
Death and Wishes

Mark was walking down the street while thinking *Man i cant wait to play my new game one I'm back at the appartment* as Mark was walking doun the same path he had taken more than a tousand time from his home to the game store, he suddenly heard a scream coming from the alleyway not too far in front of him.

"Fuck, I'm not going that way no sir" as Mark turned around and slowly walked back towars the way je came from intending to go and report what he heard to the cops ant the junction not far away, he suddenly belt something bumap into him and hit him hard making him fall into the road where he saw a truck coming his way.

*Fuck im dead* thought Mark as he was on the ground when suddenly he felt someones hand grab his foot and pull him back as the truck went past him narrowly missing his head. He gets back up and looks behind to see that a man had pulled him back. After thanking the man and reporting what he ad sean Mark decides to take the bus back home.

On reaching home Mark went to his dridge and microwaved a redy made meal and went to the couch redy to play the game when he suddenly started chocking. Luckily as he was chocking his roommate came into the room and mangaed to help Mark just in time preventing his death."Thanks man. I owe you one"Mark tell his roommate who replies "hey no worries, bow I get to tell people i managed to save you from chocking on a sausage. hahaha" "yeah, yeah laugh it up but them sausages be deadly man" replies Mark". "Sure anyways im headed to bed, Goodnight" Mark's roommate says. "Goodnight" replies Mark.

At around ten Mark finally decide to save his game and go to sleep but as he is headed to his room he slips on the tin foil from his meal and hits his head on the edge of the table resulting in his death.


"Finally damn that tok a while" said Rob "now he should be coming here. But he managed to get quite a few point before passing man that took a while."

With Mark

"Where in Gods saggy balls did i land?" shouted Mark looking around all he saw was a white background with a table and chair not too far from him."Come mortal, thou has died to table kun and as such is entitled 4 wishes but none of the three O's" came a voice that startled Mark caysing him to jup and nearly fall on the table.

"So im getting reincarnated huh. Allright befor i choose my wishes can you amswer a few questions like whye and will i get to choose whe i go or whether I'll get to keep my memories?" Mark said outloud. "Yes thou shall keep thy memories and shall be able to choose what world thou reincarnates into along with as whom or a new person in that world. Before thou asks yes all the movie, tv and cartoon worlds are real and you may choose from them to be reincarnated into.The reason thou was chosen and thou was given 4 wishes is because thou managed to escape from knife kun,truck kun,sausage kun and explosion kun.

*Man i really got lucky huh* "Alright for my first wish i want a system that allows me to learn and progress and has an inventory, store,summon, mission function and a lottery function. Next i want all the knowledge on how to do what instantly by that i mean like make mills, steel and a bunch of other stuff. Next i want instant mastery and lastly I want magic."

"Very well it shall be done as thou wishes" replied Rob. " Now where, when, and as whom does thou want to be reincarnated into.""I want to be reincarnated into ASOIAF as Lord Magnar high Lord of Skagos after Roberts rebellion"said Mark. "Very well ith will be done. Now off with thee"says ROB throwing Mark down an endless hole.