Faster, faster!'

The barrage of support items meant nothing in his mind. He couldn't think of a way around it, it was simply too much effort. There was only one way and that was directly through.

A bola spun and collided with his leg, spinning and wrapping around him in an attempt to end his stride. It didn't matter as the metal cable snapped against his strength. He was a force of nature now, nothing they had in their arsenal could do anything to slow him down.

Up in the air, Tanya and Bakugo were still flitting about. Bakugo was still stuck behind Tanya, who gave no indication of letting the screaming man past her.

Everytime he aimed his explosion to dash by her, she always managed to reposition in his way. Everytime he was forced to cancel out his momentum with another explosion before trying to get by again. The constant starting and stopping began to drive a hot wedge into his wrists. This was the first time Bakugo had used his Quirk to fly and Tanya was exploiting that for everything it was worth.

While she was only swinging and gliding ahead of him, he had to start and stop lest they crash. To call Bakugo furious would understate the situation. He's been trying to get past her since the support shops, and that was half the school away.

"Damned extra! Get out of my way!" Bakugo shouted as he once again had to change trajectory. He refused to crash into her but it was so tempting.

"You've been yelling that for 5 minutes now. Has anything changed?" Tanya smirked, spiraling around and preventing him from blasting past. 'Despite his aggressive nature, he refuses to engage me in potential combat. Mr. Aizawa won't let a second assault attempt go unnoticed and he's looking to make a cut. Either he attacks me and throws himself on the cutting board or.' Her thought was cut off.

"YES!" He cried triumphantly, spinning to put his back forward. He put his hands out like he was mid bench press. "Now D-"

Whatever he said next was deafened out by the thunderous roar of his palms. In a last ditch effort, he cracked the skies with an explosion, turning himself into a living cannon shot.

Tanya was knocked into a backflip by the pressure as the blue and blonde streak zipped out of her sight.

His palms were dry, his wrists hurt like hell, but he managed to get past her. He watched in competitive glee as her stupid wings grew smaller in the distance. He went so fast, her stupid smirk never got the chance to leave her face!

With a kick, he spun himself forward. Right when he tucked his arms back to continue flying, pain shot through him. Even the smaller explosions made him feel like someone was nailing a bent screw through his wrists. Added on to the dryness after that last burst, and flying had quickly become a problem.

Pained grunts left his bared teeth as he fell into a crash slide, cushioned only by what measly sputtering detontations he could muster. He broke into a brisk jog down the wooded road to the USJ.

He had to resort to using his blasts to help him up the brutal hills. A vein nearly burst in frustration as he saw Tanya fly overhead faster than a car on a highway. 'That damn bitch! She played me!'

Shooooo. Bakugo's eye began to twitch at the sound as he pushed up the hill.

Ooom. Iida met him at the top of the hill and rushed by him in the other direction, almost causing Bakugo to stumble.

"FUUUUCK!" Bakugo roared in fury.

The sweet feeling of success warmed Tanya's heart as Bakugo's cursing faded into the distance. 'I was betting on him attacking me, but making a rage-filled mistake works too. This should guarantee me a position in the class, proving that I'm the better flier. The teachers are going to cut someone , at least it's not going to be me .'

Sato had finally left the school gate and begun charging to the USJ post. This leg of the journey was beginning to show who had good endurance, and who was sorely lacking. The road wasn't smooth. The USJ was not close. And that was only getting to the half-way post.

For the first time this race, and he wasn't quite sure how he was going to maintain it, he began to get a leg up on the other runners. The tough hills meant nothing to his strength enhancement. He may as well be running on flat ground. He passed by Tsuyu, who was currently struggling to keep hopping.

To her dismay, jumping was not an efficient means of long distance travel and she was tiring out.

Then came the roaring of an engine as Iida sprinted by, having already made it to the post and back. Not far behind the living racecar was Sato's new friend, Tanya, soaring over the treeline.

Iida held pace, never slowing, never breaking, pushing himself. He got into the flow of running. To be able to use his Quirk to this extent was a rare opportunity. The only sound that truly resided in his brain was the roaring of his engine, his feet hitting the pavement.

He loved the feeling of getting into high gear. To be able to stretch his legs and almost never touch the ground, to have his engine at full blast, it felt like freedom manifested. He raced around the auxiliary buildings, speeding past fellow UA students. All the while there was a looming threat overhead, as the shadow of Tenikari slipped up the side of a building. 'Tenikari and Bakugo's behavior have given me first place, but running around the campus complex will return the favor to the fliers.'

He dashed around a teacher who yelped in surprise. "Sorry, sir!" Iida cried over his shoulder. He slowed his engines once he realized that the track wasn't clear of pedestrians.

