
Pride of a Marine Part 2

Luffy was not restrained and brought to the bandit leader. Luffy looked into the leader's eyes and showed no fear. He had successfully completed his mission and rescued the prisoners. He showed confidence and arrogance in front of everyone which further enraged the leader. The leader was already in pain from his arm being burnt and seeing the winning smile from Luffy mocking up was too much to handle. The leader went up to Luffy and started pummeling luffy with punches. The punches did no damage to Luffy, so Luffy continued to just smile back at the enraged bandit. The bandit realized that his efforts were futile and something wasn't adding up correctly. After pondering for alittle bit he finally spoke up.

"He burned my arm so lets rip his off" he bellowed. One of the Leader's men walked up and tried pulling his arm from it's socket. Then something unexpected happened and all the bandits were astonished to see that the arm began stretching. The bandit leader's eyes widened finally realizing that he was dealing with a devil fruit user. He had heard of the legends surrounding the Devil Fruits. It was said that these fruits were born from the ocean and inside lay devil spirits. Upon eating these Devil Fruits, the devil spirit would then occupy the persons body but they wouldn't take over the body completely. These devils would manifest themselves and acclimate to the host by granting them command over powers of God's. The powers come with restrictions though. The people that consume devil fruits can no longer be able to swim. If they were to swim in the seas they would immediately become weighs and sink to the depths of the sea. There was also a limit of one devil fruits per person. If one were to consume more than one devil fruit, it is said that the two devil spirits would then compete with one another and the person's body would implode. "Looks like he ate Devil Fruit men. Were gonna have to find another way to torture this boy". said the Leader.

"Hehe I ate the Rubber Rubber Fruit im a rubber man". replied Luffy.

"Time to wipe that smile of your face" responded the bandit leader who then grinned like he was about to have to fun.

The bandit leader then proceeded to pick up one of the empty bottles on the floor and smashed it in front of Luffy's face. The glass was smashed into shards which cut Luffy all over. One of the biggest shards was stuck in his left cheek. "AHHHH" Luffy cried out. This was the first time Luffy truly felt pain. Luffy's face was covered in glass. Blood was trickling down his cheeks, forhead, under his eyes, and his chin. Luffy was hurting so badly however he still refused to show fear. He still looked straight at the bandit refusing to let go. The moment he does he knows he will lose all hope. The boy still had the audacity to smile after all that infuriated the leader. "Time to end this" spoke the leader and he took out his bow and arrow and readied a shot at Luffy's heart. "Any last words?' said the leader. Luffy continued to smile knowing this is the end. The arrow was locked and loaded and the bandit was about to release the arrow he hears.

'Ice Lance"

Hundred of Ice cycles come out of nowhere and pierce through all the bandits. The ones that were lucky to survive were instantly frozen.

"Lucky i made it in time. Your grandfather would kill me if something happened to you."

Luffy realizes that Aokiji had come to rescue him. After mustering all his strength to show no fear in front of his enemy, the pain takes over and Luffy passes out. Aokiji catches the boy in his arms and carries him out of the bandits base. On the way to the marine base, Luffy finally wakes up. "Uncle Ao" he softly speaks. "What is it Luffy?" replies the admiral. "Im too weak" he sadly cries out. Luffy reveals a pitiful look. Luffy knows that he is not strong enough and that he felt completely helpless. His confidence surely took a hit today. Aokiji sees the defeated boy and wants to encourage him. "Luffy you are still so young and have yet to walk the path of a marine. However today you should Bravery, Courage, Leadership, and Honor. These are traits you need as a marine." Aokiji proudly says. "The path of the marine is arduous and dangerous. You saved the prisoners and completed your mission. A marine has to be brave but also needs to know his limits. Although you saved the prisoners you were reckless and sacraficed your self to save the prisoners. Only act when you are hundred percent sure of success. There can be no stupid marines at the top" Aokiji continues to lecture Luffy. " I am so proud of you Luffy! I hope to see you rise and stand next to me one day. The day you become a marine just know it's along way up to the top. You must train, fight and struggle your way through many forces. You need to be intelligent and fierce against your enemies. Travel the world and create your own brand of Justice and most of all have the "Will" to never give up and stand at the top. Once you have that you can reign supreme over all.

After pondering the wise words of Aokiji luffy starts to regain his confidence. Luffy nods and softly whispers "I will. I am a Marine" and drifts off to sleep. Aokiji brings luffy to his cabin aboard Garp's ship and lays Luffy in bed. With Luffy sound asleep and begining to snore, Aokiji says one last thing before leaving. "Luffy grow up to be a strong marine. The world out there is dangerous and you must always maintain a calm head and always survey your situation. Use your experiences and intuition to see the truth of the world. What you saw today is only the begining of a small darkness that lives out there. Don't be reckless and if you see the truth don't be so hasty build your strength and then fight....Dont be like your.....parents. Aokiji then sighs and slowly leaves the cabin.

Aokiji makes his way up to the starboard side of the ship where he sees Garp sitting on a chair munching down snacks. He walks up to the railing looking out into the seas and stares out into the horizons.

"That brat is gonna be the death of me" says Garp.

"He did well today reminded me of his old man though hes gonna need to serious training before he enlists. I do not want him to become a fodder marine." replies Aokiji

"Do not mention that traitor to me Aokiji!!!!" roars Garp.

Aokiji sighs knowing he mispoke and tries to change the subject. He finally speaks after the awkward silence. "Luffy isn't the type to listen to orders so I am going to develop a new department to allow Luffy to work within the Marines but still maintain his freedom. What do you think?"

"Hmm not bad punk I like that idea. Who knows the balance of power might turn once he develops. Right now the three powers are maintaining the world balance right now. Those punks from the government won't know what hit them. HAHAHA". Garp smirks as he looks up into the sky.