
Rise of the Lycan Matriarch System

In the middle of the night, Cayna's parents wake her in a panic. "The Sycadian wolf hunters are here, we must flee!" This begins the worst night of her life. Instead of managing to escape like they have done countless times before, it all goes wrong, she loses everything. The worst part is that she doesn't even know why. With questions, regrets and rage in her heart, Cayna curses her lot in life. Yet it is not the end. There is a way forward. A mysterious guide from the past offers her a choice, die in obscurity, powerless to fight the forces that hunt her. Or, if she pays the price, survive to fight another day with a powerful system. So begins a journey of high stakes adventure, of loyal companions, of steamy romances, of dark treachery, of ancient secrets and of the ultimate redemption of the lycan race. So begins the Rise of the Lycan Matriarch System.

NovelPleeb · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
16 Chs

Morningstar (18+)

"Your royal quarry has escaped, elder Nuka." A voice said in the darkness.

Nuka's eyes shot open, and he leaped into a crouch. He looked at his hands. They were back to his human form, the only signs that he wasn't really human being the dark claws on his hands and feet.

A figure moved in the darkness, face hidden in a low hood. "Get dressed. The Morningstars determine their next move." They said, throwing him a bindle of clothes.

Nuka snarled as he snatched the items out of the air and hurried to dress himself. Once he was dressed, he joined the mysterious man outside the room.

They were in an underground complex. It was a secret facility that only a few of the higher ups in the Sycadian government knew of. As well as some other more shady characters that Nuka didn't have any clue as to their identity. Probably agents from other nations and factions. It was impossible to tell who was really pulling the strings. All he knew was that, at Morningstar, it had to be a powerful and organized group.

How did Nuka, once hunted by the Sycadian government as their highest profile target, become a pawn of this secret organization? The man beside him, if he be called a man, is responsible. Finding him in the wilderness and bringing him into the fold, he was shown many things once believed to be impossible.

The complete and total domination and control of the lycan matriarch covenant being one of those things. In the old days, the alphas were beholden to the matriarchs in terms of hierarchy. It was a woman, after all, that create the covenant with Tetriel. What if that line of authority could be changed however?

Morningstar, an organization older than Nuka could guess, discovered a way. The problem is that they needed a living matriarch subject to complete their experiment. It didn't end with taking control of the matriarchs either. They had much grander plans that would shake the foundation of power in all of Elitar.

Nuka, being the eldest of the clan, had sway over the remaining alphas. They obeyed him and with the technology of Morningstar implemented, his control over their wild wills was absolute. Or so he had thought.

He had lost his hold over his assassin. Something knocked his alpha link out without even trying. It wasn't just her matriarch command. It shouldn't have been nearly strong enough to cancel out his control. Especially with the enhancements on his power.

Something had been bothering him ever since he had almost had the matriarch within his grasp. Nothing had gone right. He had her in her alpha link, but then… something happened. He was cut off of her and something awoke inside of her. That's what he sensed. Before his eyes, literally in a blink, she was made into a complete lycan, not only that, but fully inherited her matriarch heritage. It was unprecedented.

What could possibly do that? No one at Morningstar had given him an explanation, though he had the deep suspicion that they knew more about this than they were choosing to reveal. That was fine, Nuka is one of the cursed immortals. He had plenty of time to sniff out their schemes and climb through their levels of initiation. He would find out the truth and he will realize his ultimate goal. No matter what.

The man walking beside him was his usual quiet self. He almost never made conversation first and it would be awkward walking alongside him for great lengths of time. Nuka hated when it got quiet for too long. Eventually, he had to say something.

"Where is the matriarch? You said she escaped. How did that even happen?" he said, the memory of his failures eating at his insides like acid worms.

"Morrigan came to their aid and flew them over the mountains." The man said as if he was describing something of no particular note. He was always like this when not in combat. Nuka, on the other hand, seethed.

"Morrigan? You let them get away? How are we supposed to capture them now? The realm of Scythis is too dangerous." He said, clenching his jaws and fists. The rage swelled within him like a red hot wave. He wanted to reach at the nearest thing and shred it to bits. He restrained himself however.