There were open doors, and the halls were designed with even giants in mind. The option to beeline through the school rather than waste precious time was there, but he declined the idea. 'It would be shameful of me to run in the halls of such a prestigious school.'

Nedzu took a sip of his tea, comfortable in his office. He sat by his window, watching the main stretch of the race. He looked on in silent contemplation as Ms. Tenikari flew past his office in a streak of white feathers, followed quickly by Mr. Iida who had foregon the shortcut.

'We certainly have an interesting class this year.' Nedzu thought as he breathed in the warm scent of his gold tips imperial tea, turning away from his extensive security system. There wasn't a secret on campus he wouldn't know. 'Ms. Tenikari has already shown tactical thinking and fast learning, having utilized Baugo's Quirk against him on day one. She appears to be lacking in significant social skills, forgoing many opportunities to converse and struggling in the few that she does take. Mr. Iida has shown a reluctance towards risk taking. A healthy discipline,' He sipped his tea. '...if this also wasn't apparent during the practicals when others' lives were on the line. For show of course, they weren't in any mortal danger.'

He took a long hard sip of his tea, staring out the window as Bakugo charged across the plaza. The newbie hero was speeding along the ground, boosting himself off his explosions rather than truly flying. 'Mr. Bakugo appears to have come from an unchallenging background. No one at his school could threaten his superiority. Paired with his aggressive behavior, he may find himself struggling amidst our students.' He refilled his teacup whilst listening to the faint melody of Bakugo's cursing. 'Ah humans; such emotionally colorful creatures.'

At the field where they had begun, Aizawa was propped up against a wall taking a nap. Between being a teacher by day and a stealth hero by night, there was little time for sleep. The bags under his eyes would never truly leave him until his job was done. It was a luxury that would have to wait until retirement.

Having heard the sound of a racing car, he began to stir just in time to watch the top three come in.

Iida raced into view. With a hop, he braced his soles against the rough field dirt. Reddish tan clouds of turf followed in his wake as he came to a halt. 'He truly is in his element here.' Aizawa thought, noting Iida's proud stance even through his heavy breathing. 'Coming from a family of flashy heroes with speed Quirks, this behavior is expectable.'

His phone chirped at him, "1st place, Tanya Tenikari. 2nd place, Iida Tenya." Aizawa raised an eyebrow at this before looking up.

Then Tanya touched down, landing softly. Aizawa took note of the lack of Tanya's deep breathing. 'Either her Quirk rendered this race ineffective at tiring her, or she didn't give this race her all.'

Tanya forced herself to slow her breathing. 'I need to remain strong in appearance. This is the final stretch, I can't appear weak now.'

The screaming of anger and pain heralded Bakugo's arrival. He sprinted onto the field, hands smoking. With a sharp inhale, he reared his head back and let loose a roar of mixed emotions. Aizawa could detect the pride, anger, and physical pain, but there was something else mixed in as well.

Bakugo marched over to Tanya who was busy with her post workout stretches. "Angel Bitch." He growled. "What. Did. You. Do?" His fingers twitched in anger but he dared not ignite them, they had been through enough.

Tanya let go of the wing that she was stretching around her shoulder. 'If he makes a move here, in front of Aizawa, he'll get cut for sure. He's emotionally compromised and unstable. He's useless to my goals and a threat to my safety. This is a good opportunity for me to control who gets expelled today.'

She gave him the coldest glare she could muster, hindered by the joy of her successes. "It's your own fault for throwing the race. You should keep your temper in check before you throw any more self-destructive tantrums."

Aizawa locked on to Bakugo, preemptively shutting off his Quirk. 'She's trying to make him start a fight. If he does, I'm sending them both straight to Hound Dog for counseling. They both show great potential for fighting villains, I don't need them fighting each other. Fuckin dry eye.'

Bakugo took a deep breath, his hands lost his tension. "You tricked me this time, Chicken Wings. Don't think you'll get away with it again. I'm the best and you're an extra in my story ." He said, marching away without the usual tension in his stride.

Tanya stole a glance at Aizawa, his eyes lost their bright red and his hair fell back down. 'Aizawa had activated his Quirk on Bakugo! He must know that Bakugo's Quirk affects his temperament, he prevented a fight by subduing the Quirk. Which means he's already chosen a favorite worth protecting, and I just messed with them!' She began to sweat while walking after Bakugo, chastising herself. 'I'm a damn fool, he didn't get in trouble earlier for nearly assaulting Midoriya! Why would fighting me be any different! Of course Aizawa would save his strongest student!'

