
RISE OF TYRANT(love of tyrant)

[WARNING- it contains mature content AND violence] JUNE...A simple,innocent and sheltered girl got ABDUCT just before her wedding day and when she got to know that the man who kidnapped her is none other than the trustworthy man of her soon to be husband she got shocked! She argue with her kidnapper "No!!...why did you kidnapped me??..he is DEVIL!!...mafia ruler ..he will kill you!".. but the answer she got made her shocked!.. "LET'S SEE MY DARLING~" he is just a guard!... BUT he gives different VIBES...A vibes of a king....A DORMANT KING... _________________ THIS IS A STORY OF A MAN...who is capable enough to RULE WHOLE UNDERWORLD MAFIA. A MAN who will burn the WHOLE world for his DARLING. A story of a MAN who will fight to become stronger....to protect his DARLING~ BUT WHAT AFTER GETTING STRONGER???? "WRECK HAVOC ON EARTH JUST FOR HIS DARLING!------ -----JUST TO HAVE HER!!!!"

silkystorm · Urban
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51 Chs

you are hacked proto


nowz i know why he is so arrogant,



(last night)




'tititii...tititi",turning off the alert alarm from my watch.

"who is this?...",grabbing a laptop, i pull it open.

"who is challenging me at this hour?",scratching my curly hair i was about to open the platform.

"shit!...",but quickly logged out and erased my traces.i was about to log in into the forum unconsciously without pulling up my gaurds .

this was way too risky,(gulp).

the alarm was set by me to get informed whenever i get a challenge.the forum from which i got the challenge is known as black market forum.

i had no one in my family,my parents died in some mafia related mess leaving me alone.at that time i was a second year graduate student.

I dropped out of my studies and began to work in a cafe trying to earn money to complete the debt that my father has taken in the past.

but didn't drop everything.when i got to know about hacking forum while dealing with the debt, i began to use my talent of hacking in it.

here all the hackers from all around the world gather and pick up the specific work for a specific amount of price.

you can also put your work and the prize if you want to do something.

all the work in this platform is illegal.like sneaking inside some company's security system.

invading someone's privacy and using this to leak information or current location of some VIP or CRIMINAL.

snatching an important project from company.their are many works that a hacker can do.the higher the risk of work,the higher the price.

i m also one of them.

this forum also has a system in which, they released ranks of the hackers.The higher the rank higher his working price will be .

and for ranking ,a hacker can challenge another hacker to top up in the list.

as soon as I started doing this work,I had given many challenges and got them too, and also won them to the point that, now I'm ranking as the second in the list.

i had already paid half of the debt with this.

and,it's been a week since I haven't used this.

pulling open the challenge page,i saw ,

(' *L* ' wants to challenge you)

"what?",my eyes widened at the message.

There is only one person whose rank never dropped .he is the top one known as legendary L.

L doesn't show up and all the high paid work drops into my lap.

my fingers begin to move on the keyboard and send him private message,


(*L*__yes!....i want to challenge you?)

what?..but why...it's been a year that he hasn't shown up and there is no need for him to challenge me.he already is on the top of the list.

i was about to type asking for a reason,but his next message popped up and i halt.

(*L*___if i win then, you will work under me, David)

my eyes widened more as my heartbeat rose i quickly sent him my reply,

(PROTO __how do you know my name?)

(*L*___i m *L*)

"yeah you are L!...world's top ranking hacker but....(groan)"....groaning i realise what he is saying.

he is L and he can hack my laptop anytime?

what an arrogant person!...my lips curled up in a grin.

(PROTO__i m in),i sent him back my message while grinding my teeth.

how dare you mock me?

lemme show you who this proto is!

(*L*__the one who invades all the remaining top rankers privacy will be the winner.)he said.


without wasting a second,my fingers began to move on the keyboard.

for hacking another rankers privacy, i need to break and crash their system and security.

i started with rank 5 and his message pop up.

