
Rise Of The Wizarding World's Brotherhood

Last of the assassins from the brotherhood uncovers the deadliest strategic attack of the templars in late 2019. The plan has already been set in motion; a virus had been created. They were waiting for the total annihilation of the league of assassins to push their plan forward. However, by using his soul as a sacrifice he activated the most lethal weapon of the brotherhood the kills off everyone along with himself in an attempt to save humanity. As his reward, GOD allowed him seven wishes and an opportunity to be reborn in a fictional world of his choosing. Follow Dresden S. Winchester, on his journey to recreate the league of assassins in this traitorous new world, as he realizes the deeper workings of the world and the undercurrents going on in the shadows. Disclaimer: I do not claim the ideas taken from other sources, J.K Rowling is the Owner of Harry Potter. All Charters and world-building information taken from any of her works including movies belong to Her. All ideas that have been borrowed from other fan-fiction belong to the receptive owners. However, I do reserve the right to any original charters, plotlines, and world-building elements that I created. I have also borrowed some elements from Assassins Creed Franchise which belong to them, However, I reserve the rights to all new information that is created by me.

Asad_Dogar · Book&Literature
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13 Chs


BOOOOOOOOOOM!!!!!! December 24th, 2019 Christmas Eve; a huge explosion ripped Elise Island off the face of the planet. Only a handful of people will ever know what truly transpired and why. You see most of humanity is under the illusion that they control their own fate, they chose their leaders, they think that generating wealth through capitalism is their financial freedom. But one may ask, is it truly so? Do they truly believe that this world is so transparent; or that everything can be categorized into black and white?

The answer to that rhetorical question is a resounding NO. However, once in a while there are some people who start noticing little things, they start to question the things happening around them and manage to connect a few dots; for instance, on one page of a newspaper the death of a prominent public prosecutor is reported as a tragic accident and on the business section of that very paper a company wins its defense against a class-action lawsuit. This is just the tip of the iceberg, the big open secrets that people scoff at and label as conspiracy theories are in fact very close to the truth.

Theories that point to "The Powers That Be" or the "Illuminati" are not that far off. You see, there is this ancient order that came into being a few tens of centuries ago. Their beginning goals were admirable as they were aiming for the betterment of humanity. However, over time like many organizations, their ideals started to become corrupted. The very humanity they set out to protect became the pest that they needed to control and, in most cases, eradicate. They were known as the Knights of the Templar. Over the centuries the corruption became so prominent that the Order became responsible for every major revolution, underground organization, racist ideology, genocide, a major assassination plot, plague, war, and much more.

A few descendants of the original Order witnessed the organization's descent into chaos and mindless corruption. Their principles abandoned in the name of the so-called "New World Order", so they formed a new league, a brotherhood, to protect the very ideals that made them join the Templars in the first place. Slowly but surely the developed the organization that could rival the Templars. They found like-minded people, orphans, and victims of the ancient order and trained them through the crucible of war and human cruelty so that they could be better equipped to counter every plan that was set forth by the order.

This league was known as the League of assassins or Ha-Sha-Shen otherwise known as The Brotherhood. In the beginning, the league was becoming a force that the knights of Templars could not overlook, however, like every good thing over the past few centuries their numbers and resources were dwindling until 2019 AD. This was the year when the Knights of Templar attacked the last base of the league on Nanda-Parbat in the Himalayas and killed the last of the league's leaders known as Ras-Al-Gul. The Templars had finally gotten rid of the pests that destroyed their plans at every turn over the last millennium, or so they thought.

In the Museum of Natural History, a young twenty-five-year-old curator was looking at a metallic sphere embedded in the hilt of an ancient dagger, no one knew the significance of this artifact. He had finally completed the oath he swore to his dying father, he found the lost Eye of Tamara; the last resort created by the brotherhood a century ago when they realized that they were fighting a losing battle against the Templars. By sacrificing the souls of five elders and the Lazarus Pit i.e. primordial water well that had healing properties and that could bring a person back from the brink of death through an ancient ritual the league created their deadliest weapon in case the Templars succeeded in defeating the league.

Dresden Winchester was the last of the assassins from his line and had been searching for the eye for the past three years and today he had found it but he was too late. He was surrounded by twenty knights of Templar and one of their seventy high council elders Hugh de Payens. "Ras-Al-Gul is dead and so are you so-called brothers, hahahahaha!!!" Laughed Payens "You are the last of the pests, I came here personally not just to witness your miserable end, but to see the light of hope in your eyes die, and to mark the start of a new era, The New World Order."

Dresden could not afford to lose, not when he was so close. He grabbed the dagger, pried the sphere out, and clenched the Eye of Tamara in his fist. "Is this the end?" he thought; it can't be, he had to fight this; this is where he would take his last stand. He screamed with frustration and lunged into the group of knights, he fought with no regard, he had failed the brotherhood, he had failed his father and all he could do now was kill and that he did until only Payens remained. Payens started to clap, "A valiant effort, 'the last stand of the sole survivor of the league of assassins', how pitiful." Dresden was thoroughly exhausted after killing off the twenty knights, but Payens was still alive, and through sheer will power, Dresden fought with him for two straight hours.

This was when he had a miss-step and Payens caught it, he plunged his sword into Dresden's chest and laughed maniacally. He came close to his ear and whispered, "You are just as pathetic as your despicable father. He too was just as weak as you. When I pulled out my sword from his chest, he ran like a coward will you do the same." Dresden was so angry, angry at himself for being weak, angry for ignoring his father's constant nagging to train, angry for being lazy. All the regret and anger could not change the past, he was going to fail and die a useless death, streaks of blood dripped from his eyes instead of tears, "Is this the end is this how I will die? Is this how the legacy of the league ends?" he thought. No, he could not let this happen, he squeezed the eye and everything froze.

