
Chapter 2


"Get up Ferry, we are getting late" came an annoying voice of my friend. He calls me that annoying nickname that he gave when we were kids.

We have been together since childhood and he is the only one who can call me ferry for everyone else it is Fer or Faris. We go way back since we were whatever that is because it's been really long and I remember him since forever. When we were kids it was me and him against the world and used to get involved in lots of trouble because of my stubbornness but Ty or you can say Tyler has always stuck around. We have been tight since then. Now that there are other members of our band and people who are with us in this we realised that it has become our family.

We all have each others back even if we do the dumbest shit. We can rely on each other and it's something I am really proud of.

"Fuck off" was the only reply I could have come with at the time. I was hung over and sleepy too.

"Get up dude, or else I am going alone," my idiot friend Tyler said getting on the bed and standing on top of me. He must have been really pissed because he don't like it when I waste his time being silly.

But what can I do, I don't remember why he is here so early. If he is fucking with me then I swear he will have it from me when I am awake, but not now because I can't even move my body. Yeah, I am that sleepy. I am a heavy sleeper, you can say.

"Go to hell," I said not wanting to wake up, it must have been really early because I am feeling really sleepy.

"So I will go alone," said Tyler in an annoying tone telling me that he is pissed off.

"You can go where the hell you want to go, just leave now," I said in an equally annoyed tone trying to get rid of him.

"What the fuck! Are you shitting me here. I can't believe you! The fuck you are getting up now or else I am going to do something that you will oh.. so.. regret it later," he said trying his last resort. I know he is bluffing and won't do anything so I shrug it off as nothing.

But dear sweet Lord, what happened next you can't even imagine. Shock and surprise would be an understatement.

I was drenched in ice cold water, totally shocked and it felt like someone threw me out in snow without clothes. I sat straight up on the bed, stuttering and shivering due to the ice in the water and it being a freaking too cold.

The look on my face was enough to let Tyler know that he is in deep trouble. The fuck I will kill him. I didn't wasted anymore time and leapt at him but that son of b** was quick to dodge and left my room in quick strides, running out out scared asf because he know how worst I can get when it comes to waking me up the way he dared.

"You.. fucking son of a ... I will kill you," I said running after me.

We were running in the living room, I was making the floor wet as I was already drenching but I knew that I won't fucking leave him.

"Fer... ferry.. just listen we are already... late... Just look at the time," he said trying to reason with me but I was way too lost in getting my revenge.

I was half naked, almost hungover and drenched in ice water and my head was hurting as hell and drums beating in my ears due to the drinks I took last night and the stuffs we tried, so forgive me if I want to kill someone.

Fer.. come on we are getting late, he said while running across the room and leaping in the closest room and locking himself.

Fuck it.

I banged on the door loud but I received no answer from him.

"Ty.. open the door or else you are gonna have it from me," I said banging the door and shouting at the top of my lungs.

"Fer, you have to listen to me or else I am not going to open the door," he said in a calm tone, a bit too calm for my liking and irritating the hell out of me.

I shouted and banged but to no avail. I didn't want to break the door.

"Ok.. you have me I am listening!" I said annoyed as hell.

"Fer, we have an appointment for the studio that we were looking. The studio that we all liked. I got an appointment from the owner to meet with them today. If we don't reach there on time then we would have to wait for another month as the owner is out of town," he said reminding me of the studio that we all liked and were trying for quite some time to get in contact with the owner. He was out somewhere and today seems like a lucky day that we secured an appointment.

"Oh fuck, are you kidding me," was the only response I could give him because we were looking towards this studio for quite some time now as this one was in the city and quite spacious one. It was the only affordable studio with the amount we were offering and it was available at a very reasonable price. We were trying to meet the owner or even set up a meeting because we were in desperate need of a studio. Our band was getting gigs and we needed a place to jam. We were just managing here and there and at our places but we needed something of our where we can be ourselves and make music without having to worry about neighbors and stuffs because believe me neighbors can be pretty too much at times.

"Did you hear me? Can I come out now?" he asked from inside still locked.

"Yeah, come on, but why didn't you tell me earlier like at least yesterday before party," I said still pissed at what he did and wanting my revenge at him.

"It was a last minute thing and we were lucky to have scored the meeting and are you sure you won't try anything at me once I am out," he said in a sweet voice, irritating the hell out of me.

"Yeah, come out, we have a meeting to attend," I said in an extra sweet voice. He believed and unlocked the door while I punched him hard on the face making him loose his balance and holding his bleeding nose in one hand.

"Are you fucking crazy, why did you do that," Ty said in astonishment as if he really was gullible enough to believe me that I will let him go for drenching me in ice cold water while I was hungover and my head was killing me.

"Well you know what it was for, the hell you drenched me and have the audacity to even ask why. I swear if not for the studio, you would've have it from me," I said handing him the ice.

"You are unbelievable Fer," he said groaning in pain.

I went straight to the kitchen to have some water and pills because my head was hammering as last night I got a bit too wasted and drank a bit too much. We were celebrating the new gig that we got. It is a pretty big thing that we got a chance to open for the new night club that have been opened around the town. Although there are other big bands that will be performing and we are opening for them. It's a pretty big achievement for us all. We have been working a bit too hard these past few months and finally we are getting somewhere. It all goes well as we have planned then we are on a right track to be the next music sensation.

This gig can boost our audience coverage and we will be able to cover a wider range of audience. Slowly it seems like the things are falling in place.

I was never an early riser, never will be. I am a night owl or whatever they say. I stay awake at night writing songs and playing with music, creating music. The silence of the night calms my mind and my heart letting the rhythm flow through me giving vibes that helps create my music.


I was quick to have a shower, clean up and find some decent formal looking clothes for the meeting. It is very important for the band to have a studio and we can't mess it up.

I went out finding Ty at the couch still groaning and me like a bitch.

"Come on Ty, you can't be serious. I didn't even punch hard," I said in a mocking tone.

"My is fucking bleeding and you didn't punched hard, the fuck you want to break my face or what," he said doing the bandages.

"Oh come on, it ain't much," I said looking at his nose for any serious injury. He is a bit too over dramatic at times.

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