
Three Months

'I was in Ziltris' memories for three months?'

This was the first he was hearing of this.

Besides, he woke up to find himself a Grandmaster and suspended in the air after battling the corruption trying to encroach his mind.

He acted swiftly because he knew his next moves, and that led to the current situation.

'I need to know what happened'

With Severus in the space ring a while ago, he went to those nearby moments before he awoke.

Talking to the squad leaders, he pieced up the process leading up to his awakening.

'An orb of elements sheltered my body, and I absorbed it when I woke up?'

The story was incredulous, but with the reports matching, Ezra could only believe.

For he noticed that his presence was far lower than what normal grandmasters gave off, yet his attack power was not lacking compared to them.

'I've never heard of a grandmaster advancement looking like that before'

Next chapter