(rank 5.cyberpunk__what are you doing,PROTO?)

he must have found out that I'm invading his laptop.

but another message popped up clouding that one,{you have successfully invaded rank 5}

as soon as I invaded him,i declared publically,

(rank 5.cyberpunk__this is PROTO)

then one done..i moved to the next that is rank 9 but,

A message of ranked 9 named NANO pop up publically.

(rank 9.NANO___PROTO..*L* ....how dare you try to hack and invade my privacy?)

i think, L is trying to hack his laptop too and he was fast.

(rank 9.NANO__THIS IS *L*)

fcuk!...he did it earlier.. so the score is


The forum began to pop up with messages of remaining top hackers as i and *L* began to invade their privacy one by one.

soon, forum heated up with the posts and messages of everyone,

(rank 36.CRAZYHACKER__i think they are on challenge)

(rank 7.PCLOVE__PROTO...hey?...)

{you had successfully invaded rank 7.PCLOVE}

(rank 7.PCLOVE__this is PROTO), second done.

(rank 4.GEEK__this is *L*)

him too?...score 2/2

(rank 53.TECHHACKER__hey?....how can you invade your fellow hackers privacy)

(rank 40 mylifeishacking__heh...this is so thrilling!...)

(rank 77 Pluto __hahah!..hackers hacking ..others hackers privacy!)

(rank 69.armyhacker__hoho...let's see who win this?)

others messages began to pop up but i ignored them and focused on my next target.


(--this will decide the next top hacker)

(--wish i was one of them)

ignoring them, i increased my speed more,

{you have successfully invaded rank 8.computer}

(rank 8.computer___this is PROTO)

score 3/2

(rank 10.Clever___this is *L*)

shit...score 3/3

now only two are remaining, my speed increased more,


sound of my fingers crashing against the keyboard began to rung in my room while I was focusing on rank 6 which i m almost done with,

{you had successfully invaded--

but, screen blurred and again the message pop up,

(rank 6.tomorrowranker___this is *L*)

"FCUK!",he snatch rank 6...my hand move and open rank 5 the only remaining one .

grinding my teeth, i pull down his guards, grab out ip address and finally when the last message pop up.

{you had successfully inva....

screen blurred and turned pitch black.

"what?",i shout in surprise.when a CURSOR pop up in unusual red shade.

"DAMN,this is impossible",i whisper, while looking at the screen blankly,

_ _ _you are HACKED!...THIS IS *L*...DAVID~_

he hacked me!...PROTO!...before i can even hack rank 5.

pulling my hair i groan feeling defeated,how can I forget that for him ,I M ALSO ONE OF THE OTHER RANKERS!...




that's how I lost to him

gulping down, i gaze at his hand,when i was completely indulged in hacking the last remaining one.

he turned and hacked my laptop,who is also the remaining of top rankers.

fcuk!..if i had focused on my security while hacking others,then this wouldn't have happened.

So that's, why the world calls him the best hacker *L* in the world?


i nodd,at him as he again spoke up,"you are indebted to stephen?"

my eyes snap at him.how did he know ?

"don't you want revenge?",he asked.

w..what?..what did he mean?..how can I get revenge for something like debt?

"i know ...because i had worked under him"

"you worked under him?",he work under him?...why?..how?..does stephen order him?

nodding he continue," and now we are going to work against him"

"i m out?",i blurted out.

i don't want to get into mess.

"so you don't want revenge?"

wh..what?..."what are yo--!"

"your father!...when they were on their way back home Stephen's men crashed them by car"

I stumbled,"what?...but..polic--!!"

cops clearly said that they were crushed under a truck.that was an accident even the forensic report said the same.

"he brought those officers"

what?...So i was paying debt to my parents killer?

grinding my teeths my fist clenched together in fist,"and i was paying of to him?"

"why?...why did he do that?",i asked angrily

"your father has already paid back his debt!",he said

"what do you mean?",why does he always use less words?

then my eyes caught him pulling out papers and putting them in front of me.

looking into paper,these are the papers which clearly state that our debt has already been completed. there is my father's signature and my mother's to.

i crushed paper in fist,

so he was just playing with me?,my back of eyes began to burn in anger.

"i m in"




____to be continue