"The Morrigan destroyed the drones sent to their location. No effort has been made by the Sycadian government to mount a pursuit. They do not want to risk war with the shades." The man said. Nuka knew that everything he just said made sense. Still, he hated it. He had waited so long for this day and now, in a matter of mere days it all slipped from his grasp!

"What are we going to do about it?" Nuka said, demanding that there be action.

"Hunt them, of course." He said in his maddeningly passive voice. Nuka bit back his response. He hated not being in control. At least when he was in hiding he was the highest authority in his circle of influence. The alphas listened and obeyed him just fine before the meddling of Morningstar. Now he had more control over his subjects. Yet he was just as much servant as they were and there was no way out now.

Nuka and the man traveled by elevator to a sub level and came to a room where several lycans in lab coats were monitoring gestation pods and equipment.

They bowed to Nuka as he entered. He walked by them, chin high and imperious as all good rulers must appear to their subjects. He wondered if he was fooling any of them. Because he felt more like a dog on a leash brought along by his master.

They came to a stop by a female lycan who was busy with reading hologram reports about their latest experiment.

"Subjects eleven and 132 are failures. Survival time is only five minutes from birth." The woman said with a frustrated grunt. One of the other scientists tried to be more positive.

"That's a thirty percent increase from the last one ma'am." He said. The female lycan's hand flashed out like a dagger, striking the man across the eyes. He screamed and held a hand to his eyes. She grabbed him by the collar and proceeded to beat him in the face until his skull was caved in. She dropped the twitching man on the ground, still alive despite his gruesome wounds. Such is the vitality of the cursed immortals.

"Get this trash out of my sight," she said, not caring that she was getting blood all over her clothes. A couple guards grabbed him roughly and hauled him away. The other scientists eyed here with fear in their eyes. They did not want her ire to be turned at them next. Yet they could not avoid her fury entirely. "Get back to work!" she said, giving them all a menacing growl.

Suddenly she sniffed at the air and whipped her head around. Her eyes went wide with pleasure at the sight of Nuka, who continued to appear sullen. She sauntered towards the men, making sure to exaggerate the undulating of her hips as she moved. She kneeled before Nuka, a sultry smile on her lips.

"My lord." She said, looking up at him with wanton eyes.

Nuka, despite his foul mood, was not unaffected by her lustful gave. Indeed, his desires stirred within him, but right now he needed to focus.

"Arise, Arina. We come on behest of the hunter. Direct yourself to him." He said and she bowed her head in acquiescence.

"Yes, my lord." She said and directed her attention to the man beside Nuka, who everyone knew simply as 'the hunter' since his real identity was completely unknown. Her demeanor was not nearly so warm and inviting as it had been towards Nuka. She was far less friendly than Nuka would have liked, seeing as the hunter had much more clout than he did inside the Morningstar organization.

"How may I be of assistance, sir?" she said, her eyes barely hiding their revulsion of the hunter.

The man moved to a gestation pod and placed a hand on it. "I need a pack. They will be going through phase two transformations. You have three days."

Arina shook as she glared at the man. How dare he order her in front of her lord! She knew she could not deny his request however. Nuka had been very clear that their word is law, just as his word is law. In her thoughts, she wished the man would die a horrible death, preferably by her own two hands. Along with anyone who deems themselves her lord's masters. She bit her tongue and bowed again, albeit very stiff in manner.

"You will have you pack, hunter." She said.

"I will be back in three days. See that it is done." He said and left them, not even bothering to acknowledge Nuka upon his exit. Once he disappeared on the elevator, Arina rounded on Nuka, her fury barely contained. She pawed at Nuka's clothes, rubbing up against him like a bitch in heat.

"My lord, one day you will crush their skulls under your feet. The indignities you have to endure! I can barely stand it! Wait until you have your rightful kingdom with the might of the lycan hordes to sweep them from the face of Eldyon. Oh my lord, would that my vision of your greatness come true right this moment." She said, shivering at the joyful thought.

Nuka let her writhe against him, even amongst all the other lycans working on the gestation project. No one paid them any heed. The alphas made sure not to catch Nuka's eyes while the females dared not do the same with Arina.

Nuka, already frustrated could not resist his paramour's charms any longer. He began to growl deep in his throat. Arina mewled and her eyes gleamed in triumph.