Bakugo's ever present rage began to whistle back to life like a boiling kettle. The moment he turned around to properly give Angel Bitch a piece of his mind, he was surprised to find her closer than expected. "Ange-"

She gave a small bow, eye's hidden. "I want to apologize for my actions! It was an underhanded tactic and it was unfair of me to employ it against you." She resisted the urge to grimace. 'Please Mr. Aizawa, don't expel me!'

'I'm too tired for this.' Aizawa groaned. 'Teenagers confuse me.'

Bakugo huffed. "Know your damn place Angel Bitch." Before going off to brood in anger.

The rest of the class began to file in. Many of them were pushed to their brinks.

Sato eventually came charging onto the field, a lost look in his eyes accompanied by a sickened pant despite his frantic speed. He swayed in his stride, forcing himself to take another step, then another, and another.

Tanya watched in a half pity as her meatshield madly stumbled past his classmates before passing out. He had overused his Quirk and was reaping the punishment. 'So that's what extreme overuse of his Quirk looks like. I won't be winning any wars of attrition with him then.'

Then the slower students started to arrive. They weren't in top shape for this or had a Quirk that hindered their long running capabilities. Like Tsuyu, who was horribly dehydrated and exhausted.

Seemingly in competition with Sato, Midoriya later jogged into view before collapsing onto the floor. He was drenched in sweat and was panting so hard Aizawa was surprised the boy wasn't hyperventilating.

"Alright." Aizawa spoke up, getting his class's attention. "Time to give you the results. Not worth going over all of you individually, you should be vaguely aware of your performance. If not, you lack self awareness." He pulled out his phone and activated its holographic display for the class. A scoreboard flickered into reality, each student's name and rank were displayed in a long list. As the students hunted for their names, he gave them a minute for the dread to sink in.

Tanya remained calm, seeing her name amidst the top five. 'He said he would expel based on potential. Despite my high placement, I placed behind Bakugo. We both have Quirks that grant us flight and he did better more consistently, mainly on the strength based tests. From Aizawa's perspective, I could be deemed to have less potential than him, but he may just as well expel from the bottom of the list.'

"I was lying, no one is going home." The class went dead silent. "That was just a logical deception to get you to perform your best." Aizawa gave an uncomfortable grin.

The class exploded into questions.

"You mean to tell me you had us worried over nothing!?" The pile of sweaty, empty clothes yelled.

"A UA teacher, lying to his students!?". Iida gasped, clutching over his momentarily broken heart.

Ojiro glared at Aoyama who struck a pose. "I completely fell for his bluff!" He proudly proclaimed, finishing his pose with a wink. Ojiro could only sigh in response.

Sato leaned down from behind Tanya, his words slightly slurred from the after effects of his Quirk. "Whaz goin un?"

Tanya pulled her jaw off the ground and attempted to act in control of the situation. "Mr. Aizawa had merely encouraged us through fear of being expelled from the most prominent hero academy in Japan."

"I'm surprised no one else figured that out." Momo said. "I'm sorry, I guess I should have said something."

Tanya stared at her in disbelief. 'I have three lives worth of experience and I didn't see through that, unless…' A shard of fear buried itself into her brain. 'You're just as deceitful as I am! You wanted everyone to act in fear and desperation in hopes of them messing up like Bakugo did. Midoriya broke bones and Sato's barely functional, either you didn't know or you sat and watched them suffer.'

"That's all for today." Aizawa began walking away. "Grab a syllabus in the classroom, read it over. I'll see you tomorrow morning." He left the noisy class behind, slipping into one of UA's many side routes.

In the secrecy of a school alleyway, All Might was waiting to scold Aizawa. "That was a rotten move lying to them."

Aizawa hummed at him in response, prodding him for more information. Not that he cared about the flashy hero's perception of deception.

"You once expelled an entire class of students. Anyone you deem unworthy was expelled on the spot. You were planning on sending one of them home, were you not? So that could only mean one thing." All Might pointed in pride. "You see the same potential in Young Midoriya that I do!"

The stealth hero rolled his shoulders back and stood up straight before giving All Might a cold, tired stare, "Picking favorites already All Might? For your knowledge, none of them are without potential, even Midoriya. Otherwise I would have sent them straight home. It's cruel to allow idealistic hearts to grow till they burst under the weight of their inadequate reality." Aizawa went back into a hunch before slinking away. "And for your information, I re-enrolled that class I expelled. Unlike you, All Might, they didn't have the power to function off of nothing more than determination and heroism. I had to put their dreams into perspective so they wouldn't bite off more than they could handle."

"My strength wasn't what made me the symbol of peace." All Might admitted. "It's no secret that Endeavor solves more cases than I do. Despite this, I bring hope everywhere I go. That's not my strength, I choose to bring hope, to be a beacon of peace and justice."

