
The Golden Coin- Part 3

The game master quickly tipped the five metal cups on their side to reveal they were empty. He then produced the metal ball and placed it in front of the centre cup. Quickly flipping all the cups upright and obscuring the ball from sight, the game master began rapidly moving the cups around, the clinking of the metal ball on the metal cups was the only indication that the ball was still present on the board. Soon, the cups were stopped and the game master took his hands away from the table and folded them behind his back.

"Now, please pick the cup you think the ball is in. There are numbered buttons in front of you as well as a number pad. Simply enter your bet with the number pad and then press one of the numbered buttons to select the cup. They are numbered 1 to 5 in order of left to right."

Kye put in the minimum bet of 10 on the number pad and then pressed the number button 3, signifying he would choose the middle cup. Kye felt as though there was a simple trick to this and was using this bet as a control for his theory. Following what he knew to be the cup that housed the ball with his eyes was likely going to result in a lost bet, otherwise, those with enhanced vision from their crests would be at a significant advantage but Kye had no way of knowing for sure.

Soon all the bets were placed and the game master flipped all the cups to reveal the ball was under cup number 4.

"Bets on cup 4 win. Congratulations to the successful better."

The man next to Kye pumped his fist as he collected his winnings and they were placed on his card. The game master showed a crystal screen to the man to show his winnings and the new balance of chips before placing the ball back in front of the centre cup and repeating the shuffling process. This time Kye closed his eyes and listened for the sound of the metal ball rolling around and striking the sides of the metal cups. Intelligently, the table was lined with a fine fabric that absorbed sound so once the cups came to a stop, Kye could no longer hear anything coming from the cups, yet Kye was confident that he had the correct cup this time.

"Please place your bets."

The game master folded his arms behind his back and waited for those seated to place their bets. Kye entered the number 100 on the number pad and then placed the bet on cup 1. The game master flipped all the cups to reveal the ball laying under cup 1 and Kye smirked. The game master smiled at Kye.

"Bets on cup 1 win. Congratulations to the young master on his successful bet."

The game master showed him the crystal screen and showed that he won 145 chips in that bet, making him 35 chips in profit. Kye smiled and let the game master reset the game. Now that he knew the technique, he was going to enjoy making some chips.

--30 minutes later--

"Y-you win again young master. Congratulations."

This was Kye's 30th successful bet in a row and he was now 1235 chips in profit from when he started. Normally, the pit manager would have backed Kye off from the table but he was a VVIP, they couldn't back him off without higher authority from one of the higher floor managers. Luckily for the pit manager, Kye could sense that he was ruining the game for the other betters and stood up.

"It was a very enjoyable game, thanks."

The game master gave a shaky smile.

"Our pleasure."

Kye nodded his head and then left the table with Vanessa. Kye locked his hands together and stretched his back.

"Well, I suppose we shouldn't delay any longer, lets's head up."

"Of course young master."

Kye walked to the stairs and climbed them rapidly. At the top of the stairs, there were two men with discrete metal breastplates hidden under their long jackets. They each had a sword strapped to their waists and gauntleted hands. As Kye approached, they didn't stop him and opened the doors for him. It was clear that the butler had given them Kye's description and told them to let them pass unfettered. Kye entered the VIP floor and looked around for room number 1 briefly before spotting it at the back of the foyer.

Kye swung the door open and nearly all the people in the room turned to see who had joined them. Upon seeing Kye, several sneered while others smiled brightly and walked over to greet him.

"Young master Runewalker, such a great honour to have you amongst us this evening!"

"Yes, it is most exciting. You caused quite a stir at her highnesses birthday even before the incident. I was remiss that I failed to get a chance to converse with you then!"

Kye shook both of the young men's hands before moving on to greet several others similarly. Kye made his way through the friendly nobles before finally arriving at the first prince's table. Justin smiled at Kye and motioned to an empty chair.

"Please Kye, have a seat."

"Thank you very much."

Vanessa pulled his chair out for him and he sat down at the table with Justin and three other people, two females and another male.

"Kye, let me introduce you to my close friends here. The young gentleman across from me is Hammel Kristoph, successor to the Kristoph family which owns a large trading port on the coast."

Hammel then nodded his head politely to Kye and raised his glass.

"A pleasure."


Justin smiled and then looked to his left and right at the young noble ladies on either side of him.

"The charming young lady to my right is Heather Maruva, the last remaining member of the great Maruva house."

She gave a sad smile at the mention of her house but shook it off and extended her hand to Kye.

"Charmed to make your acquaintance, young master Runewalker."

Kye took her hand and kissed it.

"Always a pleasure to make the acquaintance of such a pretty young lady."

A small blush crept up on her cheeks and her smile widened as she withdrew her hand back to her side. Justin nodded and then looked to his left.

"This tomboy on my left is Lucia Ardenal, first daughter of the Archduke House of Ardenal."

Lucia punched Justin in the arm.


"Who are you calling a tomboy?"

She shook her head before offering her hand to Kye for a handshake.

"Nice to see another Archduke child at this gathering. Hard to find someone to speak with on the same level since status matters so much to everyone here."

Kye accepted the handshake and nodded in agreement.

"I have to admit, talking in such a manner befitting a noble does wear on me. Yet, politics is a game ruled by courtesy and manners. To disregard them is to lose before you start."


A butler walked up to their table and placed a blue crystalline glass in front of Kye. It was filled with a still clear liquid. Kye tilted his head slightly and Justin laughed.

"It's a rather strong liquor imported from the Northern Tribes. They call it 'vodka'. It's a bit of a ritual of induction here that you have to keep down at least a sip of the drink before you're one of us."

Kye nodded a few times in understanding before bringing the glass up to his lips and tilting his head back, letting the clear liquid flow down his throat. He finished the glass and placed it back on the table.

"It's certainly strong. I think I'll skip the next round though."

The others at the table laughed in amusement at Kye's joke as the butler brought Kye a glass of flavoured water to help wash the taste of the spirit out of his mouth. They spent a few minutes chatting about gossip before Justin looked at Kye.

"So Kye, I hear you're going for preliminary military service soon?"

"That's right."

Justin's smile ran from his face as he continued.

"I would postpone that if I were you."


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