

[Well, I think it's time to go home] Raiser says out loud and then approaches Yubelluna and loads her in princess mode.

[R~Raiser-sama?] Yubelluna is surprised by Raiser's sudden movement.

[Hahaha, don't worry... it's just that to get there faster we will fly]Raiser explains to him by invoking his wings of fire.

[Oh, I see] Yubelluna says understanding and at the same time with a little disappointment, although he didn't know why he felt that.

[Yes]Raiser murmurs and with that, he flew back to his house with Yubelluna in his arms.

(1 week later)

It's been a week since I rescued Yubelluna and brought her home.

My family scolded me for going to such a dangerous place, they were worried about me, because they couldn't find me in my usual place.

I began to explain to him that I was curious about the outside world and that curiosity exceeded my control and then I left.

After that I began to explain to her how I met Yubelluna and what she had to go through in her childhood.

My parents who hear that forgot their anger and immediately welcomed the young girl.

I have to say that I have loving parents, because they, regardless of Yubelluna's origin, accept her and treat her as family.

That's why Yubelluna was able to easily adapt to life in a new unknown environment.

But hey, forgetting all that.

Now I am in my usual training area, my beloved mountain.

I'm working on my fire manipulation.

Measuring my current abilities.

The skill I'm training the most.

It is the ability that we of the Phoenix clan have, to relive instantly.

Although the truth is to call it reviving is exaggerated.

Since our bodies are made of fire and also like our flames they are special.

That accelerates our regeneration and the stronger the magical energy we have,

Regeneration is faster and more effective.

But of course, nothing is perfect and that's why our regeneration has a weakness.

Which is our state of mind and our amount of magical energy.

Magic energy is not a problem as long as you know your limits, but the state of mind is a different thing.

Because imagine being pierced by a spear in your heart, the pain you would feel.

Regardless of the fact that you can revive and that they repeat that process thousands of times.

Your mind would not endure so much pain and could die from a bad mental state.

That's why I secretly started training that.

Creating deadly traps that could seriously hurt me and thus increase my powers.

And the most important thing is to train my mental state.

In case something bad happens to me, I'm just going to revive him like a fucking antichrist and then kill my enemy.

You can imagine my enemy excited about the victory and then I'll come and tell him.

[Hello, son of a bitch]

And with a fist covered with fire I go through his heart.

Just imagining it excites me.

Although another weakness that I have as the devil and to which I have to gain resistance and immunity is the "Sacred".

Things like holy water, sacred light, etc. all that shit that has to do with the divine.

Because thinking about it Raiser in the original plot, the protagonist of this world was supposed to be weaker than him.

But during his fight for Rias, the fucking protagonist of this world only used holy water and with that I beat him.

And that doesn't make sense, to me no power of the plot or power of the tits will stop me when I want to do something.

If I decide to fuck Rias in the mc's face I will do it and if he wants to get in my way I will kill him and that's it.

But of course, I'm not so evil as to kill him for no reason as they do a lot in the fanfis.

That they only covet power and are going to kill Issei just for his Sacred gear.

In my case, although it is tempting, the Booster Gear.

I don't need it, not because I have power.

If not because I feel uncomfortable with a power that is not mine, I don't like to trust something that is not mine.

For example, and if for some reason I get to steal the sacred gear, I would surely be powerless just by trusting an object.

But good.

(3 Weeks later)

After finishing my physical training or rather the saitama training manual.

Which I do every day to keep my body in shape, although I really thought it was silly to do it.

I thought that because all that only worked in the fictional works and this is the real world.

But what a surprise it took me in just 3 weeks my physique began to improve.

I'm 6 years old and my body is even squares.

Oh, when I look at myself in the mirror, I can't help but admire my beauty.

I am also currently practicing something similar to Senjutsu, an art of cultivation that I found stored in our clan's warehouse.

The technique allows me to feel and manipulate the "Qi", with the manipulation of the "Qi" I can create cultivation techniques similar to that mc the manhuas and wuxias novels.

For example, with the manipulation of "Qi" I was able to create a body strengthening technique.

That increases my defense, attack power and agility.

All that added to saitama's training manual, it could be said that I currently have the power to slap a lower-class demon.

Although that amount of power may be heard weak.

For me it's fine, because I'm 6 years old and also we're not in a fictional story where the years pass and the mc I know in 3 years becomes a destroyer of the world.

And of course, when I said that I had the power to fight a class demon, I said it in the sense of physical power.

If we add my magic enhanced with "Qi" it could be said that it could give battle to a group of middle-class demons.

With all that power I am currently satisfied.

Even so, I will continue to train slowly and spend time with my beloved family.

And also giving affection to my beautiful Yubelluna and quisas during my trips to the outside world.

I may start looking for some well-known characters for my nobility and future wives.

My dream is to make all my nobility of powerful women, to whom I can entrust my life or at least a small, percent of my life not all.


(N\A: guys, I hope you like the chapter and I'm sorry if it's short. But as you know, creativity is difficult and when I have moments of boredom, my little creativity goes away. Also a problem I have is that I have thousands of ideas, but when it comes to writing I don't know how to apply them in the fanfi, what I think and write sometimes come out different, that's why I would like to ask for advice to solve that).

(I'm also sorry if I always say it, but don't forget to leave your ideas for the next chapter or for future chapters. About what things you should add so that the story is better).

How about the grammar of this chapter?

Guys I hope you like the chapter and share it so that the fanfi is better known. Also do not forget to leave your ideas to improve in fanfi.

Creation is difficult, cheer up!

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