The eye radiated with purple light and a shadow came out, it was the soul of one of the elders of the brotherhood from centuries ago. The elder looked at the dying Dresden and spoke, "Young one, please do not feel dejected, we had foreseen this day a century ago, you have merely fulfilled a prophecy. You did not fail the brotherhood, we did. When we made the Eye we knew this day would come. During our time the league was already decaying we could not keep up with the Templars, we, your predecessors, failed you. However, all is not lost, not yet. You see the Eye is not just a weapon, it is also a soul vessel, as of this moment you have two choices, and I cannot force this on you because it is not your burden to bear; first, you can continue the fight and pass on to the afterlife or you can sacrifice all of your remaining life force and transfer your soul into the Eye."

Dresden was waiting for the catch, the elder continued, "No one will blame you if you chose the first option; however, if you select the second option there is a cost, you will go through immeasurable pain, pain so great that it cannot be described in words. Every second will feel like eternity your very soul will be gnawed upon until it is shredded into oblivion. At most, you will be barely able to hold on to your consciousness and will remain in a state of limbo. I can cast a compulsion charm on the eye that will force Payens to retrieve the eye and keep it on him. When he reaches the council for a victory meeting, you will have to stay conscious and detonate the eye and everything in a five-mile radius will be erased from existence. Now the choice is yours."

How could Dresden refuse, he had to honor his oath to his dead father, he had to honor the legacy of the brotherhood and most of all he had to save millions of people who the Templars will kill using this biological weapon. He remembered how up till three years ago he slacked off in his training he was more interested in video games, anime, manga, fantasy novels and fanfics especially the Harry Potter ones. One night while he was reading one such book his father Michel Winchester stumbled into his room bleeding and barely holding on to the sliver of life he had left. It was then that his father told him about his mission, the brotherhood was dying and Ras-Al-Gul knew he had failed, the Templars were getting stronger and stronger by the minute.

At the cost of many lives, the league had finally uncovered the Templars' grand plan of a New World Order. They had weaponized a virulent stand of a COVID virus and were about to unleash it on the world. Under the guise of this man-made virus, they would make huge moves by replacing people of power around the globe with the members of their own order and attributing all those disappearances/deaths to the pandemic. They would finally control wealth, economy, knowledge, power, and the very lives of the unsuspecting seven billion people on this big blue planet and usher in the era of their New World Order.

The only way to stop them was to use the legendary weapon of the brotherhood, The Eye of Tamara, but it had been lost since the last century. Winchester Sr. had been looking for it for the past five years and was very close. He made Dresden swear an oath that he would finish what his father had started by any means necessary. Dresden could not refuse the dying wish of his father and with tears trickling down his face he buried the last of his kin. After three grueling years of endless training and researching, by using the information his father left him, his goal was finally in his sight but fate had played a cruel game with him and left him at the precipice of this crossroad.

He knew there was no other choice, he had to accept the hand that fate had felt him. Gritting his teeth and took a deep breath, one last agonizing breath and chose the second option. Hell is just a name, but when one suffers through such soul-searing agony one truly comes to understand and appreciate the meaning of anguish, suffering, punishment, and utter hopelessness. Dresden did not know how long he had been suffering but he never gave in to the soul-crushing pain because he knew he was the only one standing between the templars and the fate of humanity. He watched as Payens grabbed his trophy, The Eye of Tamara from the claws of his vanquished enemy. To him, it was just his spoils of war, not some annihilation device.

Two thousand five hundred feet below Elis Island New York in a dimly lit room sixty-nine people were sitting around a stone table each wearing a knight's armor. In the center of the table was a hologram displaying a Globe with intricate lines and patterns, they appeared to be waiting for someone or something. After a few hours, the door opened and Payens entered, he gave his costumery greetings and broke out into a burst of manic laughter, "Hahahahaha! Finally, I have put an end to the last of the League of the so-called assassins, a moment of silence I suppose for their pitiful existence, Oh! Never mind those scum do not even deserve that, let us begin."

Through the unbearable pain, the barely conscious Dresden started counting off the main leaders of Knights of Templar and when he counted all seventy, he laughed at their stupidity. The complete annihilation of the brotherhood made the templars conceited and arrogant. They all assembled at one location to convene their final plan, they were careless in their false sense of victory. Dresden savored this moment for as long as he could, despite the torture his soul was going through. He would finally be able to complete his mission and along the process, wipe that smugness right off their ugly faces. As they say, seconds before Dresden initiated the detonation of The Eye of Tamara, his life flashed before his eyes, he recalled his childhood, the training with his father, the books he read, the friend he made, the movies he watched; he knew that he will cease to exist after this very moment. What would it feel like? Will this pain end? Will there even be anyone that remembered him?

He had endless questions but he finally let go of all his regrets, closed his eyes, and then there was a blinding light everything in a five-mile radius was blasted into oblivion. It was ironic that the Templars and the Brotherhood came to an end on the same day and ultimately their existence became inconsequential in the grand scheme of things.

Hey guys this is my first time writing a fan-fic. I have the complete roadwork/plotline for the story. I will not babysit the Trio and it will be a much more comprehensive world-building. There will be other schools, countries, and OCs. I will also use a lot of other sources including ideas from some fanfiction and the cannon along with the information J.K. Rowling provide. Now I wanted to ask you If you want detailed explanations/small info-dumps in the chapters like the history of the schools, Patronus charm, train, the significance of wand woods and cores, descriptions of magical creatures, etc., or would you want me to just make passing references.

Also, I will try to upload as I write so Uploads may be slow but I do not plan on dropping this anytime soon.

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