
Mind games

"what did you say old man?" Zack couldn't help himself from stopping and going back to the old man. 'there's no way this old man saw that dream right? holy shit isn't this how those wuxia novels start' with his hands balled into a fist in his pockets, there was a look of excitement on his face as he looked at the old man expectingly.

"I said you young folks ain't got no respect for your elders" Like a balloon being hit by a needle, Zack visibly deflated. he was now disappointed and upset at the same time. "OLD MAN!! don't play with me. what was that you were saying about the darkness?" as if he didn't understand, the old man looked at Zack confused "darkness? what darkness? what the hell are you talking about kid, ain't I suppose to be the crazy old man?" "fuck off old man" Zack yelled as he huffily walked away. a smile played on the corner of the old man's lips as he watched Zack leave. "so that's the king candidate huh? interesting."

"stupid old man. getting my hopes up" Zack grumbled all the way to school. lost in his own thoughts Zack didn't even notice the girl starring at him up ahead. "off in your own little world huh little lion?" as if struck by lightning, Zack woke up out of his day dreaming to see the face belonging to sweet voice that drifted into his ears. "oh hey Luna, sorry I forgot that we were suppose to meet up today, I totally spaced."

Luna was Zack's childhood friend. they met in kindergarten and had been going to the same schools ever since. Luna was 5'5 and was on the slim side. she had Rosey pink skin with long straight silver hair. her long eyelashes shaded the clear blue eyes that looked like the ocean. she looked gentle and calm on the surface but any one who new her secretly called her ice queen Luna. Luna had a gentle out look but she was extremely smart so she subconsciously looked down on every one. However there have been a few people who she couldn't quite understand so in her efforts to understand them she ended up befriending them. Zack being the main one.

"what's got you so lost little lion. you never care about anything. it's rare to see you with so many emotions on your face." as if realizing something Zack looked at Luna "hey snow, aren't you going to be late? why did you stay out here so late?" shooting a fierce glance at Zack she replied "what was that you called me?" feeling the chill go down his back he hurriedly corrected "LUNA, I CALLED YOU LUNA" calming down Luna said "hmph, what I do is my business. you're also late aren't you? let's go before we get detention"

Zack lazily day dreamed through class until the lunch bell rang. he shuttled through the halls, making his way to the cafeteria with the rest of the crowd. "hey lion, hold this will ya" lion looked to his side to see a short red haired kid handing him some sort of gadget. "what's this one wires?" this kid's name was miles. a short red haired dark skinned kid with the rare red eyes. usually he was either dull like Zack or looking down on everyone like Luna, but when he was tinkering with a gadget or inspired by something new, his eyes shined like molten lava. like fire burning in his soul.

"I'm working on a way to materialize the elements in the atmosphere. we lack magic in this world. there's all these books about magic and dragons and ancient races and I want that to be a reality" Zack looked at the gadget then looked at miles "bro, do you really think this will work?"

"it's not IF it will work that's important. the things he will learn and create just by trying to make this device; you make even my brain tingle a bit wires" Luna's voice drifted over, as sweetly as ever. Zack and miles looked over to see Luna walking over with a cute, long wavy haired Latina. she was thick with curves like a river. she was the same height as Luna and had these deep black eyes that felt like they could see through anything. she gave off a fiery aura as she looked at the gadget in Zack's hands.

"what beautiful craftsmanship. Luna, you didn't tell me you had such an interesting friend." listening to her speak, you can hear the flirtatious allure in her voice that happened without her trying. "hey Luna are you going to introduce us to your friend?" miles asked while trying not to stare at this new girl who seemed to take a liking to gadgets and gizmos.

"this is angelica. we have wood shop together. she just transferred in today. it turns out, she's really into creating things with her hands." "nice to meet you all." angelica said as she stretched her hands out to shake their hands. as Zack started to shake her hand he was surprised to see that her hands still looked fair and womanly but at the touch they were rough and firm. it just goes to show that she was really good at what she does. as miles shook her hand he didn't feel anything. he was too busy day dreaming already planning on how to get her to be his.

"so Zack. are you going to tell me what happened earlier now?" Luna asked Zack, breaking the akwardness that miles brought. "oh yeah I forgot all about it" so Zack sat and told his friends first about the dream he had and then about the old man while they ate their lunch. "oh sweet, maybe he knows where some magic is" miles said excitedly. "there's no way wires, that old guy probably was making an analogy about kids being clueless or something." shot Luna as she gave miles a teasing look. " if you ask me, I say you were just hearing things because the dream spooked you." angelica gave her straight and honest opinion. "well what ever it is I'll know after school. I'm going to try and talk to him again. maybe he will give me some answers if I give him some money or something." said Zack as he was getting up to throw his tray away. "of course I'm coming too" said Luna following close behind like a shadow. "I'm definitely not missing this" said miles "hey ghost, why don't you come too" invited miles as he looked at angelica. she looked around and said "who TF is ghost?" "it's your new nickname" said miles. everyone looked at miles confused "why is that her nickname" asked Luna. "because she's hot like a ghost pepper. she even gives off a fiery feeling." miles said as he had a silly grin on his face.

"absolutely not." angelica said with a bit of shyness and anger on her face. "too bad I've decided. you think any of us like our nickname? try saying Luna's to her face" said miles. angelica questioningly looked at Luna then finally asked "what is her nickname?" Luna looked at miles with an icy smile and a dangerous shine in her lake blue eyes. "go ahead miles. tell her my nickname" feeling the cold sweat cover his back miles hurriedly walked away saying "sorry, no time. I have to get to class"

Zack not caring about anything said indifferently "we call her snow, but her victoms call her ice queen Luna" suddenly as if sensing the room go colder, Zack turned to see Luna with a frosty look on her face. she punched him in the chest and stormed off. angelica giggled and ran after her saying "nice to meet you see you after school"

Zack walked to class rubbing his chest. he continued to drift through the rest of school as usual. he met his friends at the front of the school as they headed to where he met the old man to find his answers.