
Chapter 2:Where am i!?

Is this how my life going to end?,hah…just as I thought that man is dangerous ,well there's nothing can change my fate now. if this is how going to end.. please god if you're there just delete my data in my computer.....(I slowly losing my consciousness)and…tell my aunt…s…orr...




Hmm..?,I heard some noise it's voice is very high..,it's so cold but sometimes it's warm..,what is this feeling...?it's feels like I'm..alive..??.....wait a minute..alive ?..and I can feel and think too,...don't tell me I survive that accident..,no! it's impossible to survive that kind of attack and it's pierce right through my heart…,then…WHAT THE HELL IS GOINGG ONN!!!?.

Just calm down self, first things first let's analyze the situation,I'm Haruno,Ichiba just a normal college student in Tokyo ,I have no parent's ,my auntie adopted me,I leave my auntie and take care on my own,and later that year I am at my apartment reading my favorite novel ..and I decided that I'm going to buy some snacks because I'm hungry but some unexpected accident that happened.. I have been killed..,then why I can think and feel??..wait if I can do that…then maybe..,I started moving my body thinking if I have but I felt pain?,I insist to move and my guess is correct… I have a body…I started to open my eyes slowly it's blurred but it slowly became clearer.

''W-WHA!??..''.when I finally can see I saw many trees surrounded me,I tried to speak but I stopped ,the scenery in front of me is very bizarre the mountain has different colors or should I say has many colors it has green,cyan,and brown on it and the trees is very enormous most of them is 100m height but the most surprising is there's a sun but surrounded by a 3 large spheres or just like a moon..


Wait a minute.. IS THIS THEY CALLED REINCARNATED!??,Just calm down me this is not like you ''.I calmed down myself.

''If I'm really reincarnated then…maybe there's swords and magic here? And magical beast or dungeons?then if that's the case no this must be it just looking by the surroundings it's really different from earth and that spheres moon- like around the sun ,everything around here is nonexistent compared to earth and I must pretty lucky because this is my dream world I'm hoping to happen in my life back then on earth but there's one thing is amiss here….