"Please my lord. Allow my body to comfort you." She said, rubbing at the front of his pants. His member grew at her ministrations. "Yes, my lord's desire is clear. Let me please you." She dropped to her knees and opened her mouth, letting Nuka see deep down her throat as she displayed herself lewdly for the benefit of his imagination.

Losing his patience, he grabbed her by her curly, brown hair and began to drag her to her office.

"Oh yes!" Arina said, her eyes tearing at the pain of her hair being tugged. They were tears of joy. Nuka thrust her into the room where she landed in a heap. Immediately she prostrated herself in front of him. "My lord will bless me with his lust!"

Nuka closed the door and walked around Arina, coming to the desk chair. He began to remove his clothes. For a moment, his eyes shined and he sent his alpha link towards Arina. She arched her back in pleasure.

"My lord!" she said, ecstasy shooting through her body. "Again, my lord, please!" he obliged her, more forcefully this time. She writhed on the ground. "Oh yes!" the waves of pleasure had her salivating.

Nuka stood, naked now, his member standing proud. Arina locked her eyes on his raging manhood. Drool spilled from her begging lips.

"Please." She said, grabbing at her clothes and ripping them off. "Please let me taste you."

"Come Arina. Your lord needs you now." He said as he sat back on the chair.

Arina wasted no time crawling towards him, a half crazed look in her eyes at the twitching penis in front of her. She gripped it, stroked it, shuddering in pleasure. "My lord. You honor me." She said, elation in her countenance. "Now, I will please you to your fill."

In the next moment, she took him and for the next two hours, she pleased Nuka until at last they collapsed from their sexual play. Nuka's seed lay inside her womb and she touched her belly, a pang of anger flowing through her in that moment, knowing that no matter how many times he lay with her, they would never beget children. Only the matriarchs could birth lycans. Even with all the technological advancements of Morningstar, all efforts to create artificial specimens has ended in failure.

If only the matriarch would have been captured and brought to them! She would have been put to good use. Then, when her power is extracted and repurposed, Arina would dispose of the false queen and rise in her stead. Alongside her lord, Nuka, as it should be.

Her lord brooded now that his desire was spent. She reached out to touch his sweating body, loving the feel of his muscular body. He had so much on his shoulders. She would do anything to help him bear that momentous weight. Give anything.

She pressed her body, relishing his scent and the way their sweat slick bodies slid across each other. Still he was silent. It was so like him. Nuka's passion was a blazing fire but in the next moment he could be as still as a shadow on a windless day. She knew that no one but him could have endured this long. It was Nuka's strength and leadership that allowed the alphas to survive long enough for Morningstar to bring them under their wing. Though being underneath their umbrella always made her nervous. She understood how serious a predicament they were in. Yet Nuka, her beloved lord, was here to lead them to a new day, the same as he had for all these past centuries.

Eventually, she felt him stir. His muscles, which had been as still as stone for a long while shifted. He leaned back and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her into his lap. She giggled like a little girl, curling into his massive bulk.

"My lord." She said, relishing that he was giving her attention. Then she saw that he was smiling, a far off look in his eyes.

"Yes, it is almost here." He said in a slight daze. He stroked her body. She splayed herself for him, allowing him to touch her as he wished, making appreciative sounds as he was in the throes of his far sight, a gift that many of the elders of the old days of Lycia once boasted. Now he is the only one left. "My time is coming." He said, slipping a hand to her sex.

"Oh." She said, shivering at his touch. His fingers slipped into her and soon she was building towards an orgasm. She screamed when it hit, her juices flowing over Nuka's hand.

Nuka's far sight made him barely aware of his doings. His body was reacting however, and his member rose, poking into Arina's back. She shouted a loud squeal and kissed Nuka's unmoving lips.

"I cannot see your glorious vision, my lord but I will bring us there together in ecstasy." She said. She readjusted herself and settled herself on his member. She moved her hips at her own pace, moaning and crying out her lord's name as he stared out, unseeing his surroundings, lost in a place he has been seeing in visions for centuries. It filled his mind with madness.

Now that was interesting... Well, Nuka is apparently being driven crazy by visions and his lead scientist is a complete nymphomaniac. This can only end one way... Badly... But for who? Stay with me until the end to find out! Be well everyone and please stay safe out there.

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