
RISE OF TYRANT(love of tyrant)

[WARNING- it contains mature content AND violence] JUNE...A simple,innocent and sheltered girl got ABDUCT just before her wedding day and when she got to know that the man who kidnapped her is none other than the trustworthy man of her soon to be husband she got shocked! She argue with her kidnapper "No!!...why did you kidnapped me??..he is DEVIL!!...mafia ruler ..he will kill you!".. but the answer she got made her shocked!.. "LET'S SEE MY DARLING~" he is just a guard!... BUT he gives different VIBES...A vibes of a king....A DORMANT KING... _________________ THIS IS A STORY OF A MAN...who is capable enough to RULE WHOLE UNDERWORLD MAFIA. A MAN who will burn the WHOLE world for his DARLING. A story of a MAN who will fight to become stronger....to protect his DARLING~ BUT WHAT AFTER GETTING STRONGER???? "WRECK HAVOC ON EARTH JUST FOR HIS DARLING!------ -----JUST TO HAVE HER!!!!"

silkystorm · Urban
Not enough ratings
51 Chs

tell me how much he has done with you?


waking up from sleep i m getting confused.how did i end up in bed?

I definitely slept on the couch last night then how?

wait?...did that demon bring me here?

"urgg (groaning)",groaning in frustration i moved towards washroom but halt,

"June,here take this",i saw grey coming inside with a bag.

"what's this?",i asked him as he handed me that bag.

peeking inside there are cloths in it.

"this are for you?",he said and continue,"come out after getting fresh",and move out.


after getting fresh i look at myself in the mirror.

this clothes looks expensive.he brought me a long knee length blue strip,long sleeves dress.it also has a ribbon to tie on waist.it's so cute and fits perfectly to me.

i need to talk with Rey today.

moving out i heard noise,''puff''

"huh?",i was just thinking about him and here is that demon.

smoking is actually bad for health but look at him.he is sitting lazily with his both legs on tea poy and smoking a cigarette.

but he still looks so good in that black suit combined with white shirt.

his eyes turned and scan me upside down.

his eyes are so alluring and the way he is scanning me is making me feel uncomfortable.

"come here",he call me out but i didn't budge and look at him.

why?...i don't want to!..he looks so dangerous while smoking.(gulp)

his gaze darkened at me and pulled out his revolver.as soon as he pointed it at me i began to fidget.

"w..why?",let's ask him out the reason.

"did you not hear me?",but he ignored my question.

why the heck?

"i...i--!!",he stood up and took one step to me.

no!...he will definitely pull me closer.i ran to him and he sat back.

standing a couple of feet away from him.i.peek at him as he began to play with his revolver while looking at me.

"what?",I asked, and his eyes narrowed at me dangerously.

(gulp),what did i do now?

"gasp",he grabbed my wrist and pull me on his lap making me sit on his thigh.

i tried to stand back but his arm encircle my waist pulling me down forcefully.

sweat began to form on my back.

"w.. what's this...leave me?",i asked him while struggling.

he silently squeeze my waist making me feel goosebump and point his revolver at my cheek.

what does he want?...peeking at his stares at me and his gun trailing my cheek,i became stiff.

"what are you doing?..re..release me!"

but he again ignored me and asked me,"tell me ...how. did .you .meet. Stephen?",his voice getting dark in each word.

i gulp down at his threatening stares.

why is he interested in my and stephen's story?i frowned at him.

getting my expression he pull the cock of his revolver back and again pout it at me.

"y..you...said i m..yours..t..hen ...why are you doing this?",i asked again while pointing at his revolver.


w..what?...he said i m his and now he is threatening me?...what does he want?...how can he do this?

"will you or not?",he again asked and i don't think telling him will cause any harm to me.

"(gulp)...one day my parents didn't came back home and i began to search for them...i asked each and everyone but no one knew about them."

peeking at him i continued,"and on the third day i filed a report of their missing...but they too weren't able to find them."

"week pass by ...i was gone to attend classes and while coming back home i got into accident"

"and?",he asked me.

"i got unconscious and when i woke up i found myself in Stephen's house."

"did you knew he was mafia boss?",he asked again.

"no!(shaking head)...i didn't payed any attention as he apologized and drop me back to my home safely."

"and next day"




i stood up,"when will you find them?",asking officer in front of me.

but he sighs," sorry miss!!"

i made my way out,it's been more than a week that they disappeared.

my eyes are burning,let's calm down crying won't get me anywhere near them.I looked around and saw a bench.

making my way to the bench i sat on it.

feeling quite,my eyes. caught a couple playing with their children.

and my mind brought up the memories of mine playing with my grandma.(gulp)

firstly my grandma..grandpa ...then smiley vanished...and now i don't know where my parents vanished.

i was holding back for one week but i can't now.i want to cry hard.a tear slip down from my eye,

"hic...sob..sob...",where are you guys?...i miss you...mommy daddy ...

