
A Gamble on a Calamity?

Shortly after the wolf disappeared, Su Nuan woke up to the sounds of rushed steps and yelling in distance. She opened her eyes and saw it was the hunters' party from the village and her father was leading them with Su Biming hugging tightly her father. she looked at the boy that was out cold still next to her, she couldn't believe he was still alive. She immediately jumped and dashed towards her father arms throwing herself in his embrace, crying.

" Daddy! I'm so sorry... We didn't mean to touch the dead body, the boy got hurt chasing the wolf away" she cried on her dad's shoulder, she pointed with teary eyes. Pointing at the unconscious Jihan on the floor. " Su Cheng rushed to the boy's side and checked his pulse, he sighed in relief.

He looked at the boy's injuries and was shocked at what he saw, it was extremely severe. he thought the kid will probably bleed to death at this rate. But when he examed the boy closely, none of the organs or bones seemed to be injured or fractured.

He was surprised, he immediately waved to the hunters indicating then to scout the area.

"Hurry, we have to get this Kid to Doctor Ju."

Without waiting for Su Chen to say anything else, the hunters go to work immediately as they took out first the aid kits and dressed the wounds as good as they could and hoisted him onto a stretcher. Even moving made Jihan not open his eyes or react, his face was extremely pale and he felt ice cold to the touch. He looked like a corpse that had died for a few hours.

Within a few minutes, they reached the village. Every hunter seemed to be at least 3 times stronger than average human with 4 times the speed. Only two were required to carry him and run at full speed without moving the stretcher too much.

As they ran to the Doctor. All respectively back away as they were greeted by the doctor

"Chief Su, what brings..." but before he could even finish he saw the boy on the stilts bed and he immediately ran over, ignoring everyone else.

"Bring him in Immediately!" the doctor ran into his house, he went to work immediately setting everything in order.

" Who is he? " the doctor Questioned the Chief.

Since the chief personally escorted the lad, it means he must be important, thought Doctor Ju

"We don't know, he saved Su Nuan against a wolf. He doesn't even know her but he saved my daughter, Doctor Ju whatever u must do please save this lad" the Chief politely bowed with a pleading look, as he glanced at the doctor in the corners of he eyes.

"Since we don't know who he is, we don't know if he has relatives, thus we don't have anyone that can donate blood to him. It will be a huge gamble to just give him anyone's else's." the Su Ju said, as he took out his tools...

"We can see this kid had his Spirit Veins and meridians are completely crippled even before this incident... It seems as if someone had tried to forcefully remove them before. Who would do such a monstrous thing... I tried channeling a bit of my spirit power into his body but... Sigh... He will never get past the 3rd stage in this lifetime the Spirit Veins and meridians from the 3rd layers looks completely shattered " Su Ju sighed,

Since he knew more than anyone about ancient lineages, he was one of the strongest and ancient person not just in their village but also surrounding villages. With almost 95 years of cultivating experiences, he was at the 2nd stage of body refinement realm so many people though in the village.

When one achieves body refinement realm one's life span would extend to 150 years minimum and depend on one your foundation that was built in the Vein refinement realm, people would have varying life spans ranging from 150 to 170. There were 7 stages known to man. The initial infant stage Vein refinement, everyone would be born in the vein refinement realm first stage.

Body refinement realm, Core manifestation and when one reaches the sky formation realm they would have the ability to comprehend flight, treading Nascent Soul, Soul refinement, Origin Soul Realm and last but not least treading Nirava realm. It was said someone at the Nirvana, they would be reborn and start shedding the mortal skins and tread the path towards immortality.

They could travel distances of tens of thousands of kilometers within a day using flight. But since the planet's spiritual energy was running dry the highest cultivator to appear in recent years on only 1 stage of soul refinement realm. Where they would develop a divine sense. They could see their surroundings without using eyesight, yet using divine sense would be better than using eyesight.

The chief hesitated for a bit "Use mine, if we don't he will surely die."

The doctor looked deeply at the chief. He waved his wrinkled hands at the chief and nodded his head.

"Giving him your blood would be alright. But this child is not even in the 1st stage of vein refinement. He is completely normal. He does not have a shred of spiritual energy in him. Using your blood would nourish his body and maybe make him step into the first layer but this could lead to him exploding. He is not a cultivator. We don't know who he is, almost everyone will naturally be born in the first stage of vein refinement but him... He is complete;y... sigh... I don't even know " Su Ju, shook his head.

Su Chen knew what that meant. Using a practitioner's blood in the 9th layer would cause the boy's body to explode since first of all his Spirit Veins and meridians were crippled they wouldn't have a place to flow causing the remaining Spirit Veins and meridians to expand and burst to cause more damage. But just as Su Chen was gloating about it, Su Ju returned with an old book he stored up in a secret location. " Maybe he doesn't need to cultivate pass the 3rd layer but we can save him if we use it instead.... Improve his constitution using the body cultivation to make his constitution stronger so he could heal up..." he said placing the old book in front of Su Chen.

" You saying...." Su Chen was shocked, doing this was forbidden... He heard of consequences of this before. This was the reason why no one could become stronger than body refinement stage.

There was a lack of spiritual energy on the planet was extremely scarce. If they allowed him to practice this Body practitioners art, his body would unconsciously absorb the surrounding energy making him stronger without doing anything. They would have to completely transform his body constitution and structure. By using this forbidden technique, his meridians would have to be removed and dissolved them into his skin, bones, organs. Since the body refinement realm was to use the spiritual energy to temper the body, flesh, blood, organs, and bones, by doing this it would be like skipping Vein refinement realm but he would have to start from the bottom in terms of strength far lower than the average human even that didn't even cultivate... They knew that usually this art was forbidden. It had been lost for thousands of years and their Su family was the protector of this art. The practitioners that do the practice of this forbidden art would usually go berserk since of the lack of energy in the air and start slaughtering people and consuming their flesh and blood for the energy when they become too strong.

During ancient times, body practitioners thrived and dominated the planet, they cleared the endless forest and killed most of the powerful beasts. But because their bodies continuously absorb spiritual energy. They Continuously becoming stronger.

Eventually, their bodies grew to the point where they could not supplement the demand and they started losing their minds, not distinguishing friend from foe and started slaughtering everyone and consuming everything. Until eventually their own bodies consumed themselves. Like when your body is starved for weeks it starts to burn and eat its own meat and fat for survival. For both Doctor Ju and Su Chen, this was a very difficult decision. They could be the cause of a calamity or they can save the boy.

Su Chen sighed " The spiritual energy is not like it was in the past, so just consuming beast meat and eating a lot would probably be his only limit". Doctor Ju pondered a bit before agreeing as well. Knowing this would backfire in the future if the tried cultivating.

Since he would remain at the first layer forever, but once he goes berzerk. And accidentally consume the flesh of a fellow cultivator. He would become a Bloodthirsty monster that would do it continuously. It was said that once a certain number of practitioners was consumed. The person that practice this forbidden art would then recreate his own Spirit Veins and meridians from his enemies absorbing everything it would not stop even when the entire Spirit Veins and meridians we formed since the body would keep being starved of spiritual energy.

" Doctor Ju its a gamble I am willing to make, I don't know how I will face my daughter if he dies... U know our family... And all the females' ways. We cannot back down now. Its too late" Su Chen said, walking up to the book opening it up, and started creating the formation for the operation.

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