Toshinori Yagi remembered his last fight against One For All, a man with enough power to eclipse society should he feel like it. In the face of such overwhelming might, Yagi had held on to everything he held dear. He stood tall against the odds, something he would do a hundred times over if given the chance. That was what it meant to be a hero, not even a pro hero, but a hero, to make the choice to do good despite it all.

Aizawa gave a bored glare. "You have the power to make that decision. Endeavor could also be a symbol of peace but through his actions, fails. Even if I stepped into the limelight and fought as hard as I could, I can't achieve what you can." He slunk away, off to find a good place to catch up on his sleep before his next patrol.

Aizawa sighed in frustration. 'Idealism and spirit that exceeds capability are quick paths to either insanity or death. How many good people die as martyrs, lose their will and slip into depression, or fall to the path of villainy? I wouldn't expect the strongest man in the world to understand that.'

Eraser Head still didn't rest well with his memories. Being an underground hero meant fighting terrifying villains with cruel Quirks. Loses were had, being a hero was dangerous work. He remembered bright heroes with aspiring futures being mutilated by the monsters he faced. Bright heroes who dared to stand against the odds without realizing how high the stakes were. To be a hero, a pro hero, one had to know the odds and tip them in their favor.

All Might held his tongue as he watched his insomniatic coworker slip out of sight. 'In your own way, you're a kind man Aizawa. But you are wrong; spirit is what makes a hero more than just a mercenary. Even you, Aizawa, have a heroic heart. I feel like we're going to have ourselves a problem.'

After class, when everyone started to go home, Tanya found herself walking out the main doors of UA. She was happy with today's events.

Sato jogged over to her, already waiting outside. "Hey Tanya, wait up!"

"Hello Sato." She raised an inquisitive eyebrow at him. 'What is he doing waiting here?'

"Crazy day today, huh?" He rubbed the back of his neck as he walked alongside her, not having to slow his stride to match her quick pace. "I honestly thought I was a goner there at the end." Sato chuckled uncomfortably. 'That's the last time I drown myself in sugar. Thought I'd meet Gramps there.'

"Hmm. There was some steep competition. We both had classmates who shared similar capabilities to ourselves" Tanya replied, biting at her lip in thought. 'So he also has a mind for forward thinking? He consumed enough sugar to last himself the entire race, thus negating the drawbacks. The only reason he was worried at the end was if Aizawa deemed the drawbacks, as mitigated as they were, a dampener to his potential.'

"Yeah, Shoji and Kirishima have me beat on reliability. Their Quirks don't have activation requirements." Sato waved his anxiety away. "We're all aiming to be heroes, so I hope to overcome my weaknesses."

'Aiming to be heroes… Knowing what my allies want will better allow me to control them. The Chicago school of economics states everything has a price. I want loyalty, he just needs to name a price.' Tanya asked, "Why do you want to be a hero?"

Sato thought about it, before flexing his fists. "I want to protect others. What about you?"

"That's not an answer, that's our job description." Tanya sighed, 'So he won't admit to it. Everyone wants something. Even the patriotic war maniacs in the empire were in it for the glory.' She fixed her bag's placement. "I'm in it for my own good."

Tanya reaffirmed her desires. Adding all three lives up, she was well into her retirement age but yet was further than ever. With the constant threat this world provided, the safest place to be would be the 'front lines'. There, living and dying would also be in her hands rather than purely in Being X's.

'She has her own idea of righteousness, one that she must be too shy to share with me. Does she not trust me as a friend?! Her lack of experience around others must have developed a shell.' Sato steeled his resolve to break through. "Hey Tanya, you're heading to the train station, yeah? I actually live just nearby, my family, we uhh, run a cafe. After everything that happened today, why not grab a bite to eat." He threw the offer out to Tanya while attempting to choke down his anxiety.

'Food always makes people feel better.' He reassured himself as Tanya's hand went to her chin in thought.

'An informal meeting with a coworker? Maybe I can get him to name his price. Mr. Tenikari won't be home from his shift until nearly sunset and the time is,' She checked her phone. '3:30… I do need food. A school with spending such as this must have cut the budget on their cafeteria. I don't want a repeat of the empire's finest kitchen .' Tanya tucked her phone back into her bag. "Very well. I was getting hungry anyways."

'Tomorrow is my first class with All Might as my teacher.' Tanya grinned at the thought as they made their way down the mountain. 'The prestige of having the number one hero train you, it would give me an in for quickly climbing the ranks! To get high paying deals, choose my own patrol routes, and all the retirement benefits a woman could ask for!'