"hey...",peeking aside ,a pair of feet came into my view and i gaze up pulling my mask properly.


he is the same man whose car struck me yesterday isn't he?

"what happen..I was passing by ..and saw you..!!",he said worriedly.

it's not good to tell others,i wipe out my tears,"no..nothing!!"

but he sat beside me,

i slide aside making distance and gaze at him.why is he interested in my affair?

"please tell me...maybe I can help!!",he said.

help?..how can he?..

i gaze at him.he is wearing brown shirt over black trouser.his ear length hairs are all falling over his face but still they look clean.he has green eyes which gives a menancing vibes.

who is he?..even his house where he brought me yesterday,was way bigger than mine.

"no...you..can't...even ..police can't find them!!"

"whom?",he asked again.

no i should not irritate others.i look down.

'do you know what my work is?",he asked me again

yeah...i don't know...if he is from influential family then maybe he can pressurize cops!...but will he?

"Stephen!...England mafia!"he blurted out.

i stood up scaredly,mafia?...noway!...i don't want to do anything with mafia.theu all are dangerous people.

let's run i can't let him befriend me and even smiley told me not to let anyone see my face.

"s..sorry sir!!",i apologize and turn to walk away.

"no!",suddenly he grabbed my wrist.

"please ..!!",i cried out.i don't want to get involve with mafia.

he blink his eyes reassuringly and calmly,"it's ok...I won't hurt..you"

i wriggle my wrist trying to pull away,but he tighten his grip while speaking,"think about it!...i can find them....you know i get this type of work everyday".

i halt,what?...he get this type of work everyday?

he continue,"you know when cops can't find someone then those people come to me requesting to find them...they even offer money to me"

"but i don't have money sir!"

he release my wrist,"no..i don't want it..come sit here!",and pat beside himself.

gulping down i sat beside him.

"now ..tell me!!?"

will he really help me?.

"I..I...can't find my parents...it's like they vanished...!!hic..hic""

"from when?"

"it's been more than a week now"

"those b@stards,..what did those cops said?"

is he cursing cops?

"they said that they can't find them."

he nodd and smile form on his face,"hmm...okay I will help you!!"







"we together began searching for them...and "

Rey's brow raise,"and?"

shit...what will he do if i say.."gasp",feeling his hard squeeze on waist i spoke up,"and got closer".

"What?",his tone turn sharp like cutting knifes.

and his jaw began to clench so much that i m able to see his viens.

"and then he proposed you last week and.YOU...AGREED",his tone turning darker and darker.

my heart begins to thump in my ears getting his stares at me so closely that i can't run away.

"i..i...wahh",suddenly he picked me up in his arms and walked inside his room angrily.

"n..no..where...are you taking me?",i asked but he threw me on bed harshly and without even closing the door which he always do.he fell on me caging me from both sides with his arms.

why is he doing this?...why is this happening to me?..i did everything ...i hide my face for years and i never got into trouble before then why is this happening to me?

my eyes tear up and i turn my head aside avoiding his face coming closer.

he halt and gaze at me whispering,"look at me?",his tone is so low and angry that i close my eyes not wanting to do what he wants me to.

when,"TELL ME HOW MUCH HE HAD DONE TO YOU HUH",he roared in my ears making myself jump and look at him in horror.

looking into his angry red shot eyes,i can feel my face getting paler and i clenched my eyes tightly.

he began to heave while hovering above me making me more scared that sob began to move out of my lips

"sob..sob",i sob while looking at him through my blurry eyes and caught his stares at my lips,"tell me",he mumble.

but,i sob more knowing his intentions.

grabbing my jaw and pulling my sobbing lip open,"YOU ARE ONLY MINE...AND MINE JUNE ...NO ONE HAS RIGHT ON YOU...", sounding more like an authority.

and pressed his lips on mine.feeling his lips on mine i clenched my teeth tightly feeling nauseous.

but her pull open them forcefully with his grip around my jaw and shoved his tongue inside my mouth.

my eyes clenched tightly as he twirl his tongue making me taste and smell his cigarette which he smoked earlier.

feeling out of breath i punched his back but he didn't budge.

"hic..hic",soon he pull back and took long breath.

"huff..sob...sob",i cried out loudly while huffing for air and his eyes widened at me.

"tsk",clicking his tongue he move his thumb to my face making me flinched,"don't cry".

what?..you are the reason i m crying.i cried more as jerk his hand away.

his jaw clenched again then he stood up , pull my wrist and handcuffed me with bed.

wriggling my wrist i tried to move away but he was powerful."sob.. sob"

i stood up and clutch his shirt in one fist trying to plead,"please..let me go..Rey..sob sob"

pulling me closer he again,"NEVER~"he whisper in my ear and began to sniff



he pull away and walk our closing door behind himself angrily.

please don't do this!..."sob..sob"




___to be continue